艾琳艾德勒吧 关注:3,165贴子:50,319




1楼2012-05-02 23:39回复
    Days after it aired in the U.K., Sherlock’s real-life doppelganger, London, U.K.-born actor Benedict Cumberbatch, faced a group of reporters from the U.S. and Canada, and talked about how well Sherlock’s new episodes would translate to a North American audience.
    He needn’t have bothered. The first season was nominated for three Emmys, opposite Downton Abbey, and won a Peabody Award, along with the Banff Television Festival’s Rockie Award and Television Critics Association Award for outstanding achievement in movies and miniseries. It’s elementary: Sherlock has already found an avid audience on this side of the pond.

    4楼2012-05-03 00:04
      A Scandal in Belgravia is notable, because it features the one and only woman, in Holmesian lore, ever to have won Holmes’ heart. Irene Adler, played by Essex stage veteran Laura Pulver, is reputed to be “the smartest woman in England.” A Scandal in Belgravia’s ending, according to Masterpiece producer Rebecca Eaton, “is deeply ambiguous, typical of Steven Moffatt.”
      而BC在这一集中的卷福角色,几乎是情感横溢(- -!)、戏剧化到了极点。这一集为BC赢得了很多粉丝。
      Cumberbatch, for his part, was at his most effusive and theatrical on this day. No ambiguity there. Told, by Eaton, that he’s facing a group of “ink-stained wretches who are just finishing their lunch,” Cumberbatch replied, without missing a beat: “Christ, yes. I can see them now.”
      丑闻这一集涌动着渴望浪漫的暗流(- -...)
      A Scandal in Belgravia may have an undercurrent of romantic longing, at least at first, but that doesn’t mean one of television’s most subtle and witty thrillers is going to suddenly morph into Grey’s Anatomy.
      “This isn’t going to be a love, guys, where we get boring and mushy,” Cumberbatch insisted. “They’re an even match for each other. She’s extraordinarily brilliant, as you’ll see.
      “It’s a rare challenge, both for the audience and for an actor, to take part in something with this level of intelligence and wit. And you have to play with it. You have to really enjoy it. It is hard. It’s a form of mental and physical gymnastics. It’s hard sometimes, in the heat of summer — when we filmed this (season) — to actually get the words out without beads of sweat dripping down. It takes a lot of effort to play clever.”
      If Sherlock has touched the popular nerve, Cumberbatch says, it’s because writers Moffatt and Gatiss haven’t dumbed down Conan Doyle’s 19th-century tale for a 21st-century TV audience, even if blackmail threats once delivered by hand-written letter are, in the updated version, delivered in the form of uncompromising pictures on an iPhone.
      “It’s a thrill to bring something to an audience that isn’t patronizing, it really is. To be received with so much love is validation. It’s an acknowledgment that, even though they may not understand on first viewing, there’s such a rich texture of detail there, that they can go back to it. They get an awful lot out of it the first time, but it’s something that rewards repeat viewing, as well.”
      Romance, even the merest hint of romance, sounds remarkably un-Holmesian on the face of it, but Cumberbatch says the pleasure lies in the plot’s details —_the fact, for example, that Pulver’s character, Irene Adler, is a practitioner of something called “recreational scolding.”
      Any physical aspect of their relationship is implied, not shown.
      “This is sex on public television,” Eaton interjected. “He touches her hand.”

      5楼2012-05-03 00:24

        我扮演那个infamous(再说一遍,这个单词在一定语境下不是贬义)的艾琳·艾德勒,是歇洛克爱上的对象(哈哈,这次Lara很直接嘛!!!love interest,或说是能引起歇洛克爱意的一个女人),这是一场智力游戏,对这两个角色来说,他们看着对方,就像看到了自己。这对他俩来说都是很intriguing(有趣,迷人)的事,同时也很吓人。这两人都住在自己的思维宫殿里,他俩玩这个游戏,要闯入对方的世界,艾琳在玩弄卷福的同时,也是在试图理解这个男人,而通过理解这个男人,她同时能理解自己(这段说得不错,Lara!),这就像一面镜子一样,你从对方身上看到了自己。而且,艾琳从某种程度上,打开了卷福的身体(这...意思大概是让卷福卸下了情感的防御)。

        7楼2012-05-03 00:47



          9楼2012-05-03 00:52
            4月28日,《Assignment X》杂志对Lara的文字采访
            英文全文 + 点评
            Exclusive Interview: Lara Pulver Talks the New Season of SHERLOCKPosted: April 28th, 2012
            AX: Had you read a lot of Sherlock Holmes stories before you became involved with SHERLOCK?
            LARA PULVER: No. I’d read some of the Conan Doyle stuff in high school, but I hadn’t touched it once. I got the project and started two days later and fortunately, Steven Moffat had written such a well-rounded character that I went into it knowing she was of American origin and there were little things that I thought if I want to work them in [it can be done], but it’s knowing that they’re there, they’re somewhere in the layers of the character that I was building.

            10楼2012-05-03 01:09
              AX: Does Irene Adler have an American accent in this?
              PULVER: Oh, no, because she didn’t spend the majority of her life there, I believe.
              艾琳和克劳婷(lara在true blood中角色)的交集。Lara说这两个都是有点另类的女权主义者。很善于使用女性的魅力。
              AX: Is there any comparison between playing an otherworldly character like Claudine in TRUE BLOOD and a character like Irene, who is not literally otherworldly, but different from pretty much everybody around her?
              PULVER: There’s something in them both – they’re feminists in a weird way, aren’t they? [laughs] It’s using the power of being a woman. I feel for both characters. There are similarities. I’d say [the difference is more pronounced] in TRUE BLOOD, in the sense that she wasn’t who she really was. She was of the goblin world and protecting herself [by pretending to be] a fairy. In SHERLOCK, I’m not even sure that she’s aware – I don’t know that awareness of her being different even enters her mind.

