方舟生存进化吧 关注:387,813贴子:6,140,600



IP属地:阿尔及利亚1楼2024-10-31 10:03回复
    准备迎接恐惧梦魇(Dreadmare)吧,它是传说中生于暗影的神秘生物。这种令人畏惧的坐骑出没于焦土(Scorched Earth)和中心岛(The Center),能让你掌控黑暗魔法,汲取敌人的生命力,削弱其防御,甚至能让队友隐匿于黑暗的遮蔽之下。骑上这匹不祥的坐骑翱翔天际,运用它独特的力量来使战局变得对你有利。拥抱黑暗吧…… 恐惧梦魇在等着你。
    Prepare to meet the Dreadmare, a legendary creature of myth and shadow. This fearsome mount, found on Scorched Earth and The Center, grants you command over dark magic, draining the life of foes, weakening defenses, and even veiling allies in a shroud of darkness. Take flight on this ominous steed and wield its unique powers to turn the tide in your favor. Embrace the shadows... Dreadmare awaits.

    IP属地:阿尔及利亚2楼2024-10-31 10:04
      Species: Umbris phasmequester 物种:幽影食腐兽(Umbris phasmequester)
      Time: Unknown 时间:未知
      Diet: Carrion Feeder食性:食腐
      Temperament: Aggressive near carcasses 性情:在尸体附近具有攻击性
      我原以为像霸王龙(T. Rex)或南方巨兽龙(Giganotosaurus)这样的顶级掠食者是方舟(ARK)世界中最可怕的存在,直到我第一次看到这个如同重金属专辑封面里的生物展开翅膀。恐惧梦魇(Dreadmare)能让任何生物都产生强烈的威胁反应。这样就能更好地吓退其他想来抢夺它所盯上的腐肉的食腐动物。
      你无法用常规方法驯服这头野兽。赢得恐惧梦魇(Dreadmare)尊重的唯一方法是将它杀死几次。没错,你没看错 —— 你需要让它重生然后反复战斗,直到你证明自己有资格。

      I’d have thought an apex predator like T. Rex or Giganotosaurus would be the scariest thing on the ARK, until I first saw this vision from a heavy metal album cover spread its wings. Dreadmare can induce an acute threat response in literally anything. All the better to scare away other scavengers from the dead meat it’s drawn to.
      Those wings can focus gusts to create pressure blasts at the point of impact. Dreadmare also has an uncanny way of disrupting a target’s healing abilities while boosting its own. And there’s no outnumbering this terror, since its dreadful aura seems to drain the will to live from everything around it.
      You aren’t going to break this beast the usual way. The only way to gain a Dreadmare’s respect is by killing it a few times. Yes, you read that right -- you will need to respawn one to fight again and again until you prove yourself worthy.
      Once you’ve won its favor, your Dreadmare will reveal its greatest ability: to tuck another of your war-beasts into a pocket dimension for later access. Soon you’ll be riding into battle on a shadowy pegasus that can bring along surprise backup!

      IP属地:阿尔及利亚3楼2024-10-31 10:07
        我们听到了你们关于 “恐惧飞升”(Fear Ascended)的反馈,并且邀请了包括嘟嘟霸王龙(Dodorex)和嘟嘟飞龙(Dodowyvern)在内的神秘朋友们来到孤岛(the Island)、焦土(Scorched Earth)和中心岛(the Center)。
        “恐惧飞升” 以及所有诡异的好东西 —— 皮肤、表情、chibi和可驯服生物,现在作为独立模组存在于主游戏中,并且在方舟俱乐部(Club ARK)中露出令人毛骨悚然的一面。
        标志性的嘟嘟霸王龙及其焦土版本 —— 嘟嘟飞龙,将在今晚夜幕降临服务器时回归游戏!

        We heard your feedback about Fear Ascended and have invited our spooky friends including Dodorex and Dodowyvern, to join us on the Island, Scorched Earth, and the Center.
        Fear Ascended and all the eerie goodies—skins, emotes, chibis, and tameable creatures are now lurking in the main game as its own mod and making a creepy appearance in Club ARK. .
        The iconic Dodorex as well as its Scorched Earth counterpart, the Dodowyvern, will make their comeback into the game today as night crawls onto your servers!

        IP属地:阿尔及利亚4楼2024-10-31 10:08
          10/30/2024 to 11/13/2024
          PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
          Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
          ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding

