by corda_cariora
Dark, Will centered fascination.
Hannibal enjoys seeing Will's empathy at work and decides to pull on his strings a little.
From the kinkmeme: "Violence is a calm that disturbs you". (bonus if Hannibal notices &/or compose some specially for Will).
Also, I seem to enjoy stretching the meaning of "this is romantic" when it comes to this bloody fandom(这段懒得翻了,看不懂也问题不大)

——来自 诺基亚 Lumia 620
Dark, Will centered fascination.
Hannibal enjoys seeing Will's empathy at work and decides to pull on his strings a little.
From the kinkmeme: "Violence is a calm that disturbs you". (bonus if Hannibal notices &/or compose some specially for Will).
Also, I seem to enjoy stretching the meaning of "this is romantic" when it comes to this bloody fandom(这段懒得翻了,看不懂也问题不大)

——来自 诺基亚 Lumia 620