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Eerieempty streets, buildings taken over by vines, rusting underwater tanks inhabited by fish, these are the dramatic images of the places that time forgot.
In this abandoned fishing village on Shengshan Island, Zhejiang province, China, vines climb the old stone walls, weave through the windows and doors and creep along the crumpling paths. The fishing village has been 'reclaimed' by mother nature. There is no sign of life other than the animals, birds and insects which have taken over.
Time stands still in the village on Shengshan Island - one of almost 400 that make up the Shengsi Islands to the east of China's Zhejiang province. What was once a thriving fishing hub has been long deserted and naturally transformed into a green jungle of tangled plants and neglected buildings.

IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端1楼2015-07-14 14:48回复
    Greenhouses everywhere: Clothed in vines and leaves, the former fishing village is a sight to behold.The pictures were taken by a Shanghai-basedamateurphotographer.

    IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端2楼2015-07-14 14:50
      The temple sites of the Historic City of Ayutthaya, an UNESCO World Heritage Center since 13 December 1991 is the setting for this incredible shot of the head of Buddha nestled within a tree, a touristic highlight of Wat Maha That.

      IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端4楼2015-07-14 14:53
        Ice ice baby: A Russian shipyard in a small bay south of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is the setting for this collection of rusting former glories surrounded by snow and ice.

        IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端5楼2015-07-14 14:54
          Once the home to hundreds of German miners seeking their fortune in the Namibian desert, almost 100 years after Kolmanskop peaked as a thriving and bustling oasis, it is now a dilapidated ghost town slowly being reclaimed by the shifting sands. The only visitors are tourists and ghost hunters.
          Photographer Enrique Lopez-Tapia took this photo of one of the surviving houses, venturing inside the document room knee deep in sand. The wooden houses, large and opulent, were built in the middle of the desert by wealthy German miners. Now sand dunes rule.
          摄影师Enrique Lopez-Tapia冒险淌进挤满齐膝深沙子的资料室,拍了其中一间遗留下来的房间照片。木制的房屋宽敞而豪华,可以看出它曾被德国富矿工们建在沙漠中央。而今沙丘统治占领了一切。

          IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端6楼2015-07-14 14:56
            The pictures all share one theme - that once nature finds a way, it soon takes over and transforms the space into something compellingly beautiful.

            IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端7楼2015-07-14 14:56
              Fish food: Truk Lagoon, once considered the most formidable of all Japanese strongholds in the Pacific, is now the site for an underwater military graveyard. A tank lies rusting on the main deck of a sunken ship in the Federated States of Micronesia.

              IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端8楼2015-07-14 14:57
                The Valley of the Mills is an old abandoned flour mill in Sorrento, Italy that was gradually abandoned over the years. The humid environment created a micro-climate that reportedly proved favourable to ferns which covered the ruins in a layer of rich green flora. Tourists can visit the green wonder via stone ramps down into the valley, or gaze down upon the ruins from above.
                磨坊村(The Valley of the Mills)是意大利索伦托的一家破旧废弃面粉厂,它被弃置多年。其中潮湿的环境创造了一个据说有利于蕨类生长的微气候。图中可以看到那片茂密的绿色植物便是盖住废墟的蕨类植物。游客们顺着石头斜坡可以进入村庄,参观这抹绿色惊奇。他们也可以从上面俯视这片废墟。

                IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端9楼2015-07-14 14:57