              11楼2012-05-03 01:12
                AX: Was there any discussion among the three of you about playing non-humans, since Cumberbatch is playing a dragon, Freeman is playing a hobbit and you’ve played a goblin?
                PULVER: No, but there was a wonderful moment where there was a picture of an Australian tribe dancing around in the Guardian newspaper. And Ben cut it out and [the people in the photo] had these masks on one of these funny kind of feet-claw things, and he said, “Look, it’s Martin Freeman in THE HOBBIT!” So there’s a great banter on the set with that type of stuff.

                14楼2012-05-03 01:25
                  AX: It seems that, especially on British television, when characters are very intelligent, they’re sometimes given some very tongue-twisting dialogue. Did you have anydifficulty with any of Irene’s speeches, or did you show her intelligence by not speaking?
                  PULVER: Both. A lot of what Irene is is what she doesn’t say. However, I sat there in support of Benedict, who has these wonderful kind of analytical deciphering monologues that he does at amazing pace. But yeah, that’s his bag and not mine, I believe.

                  15楼2012-05-03 01:27
                    AX: In the course of playing Irene Adler, you had a nude scene, which you did without what are termed as “modesty garments.” There was a production reason for this …
                    PULVER: [SHERLOCK director Paul McGuigan) just said to me, “This is going to take so long to do, because if we’re not hitting marks exactly for every take, we can’t use it, because we’ll have [trouble matching the shots in editing if any of the protective garments show]. You’ve got a choice. We can either do that [try to avoid filming the underwear] all day, or we can get it all off and you have to completely trust us – obviously, we can’t use anything that exposes you anyway.” And yeah, that’s the choice that I made, that I was literally in shoes and earrings and lipstick. It was so weird. The first couple of takes, you’re very aware that you’re naked and it’s all that goes on in your head, and then all of a sudden, there’s something that changes the whole dynamic of the scene where I’m naked, and actually, I’m the complete power-head in the scene. I have all the power. It’s like Benedict said, it’s just a device to gain control over the most intelligent man she’s ever met. So the second you take that completely on board, it is just a device, so there will be a certain take where I turn to Martin and I would not continue the scene, because it was my line, until he looked at my breasts. Because I thought that’s what [Irene] would do. She would stand there, she would make him feel completely uncomfortable and then he would just literally give in and off he would go. It was like one-nil. It’s a complete game of chess.

                    16楼2012-05-03 01:28
                      AX: You had a different kind of challenge in TRUE BLOOD, working with the goblin makeup. Did you know going into it that you were going to have to wear prosthetics at some point?
                      PULVER: No, no, the goblin story was developed later on and it meant I was in the [makeup] chair for three hours.
                      AX: Had you ever done anything like that before?
                      PULVER: No, I’d never used prosthetics before, and they did an amazing job.
                      AX: Did that have an effect on your performance, make you feel that you wanted to be bigger or smaller?
                      PULVER: Totally. Well, working with [TRUE BLOOD show runner] Alan Ball gives you any license to do what you want anyway [laughs], because he encourages that craziness, but it definitely gave me a theatrical license.
                      AX: Are you mostly based in London or Los Angeles?
                      PULVER: Mostly, I’m inLos Angeles. I have a house in both. It’s completely project-based, because something that’s even American can often be filmed inEurope. It’s just one of those things. Something that’s British-based can film inSouth Africa.
                      AX: Is there anything you do to relax during downtime while you’re working?
                      PULVER: After a day’s shooting, I’ll make brownies and cookies. Often I take them to the set. The crew like me [laughs]. It keeps them happy.
                      AX: Were you able to bake while you were on the gladiator diet, or did you have to avoid baking during that time?
                      PULVER: I was in a hotel room, so I didn’t have kitchen facilities in order to spoil them. A happy crew makes for a happy show, so if that means feeding their bellies, great.

                      18楼2012-05-03 01:34
                        AX: You’ve been working steadily for a long time, but now you’re getting more public and press attention. Does that have any effect at all on your approach to your career?
                        PULVER: I’m mostly just living in the moment, because [press attention] can come and go. Longevity for me is everything. I think it’s more about the craft and the work, in theU.K., for sure. The fame element, if that comes, it comes. People I think are foolish to become an actor to get famous, because it’s too hard work. If you want to get famous, go do one of these crazy reality TV shows, or whatever it is, but acting is not an easy profession, and it’s gregarious and precarious and so therefore the fame element I don’t think is a part of it. It’s work, it’s a craft. Especially for so many of us [who go back and forth] from theatre to TV to film.
                        AX: Is there anything else you’d like to say about SHERLOCK?
                        PULVER: No, not that comes off the top of my head. Just watch it. Watch it.

                        19楼2012-05-03 01:36

                          20楼2012-05-03 01:47
                            A Scandal in Belgravia is notable, because it features the one and only woman, in Holmesian lore, ever to have won Holmes’ heart.
                            I'm playing the infamous Irene Idler,the love interest of...of Sherlock.
                            The fact that she is a difficult objective to overcome is what attracts him to her. She’s a puzzle, as most of us are to each other in relationships.

                            21楼2012-05-03 01:53
                              “This isn’t going to be a love, guys, where we get boring and mushy”

                              22楼2012-05-03 02:05