英雄无敌上古纪元吧 关注:334贴子:1,250
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新饼合集 第六弹 FAQ2



IP属地:日本1楼2024-12-08 11:12回复
    How long will the campaign be? Will there be campaign-only heroes?
    Our aim is to release the first 8 missions of the campaign with EA, though keep in mind this is still subject to change. Right now we cannot estimate how long these will take, as some of you may try to speedrun them. However, we do still expect many hours of gameplay for everyone that will take on this challenge! There will indeed be campaign-only heroes that will not be present in skirmish games.
    我们的目标是在抢先体验(EA)阶段推出战役的前 8 个任务,不过计划有变更的可能性。目前我们无法估算这些任务的时长,因为一些玩家可能会尝试速通。不过,我们仍然预计这些任务会为每个挑战者提供许多小时的游戏体验!确实会有战役专属的英雄,他们不会出现在遭遇战模式中。
    Will we see some previously known characters to be present, I hope we'll see their forefathers or maybe some long-living ones, will that be the case?
    Indeed, it makes sense for some characters to be alive at the time when OE happens — the undead, vampires, elementals, and maybe some extremely long-lived elves. And, indeed, some other characters may have ancestors. One faction in Olden Era happens to say “thank Forefathers” (instead of “thank gods” and the likes), and that’s for a reason! So you will see some familiar or semi-familiar faces.
    But generally, we want to focus on characters who happen to be more of a blank slate. This game is such an interesting opportunity to create a backstory for characters that didn’t have it at all!

    IP属地:日本2楼2024-12-08 12:55
      Will the slow late game be solved/shortened somehow? In the late game, players are endlessly chasing weak enemy heroes but can hardly have some tough matched combats. How will you fix this?
      This topic is a bit too broad to be conveyed in the FAQ. In short, we’re aware of the issue and are working on ways to solve it. For example, some templates and maps have unique win conditions designed to create a faster endgame. Such win conditions are optional, which means that players will be able to choose their preferred play dynamic. We can also mention that there will be a timer, for both turns and the battle itself that you can toggle, as well as a shorter 1 hero mode.
      这是一个很大的问题,无法在 FAQ 中全面展开。简单来说,我们意识到了这个问题,正在努力寻求解决方案。例如,一些模板和地图将引入独特的胜利条件,以加速游戏后期。这些胜利条件是可选的,这意味着玩家可以选择自己偏好的游戏节奏。
      Will different towns have different maximum mage guild level? Like Stronghold had 3 maximum levels and Tower had 5 maximum levels in HoMM III.
      Yes. Also, mage guilds in different towns will have different specializations and a different chance to receive various spells. There will be a separate devlog about mage guilds in the future, where you will learn a lot more about the mechanics present in Heroes of Might & Magic Olden Era.
      不同城镇的魔法行会最大等级是否相同?比如《英雄无敌 3》中,据点最高 3 级,塔楼最高 5 级。
      Will there be Steam achievements?
      At some point, definitely. We’ll start Early Access with some campaign-related achievements and add more during this period.
      会有 Steam 成就吗?

      IP属地:日本3楼2024-12-08 12:55
        Do you have any plans for a focused Tutorial to help beginners get to grips with competitive play?
        We are definitely planning to release tutorials during Early Access! We understand just how important this is, as we received a lot of feedback from the community. This is one of the most requested features in the game, so we will do our best to provide an easier introduction for everyone!
        Where is it in terms of accessibility; colours, sounds, folks who have trouble using inputs etc, and also how is it in ease of introduction to gameplay I guess (for new people to the game)?
        We are working with the accessibility team, and customizations will definitely happen, but most likely during EA, closer to the 1.0 Release.
        我们正在与辅助功能团队合作,自定义功能肯定会实现,但大概率在抢先体验阶段靠近 1.0 版本时完成。
        How does the AI work in Olden Era?
        The main AI feature is hero separation into different roles: the main hero fights in challenging battles against other opponents, and supporting heroes are gatherers and couriers who deliver troops and artifacts to the main hero. AI can follow different strategies and change its behavior based on the situation. For example, after collecting a certain percentage of value in a current area, it will change to the “expand and capture next area” strategy.
        《上古纪元》的 AI 是如何运作的?
        AI 的主要功能是将英雄分为不同角色:主英雄负责与其他对手进行艰难战斗,而辅助英雄则负责捡东西和传兵,将部队和神器传给主英雄。AI 会根据情况采用不同的策略并改变行为。例如,在当前区域收集了一定比例的资源后,它会切换到“扩张并占领下一区域”的策略。
        Will we be able to change the colour of the UI from blue?
        Not at the moment. We recognize the request, but our resources are limited and we want to polish the aspects of the game directly related to gameplay and only move on to providing aesthetic options after that. We will consider adding this feature around the 1.0 Release.
        目前不行。我们理解这个需求,但我们的资源有限,会优先聚焦与游戏性的方面,之后才会提供视觉选项。我们计划在 1.0 版本发布时考虑添加此功能。
        What features will be present in terms of competitive play and tournaments?
        We are implementing multiple features that will make tournaments much easier to host and watch. One of these is a spectator mode for all games. You will learn more in future devlogs about competitive play!

