被动技能: Passive: Gathering Fire – Hitting enemy champions with Karma’s spells and basic attacks lower Mantra’s cooldown. (被动:聚集火焰--当卡尔玛技能及普通攻击击中敌方英雄时,卡尔玛降低咒语(R)技能的冷却时间)
Q: Inner Flame – Skillshot that deals magic damage and slows enemies in an area. Empowered by Mantra: Soulflare – Increases damage and leaves behind a zone that slows and, after a brief delay, explodes for AoE damage. (Q:精神火焰 -- 对范围内敌人造成魔法伤害并使其减速; 咒语强化:灵魂之火 -- 增加伤害并制造一片减速区域,在短暂的延迟后,在该区域爆发AOE伤害)
W: Focused Resolve – Enemy-targeted tether that deals damage over time. If the tether is unbroken after a short duration, the tethered target is rooted in place. Empowered by Mantra: Renewal – Deals bonus damage and heals Karma for the duration of the tether. (W:专注决心 - 连接敌方单位并在短时间内造成伤害,若在一段时间内该连接未被打破,则被连接的单位被禁锢; 咒语强化:复兴 - 在连接时间内造成额外伤害并治疗卡尔玛)
E: Inspire – Shields an ally and grants them a short speed boost. Empowered by Mantra: Defiance – Enemies near the shielded ally are damaged while nearby allies are shielded and granted a short speed boost. (E:鼓舞 - 给予友方单位一个护盾并短暂增加其移动速度; 咒语强化:蔑视 - 在护盾周围的敌军会受到伤害,在护盾周围的友军也将获得护盾与移动速度奖励)