生死卡本谷吧 关注:70贴子:281
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有兴趣折腾或制作10的MOD,可以试一下.另外LZ还在了解这个工具.另外导入10的车模建议用ZModeler V2.0.7和ZModeler V2.2.1,因为其它版本的ZM可能会打不开模型,总之这两个版本是能打开的.

1楼2019-01-27 17:01回复
    2楼2019-01-27 17:01

      3楼2019-01-27 17:01

        4楼2019-01-27 17:04
          对了,LZ刚刚发现里面没包含NFS:Carbon Geometry Compiler和NFS:Carbon Texture Compiler,这两个一个是做完后转成10的BIN模型的,另一个是把贴图打包成10的BIN贴图文件的。
          NFS:Carbon Geometry Compiler
          - support uncompressed ZModeler v1.x .z3d file format;
          - support popular .obj that is available many 3d
          - autosculpt feature - you can create your own parts
          that will be automatically converts to autosculpt
          - compile multiple files into one geometry.bin, that
          mean if you have in the same folder more than one
          source file (.z3d or .obj) then compiler will import
          data from all this files except files that have a
          '_e' at the end of name (eg. bodykits_e.z3d);
          - automatically convert parts, textures and materials
          names (eg. miata_base_a, miata_BASE_a => MIATA_BASE_A);
          - prefix feature - you can create a template parts like
          base_a (.z3d or .obj), %_MISC (text files) that will
          be replaced to full names like miata_base_a at
          - execute script - after compilling gc.cmd will be
          executed, in this file you can add any commands eg.:
          copy geometry.bin "e:\nfsc\cars\miata\geometry.bin",
          that mean that geometry from folder where is nfsgc.exe
          will be copied into e:\nfsc\cars\miata\geometry.bin;
          - linking parts - game use LOD system, so there are a
          quality levels, generic from _A (best) to _E (worst).
          You can use link feature to copy original parts as
          this quality levels. Of course you can also create
          another parts for ex. copy kit01 to kit02;
          NFS:Carbon Texture Compiler
          - creates textures.bin archives from textures in Direct
          Draw Surface format (.dds);
          - supports DXT1 and DXT5 compression types;
          - compatible with NFS:Carbon and NFS:ProStreet;
          - maximum texture dimensions are 2048 x 2048 pixels;
          - execute script - after compilling tc.cmd will be
          executed, in this file you can add any commands eg.:
          copy textures.bin "e:\nfsc\cars\miata\textures.bin",
          that mean that geometry from folder where is
          will be copied into e:\nfsc\cars\miata\textures.bin;
          - direct folder feature - that mean if you create
          'texture' folder where is Compiler's .exe then popup
          dialog for Open File will be not executed. Compiler
          will search textures into this folder;

          5楼2019-01-28 10:55