The truth is that more than half of a person’s life does not usually go as we wish. 事实是,人生中的很大一部分都是不如意的。
Those who tries so hard to appear positive are usually those who feel totally not secured deep down in their hearts.那些拼命展现着正能量的人,其实往往是心理很没底的人。
This is just like that those who put on real efforts to show people how rich they are are usually not the real rich people. Or their wealth and social status are usually neither stable nor recognized.这就好像那些拼命炫富的人,要么是其实没什么钱,要么就是自己的财富和身份都极其不稳定、不被认可。
These weird behaviors all come from a defensive mechanism that roots in humans’ intuition. This mechanism is called denial.这种古怪的行为,是一种根植于人类本能中的防御机制——否认。
When feeling threatened by something, most people’s first action would be to deny the existence of the threats.如果觉得有什么东西威胁到了自己,很多人的第一反应就是去否定它的存在。
It’s like when you lack some ability but can’t bear to admit that you lack it, the most efficient solutionyou can come up with would be to deny the righteousness of this ability without any reason.这就比如当你缺乏某种能力、却又不甘心承认自己弱小时,最便捷的解决方案就是直接否认这种能力的正当性。
This is totally not healthy.而这样的做法是非常不健康的。
The truth is that more than half of a person’s life does not usually go as we wish. 事实是,人生中的很大一部分都是不如意的。
Those who tries so hard to appear positive are usually those who feel totally not secured deep down in their hearts.那些拼命展现着正能量的人,其实往往是心理很没底的人。
This is just like that those who put on real efforts to show people how rich they are are usually not the real rich people. Or their wealth and social status are usually neither stable nor recognized.这就好像那些拼命炫富的人,要么是其实没什么钱,要么就是自己的财富和身份都极其不稳定、不被认可。
These weird behaviors all come from a defensive mechanism that roots in humans’ intuition. This mechanism is called denial.这种古怪的行为,是一种根植于人类本能中的防御机制——否认。
When feeling threatened by something, most people’s first action would be to deny the existence of the threats.如果觉得有什么东西威胁到了自己,很多人的第一反应就是去否定它的存在。
It’s like when you lack some ability but can’t bear to admit that you lack it, the most efficient solutionyou can come up with would be to deny the righteousness of this ability without any reason.这就比如当你缺乏某种能力、却又不甘心承认自己弱小时,最便捷的解决方案就是直接否认这种能力的正当性。
This is totally not healthy.而这样的做法是非常不健康的。