        IP属地:日本4楼2024-12-08 12:55
          Will each faction start with their Unique Faction skill (i.e. Necromancy for Necropolis)?
          Yes, each faction will start with their faction skill. For specific details on each of them, you’ll have to wait for their particular devlogs. As you can see, we already shared Necropolis in our last reveal!
          Will external dwellings keep their growth week after week?
          Yes! We really liked this feature as well, and the community heavily requested it. Therefore, dwellings will stack over time in the Olden Era.
          How many heroes will we be able to play for each faction?
          There will be 18 playable heroes per faction in EA. We are also considering adding more later on — and that’s just Skirmish heroes! Some of the Campaign heroes are separate.
          在抢先体验版中,每个阵营将有 18 位可选英雄。我们还在考虑之后增加更多——这些只是遭遇战英雄!部分战役英雄是独立的。
          Will the Random Map Generator feature players vs. players maps? Players vs. AI? Co-op?
          At its launch in Early Access, the RMG will feature both players vs. players and players vs. AI modes. It won’t have co-op or the option to unite several players in a team. We aim to add this later during Early Access.
          Will RMG support mirror templates?
          We understand just how important this feature is, so we will add mirror templates during early access after the release of the underground.

          IP属地:日本5楼2024-12-08 12:55
            Will there be a gamepass for the base game and first few expansions?
            For Early Access, the game will only be released on Steam and with the basic purchasing model (i.e., you buy the base game—you get it). We want to focus on the game’s core before considering expansions and their distribution model. Content updates during EA will be free.
            在抢先体验阶段,游戏只会在 Steam 平台发布,并采用基础购买模式(即购买游戏本体即可游玩)。我们希望专注于游戏性,再考虑扩展及其发行模式。抢先体验期间的内容更新将是免费的。
            When will we see the secret faction?
            It will be playable in Early Access Day 1 👀
            How will simultaneous turns and timer work?
            The timer system is similar to previous games: there is a separate timer for the global map and for each battle (including PvP). The game will use a modified chess timer: you get base time for the whole match, with more added every day, bonus time every week, and increment-delta for bonus time every day/week.
            OE will feature clever sim turns - yes, they end when the players can meet each other, not after the meeting. Timer values can be tuned before starting a match (via lobby).
            计时器系统类似于以前的游戏:大地图和每场战斗(包括 PvP)都有单独的计时器。游戏将使用修改过的国际象棋计时器:您可以获得比赛的基础时间,每天增加时间,每周增加更多奖励时间,并有增量-递减机制。
            Will heroes specialization abilities become stronger with additional levels? Like instead of +2 growth of a specific creature you can have +1 growth per 5 hero lvls?
            This is exactly how specializations work in Olden Era! They scale with level.
            英雄的特长会随着等级增长吗?比如不再是某种生物周产+2 ,而是每 5 个英雄等级 +1?
            Will there be control zones as in Heroes 6 and 7?
            We received a lot of mixed feedback, or even negative feedback, about this feature, so we decided not to use it in the Olden Era.
            是否会有像《英雄无敌 6》和 7 那样的控制区域?
            By the way, what is the dev stance on unsolicited ideas and designs?
            While we do have our creative ideas, and we mostly follow those, we understand just how important the community is to the Heroes of Might & Magic games. Because of this, we have been going through all of your feedback and will make changes accordingly to what is most requested, or of course, if balance changes are required. But do also note, we have our own vision for the game and we want to create something unique. However, we appreciate your passion for the franchise, and your ideas and requests can change our priorities!

            IP属地:日本6楼2024-12-08 12:56
              Will we have the ability for offline LAN or Direct connections to a lobby?
              Not at the moment, but we will have Hot Seat mode during Early Access.
              Will ranged units have a limited amount of shots, like in Heroes V, or unlimited, like in Heroes VII?
              Ranged units have an unlimited amount of shots in OE. The range penalty is not constant. It gradually increases based on the distance to the target.
              远程单位是否会像《英雄无敌 5》中那样有弹药限制,还是像《英雄无敌 7》中那样无限?
              Will Ubisoft Connect be required to play in Early Access?
              Early Access - that's stated to launch in Q2 2025 - will not require Ubisoft Connect to play.
              抢先体验是否需要 Ubisoft Connect 账号?
              抢先体验——预计在 2025 年第二季度上线——不需要 Ubisoft Connect 即可游玩。
              Is it true that the developer Leonid is kept in the basement and is not allowed to go outside?
              Yes. In chains. We use them to tug him away from the computer; otherwise, he’d never sleep at all.
              听说开发者 Leonid 被关在地下室里,不被允许外出,这是真的吗?
              How can I support the project while it’s not released yet?
              We greatly appreciate any support! Here are a few ways you can help:
              1. Add the game to your Steam wishlist, and feel free to join our Discord server, where you can chat directly with the developers!
              2. Spread the word by asking your friends to also add the game to their Steam wishlists — this would go a long way in promoting the project!
              3. Leave comments about the game under any related YouTube videos.
              4. You can also support us by purchasing Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
              将游戏添加到您的 Steam 愿望单,并加入我们的 Discord 服务器,与开发者直接交流!
              告诉您的朋友也将游戏加入 Steam 愿望单——这将大大有助于推广项目!
              在任何相关的 YouTube 视频下留言谈论游戏。

              IP属地:日本7楼2024-12-08 12:57

                IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端8楼2024-12-08 17:01

                  IP属地:北京9楼2024-12-09 16:31

                    IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端10楼2024-12-09 20:14