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有关1953年9月北约演习中伊阿华号与前卫号的报道,可信的文字有MalcolmMuir的Iowa-classbattleships一书第31页 ”在北大西洋中伊阿华号曾达到左右各26度的横摇(而同时间前卫号则经历到15度横摇)。”
皇家海军协会2007年10月期刊第18-19页 ”演习遭遇极其恶劣的天后,最后在HMSDiamond和HMSSwiftsure相撞后被迫放弃。前卫号表现亮眼,以26节的航速下还只有12度的横摇…顶着狂风(directlyinto the gale. 按蒲式风级” gale”是34-40节的风速)船首几乎都能排开浪涛,反观伊阿华号的表现则不怎么好,横摇经常到达26度,连舰桥都被浪花遮蔽了。鹰号也比较大的美军(艾色克斯级)航母较能保持干燥…”
以上几篇够权威有出处的有关演习的报道,只有描述英国战列舰和航母适航性胜过美舰的故事,没有任何前卫与衣阿华曾经对战的故事,如果真有比出高下,能不大书特书? 英美两国用的是英语,自然以英语资料为准,谣言可以终止了吧
实体出版书 Malcolm Muir's Iowa-class battleships, p. 31 :
"During a NATO operation in the North Atlantic in September 1953, the Iowaregistered a 26° roll each way (at the same time, HMS Vanguard experienced a 15° roll)."
皇海协会官刊 The Official Journal of the Royal Navy Association, October 2007, pp. 18-19 :
"After taking her place as Home Fleet flagship in the line at Spithead on 15th June, the September 1953 NATO exercise ‘Mariner’ was the largest to date and covered the entire Atlantic and Channel areas from Norway to Gibraltar. Convoys were formed and escorted against aircraft and submarine attack whilst the Striking fleet moved north towards Denmark Strait in the Greenland-Iceland-UK gap. This comprised USS IOWA, three American cruisers, two ‘Essex’ Class carriers, HMCS Quebec and seventeen destroyers, (including trios of ‘Daring’s’, ‘Weapons’ and ‘Battles’), whilst the Heavy Squadron, comprising HMS Vanguard, Eagle, and Sheffield (replacing Theseus on ‘Flail’ duties), joined from Invergorden. The whole exercise took place in atrocious weather conditions which not only hindered but curtailed many intended operations and ultimately led to abandonment after the collision between HMS Diamond and Swiftsure.
However the 'star' of the show was HMS Vanguard alone able to steam at 26 knots with no more than a 12 degree roll. “With hardly a movement on her and the spray flying out from either bow . . . directly into the gale . . . a magnificent sight that few of us will ever forget”. Interestingly, USS Iowa did not perform nearly so well, frequently rolling to 26 degrees with her bridge hidden in spray. Eagle also appeared drier than the larger American carriers.
HMS Vanguard was later directed towards an enemy raider (HMS Sureswift) and being judged undamaged from a bomb attack by US Skyraider aircraft in error, she proceeded to engage and ‘sink’ the cruiser." (bold emphasis added)
前卫官网 http://battleshiphmsvanguard.homestead.com/19534.html
After summer leave Vanguard left Portsmouth in September for Invergordon, which appeared to have become our northen base. Later in the month we met up with other ships of the Home Fleet and together with elements of the American Fleet, including the battleship USS Iowa, held a NATO exercise called 'Mariner'. The weather we experienced out in the Atlantic and the Denmark Strait was atrocious. Strange as it may seem , I felt quite alright in the roughest of seas but once in calmer waters the gentle roll would upset my stomach. The trouble with Vanguard was that it was so big it would take a considerable time to stop rolling. It was here that Vanguard proved herself. During the exercise she was the only ship that could travel at speed through the rough seas and her performance at this was better than that of the Iowa. After travelling some 800 miles north of John O'Groats we anchored at Greenock on 3 October 1953 at the end of the exercise. A few days later we sailed to Invergordon and then to Portland. Two days later we steamed home to Portsmouth.

IP属地:中国台湾1楼2022-04-22 17:25回复
    有一种舰对舰实弹打靶科目叫做“实舰偏移射击训练 offset battle practice”。
    炮术革命:二战快速战列舰的炮术(三:打靶案例)- 完

    IP属地:中国台湾6楼2022-04-22 18:48

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