民权战争吧 关注:1,102贴子:4,259
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终于迎来民权的新模式了,这次新模式叫:Picket Patrol,我们翻译为“警戒哨巡逻”。与普通的散兵战模式主要区别如下:
本贴由阿肯色第三团战队(3d Ark)翻译

IP属地:上海1楼2019-03-09 15:22回复
    Hello everyone and welcome back to ourfield report news segment. The past 3 months following the Steam Early Accesslaunch in early December have been extremely busy for us at Campfire Games.
    We have released 16 alpha updates in the timeframe, focusing on many ofthe user reported issues such as long loading times, admin functionality,performance and stability issues, updates to the auto-ban system to weed out theworst team killers and much more.
    While a great number of issues have been fixed there is also a greatnumber of them remaining. We will continue to iron out bugs, work onperformance optimizations and server stability throughout the development ofthe game.

    IP属地:上海2楼2019-03-09 15:22
      Currently, we’re undertaking the big taskof rewriting the code handling network connections in an effort to resolveconnectivity issues.
      The past 16 updates have also come with newcontent in the form of a new skirmish area, a wintery drill camp map, end gameevents and a benchmark in the game. We’re currently working on severalcontent-related tasks such as the South Mountain battlefield, a radial menu forofficers in order to give them a wider selection of available orders, gamesystems needed in order to implement player controlled artillery, artillerybranch specific uniforms and assets and much more.
      But enough of what we’ve been up to andwhat is coming to the game in the near future. Today, we’re excited to belaunching the 2nd game mode of War of Rights: Picket Patrol!

      IP属地:上海3楼2019-03-09 15:22

        We have developed this new game mode basedon the feedback we’ve been getting for the last few months from our veteranplayers primarily, asking for a less guided tactical experience than Skirmishesand instead seeking a much more open ended game mode, where no engagement isgoing to be entirely identical - not as a replacement to Skirmishes but rathersomething different to co-exist with it.

        The above feedback is what we focused onwhen designing Picket Patrol - we hope the mode will provide our players withsomething quite different to Skirmishes as it is our belief that different gamemodes need to drastically differ in design in order to justify the need forseveral game modes at all.
        We’d like to thank you all for yourfeedback, old and new, and we hope you will continue submitting it in order tohelp us grow the game.

        IP属地:上海4楼2019-03-09 15:24
          Picket Patrol is, as the name suggests, ourtake on being on picket duty for two armies in close proximity to each other.Pickets were commonly used to spot possible enemies, engage if needed andwarning the army of any likely danger, often done so by going on guard patrols.
          The main objective of Picket Patrol issimply to kill the enemy force you’ll encounter. The round ends when allenemies are killed or the timer runs out. Whoever has the most kills when thetimer ends, wins. The teams kill count is hidden until the end of the roundwhere a winner is declared.

          IP属地:上海5楼2019-03-09 15:24
            Players only have 1 life per Picket Patrolround and will be able to spectate their team members for the remainder of theround should they die.
            Due to the mode being a single life mode,formation requirements will be stricter than those found in the Skirmishes gamemode, not allowing players to be “out of line” for more than 30 seconds.
            When a new player joins the server. Theplayer will automatically be put into the spectator camera for the duration ofthe ongoing round.
            If less than 12 players are present on theserver, the formation restrictions will automatically be disabled and newplayers joining the server will always be able to spawn once in the ongoingmatch, regardless of how much time is left

            IP属地:上海8楼2019-03-09 15:27
              The initial version of Picket Patrol in Warof Rights features 11 patrol areas - those of you having spent a lot of time onthe drill camp servers might have a small advantage here as the 11 patrol areasare all situated on the drill camp map.
              Each patrol area has roughly 7 team spawnpoints placed in various positions in the area. Whatever team spawn point isselected for your team (and for the enemy’s) is entirely random. This ensures atruly different experience each time you play as no teams will know where theenemy is located nor if the best strategic option is to find a defensive spotand wait it out or actively hunting down the enemy picket patrol in a much moreoffensive manner.

              IP属地:上海9楼2019-03-09 15:27
                The time of day as well as the weather willalso be randomized at the start of each new Picket Patrol round - expect to beon patrol in all kinds of weather and in all kinds of hours.
                每局新的警戒哨巡逻模式开始时,时间和天气也将随机化 -准备好在各种天气和各种时间进行巡逻吧。

                IP属地:上海10楼2019-03-09 15:28
                  The openness and the randomness of the gamemode will ensure a very different experience compared to Skirmishes. Sometimesyou might not get any proper contact with the enemy going before the timer runsout as you will have spawned far from each other and your movements might havebeen off or one side may decide to hide away in a farmhouse somewhere for theentire match, etc. While at other times you will be greatly surprised just howclose the enemy is to you - all in all the above should result in a more variedround-to-round game mode.

                  IP属地:上海11楼2019-03-09 15:28

                    As today marks the first alpha test of thenew mode with more than a handful of players, things are most certainly goingto be tweaked based on your feedback - patrol areas might get increased orreduced in size, spawn points may be moved further or closer to each other andthe round timer may be increased or decreased.
                    We look forward to be experiencing PicketPatrol with you all and to your feedback!
                    That’s all for now. Until next time, have a good one!

                    IP属地:上海12楼2019-03-09 15:29