          IP属地:阿尔及利亚5楼2024-10-31 10:09
            Dodorex (The Island & The Center) - 嘟嘟霸王龙(孤岛和中心岛)
            Dodowyvern (Scorched Earth) - 嘟嘟飞龙(焦土)
            Zombie Fire Wyvern (Scorched Earth) - 僵尸火焰飞龙(焦土)
            Zombie Lightning Wyvern (Scorched Earth) - 僵尸闪电飞龙(焦土)
            Zombie Poison Wyvern (Scorched Earth) - 僵尸毒飞龙(焦土)
            Zomdodo - 僵尸渡渡鸟
            Ghost Direwolf - 幽灵恐狼
            Ghost Basilisk - 幽灵毒蜥
            Ghost Fire Wyvern - 幽灵火焰飞龙
            Ghost Bulbdog - 幽灵灯泡犬
            Ghost Mantis - 幽灵螳螂
            Ghost Rex - 幽灵霸王龙
            Ghost Surface Reaper King - 幽灵地表收割者国王
            Skeletal Bronto - 骷髅雷龙
            Skeletal Carnotaurus - 骷髅牛龙
            Skeletal Giganotosaurus - 骷髅南方巨兽龙
            Skeletal Jerboa - 骷髅跳鼠
            Skeletal Quetzal - 骷髅风神翼龙
            Skeletal Raptor - 骷髅迅猛龙
            Skeletal Rex - 骷髅霸王龙
            Skeletal Stego - 骷髅剑龙
            Skeletal Trike - 骷髅三角龙
            All creatures will spawn on their native maps. - 所有生物都将在其原生地图上生成。
            ClubARK has received a spooky makeover! new - 方舟俱乐部(ClubARK)进行了令人毛骨悚然的改造!新
            New ClubARK “Fear Wave” Mini - game new - 新的方舟俱乐部 “恐惧浪潮” 小游戏 新
            New Event Store to unlock event cosmetics with ClubARK Tokens new - 新的活动商店,可用方舟俱乐部代币解锁活动装饰 新

            IP属地:阿尔及利亚6楼2024-10-31 10:12
              Skeletal Giga Costume 骷髅南巨服装
              Skeletal Raptor Costume 骷髅迅猛龙服装
              Skeletal Rex Costume 骷髅霸王龙服装
              Skeletal Stego Costume 骷髅剑龙服装
              Skeletal Trike Costume 骷髅三角龙服装
              Skeletal Wyvern Costume 骷髅飞龙服装
              Ghost Basilisk Costume 幽灵毒蜥服装
              Ghost Bulbdog Costume 幽灵灯泡犬服装
              Ghost Direwolf Costume 幽灵恐狼服装
              Ghost Mantis Costume 幽灵螳螂服装
              Ghost Reaper Costume 幽灵死神服装
              Ghost Rex Costume 幽灵霸王龙服装
              Dino Witch Hat 恐龙女巫帽
              Scary Dino Pumpkin Helmet Skin 吓人的恐龙南瓜头盔皮肤
              Weapon - 武器
              Cleaver (Sword) new - 剁肉刀(剑)新
              Crowbar (Pick) new - 撬棍(镐)新
              Armor - 盔甲
              Werewolf Costume new - 狼人服装新
              Arrow - Head Hat new - 箭头帽新
              Axe - Head Hat new - 斧头帽新
              Sword - Head Hat new - 剑头帽新
              Araneo Swim Bottom Skin - 蜘蛛游泳裤皮肤
              Araneo Swim Top Skin - 蜘蛛游泳衣皮肤
              Basilisk Ghost Costume - 毒蜥幽灵服装
              Bulbdog Ghost Costume - 灯泡犬幽灵服装
              Clown Mask Skin - 小丑面具皮肤
              Dino Witch Hat Skin - 恐龙女巫帽皮肤
              Direwolf Ghost Costume - 恐狼幽灵服装
              DodoRex Mask Skin - 嘟嘟霸王龙面具皮肤
              DodoWyvern Mask Skin - 嘟嘟飞龙面具皮肤
              Headless Costume Skin - 无头服装皮肤
              Hockey Mask Skin - 曲棍球面具皮肤
              Jack - O - Lantern Swim Bottom Skin - 南瓜灯游泳裤皮肤
              Jack - O - Lantern Swim Top Skin - 南瓜灯游泳衣皮肤
              Jack - O - Lantern - Print Shirt Skin - 南瓜灯印花衬衫皮肤
              Mantis Ghost Costume - 螳螂幽灵服装
              Onyc Swim Bottom Skin - 爪蝠游泳裤皮肤
              Onyc Swim Top Skin - 爪蝠游泳衣皮肤
              Reaper Ghost Costume - 死神幽灵服装
              Reaper Swim Bottom Skin - 死神游泳裤皮肤
              Reaper Swim Top Skin - 死神游泳衣皮肤
              Reaper - Print Shirt Skin - 死神印花衬衫皮肤
              Rex Ghost Costume - 霸王龙幽灵服装
              Rex Bone Helmet Skin - 霸王龙骨盔皮肤
              Scary Pumpkin Helmet Skin - 吓人的南瓜头盔皮肤
              Skeleton Costume - 骷髅服装
              Skele - Print Shirt Skin - 骷髅印花衬衫皮肤
              Strawman Costume - 稻草人服装
              Snow Owl Ghost Costume - 雪鸮幽灵服装
              Tentacle - Print Shirt Skin - 触手印花衬衫皮肤
              Trike Bone Helmet Skin - 三角龙骨盔皮肤
              Vampire Dodo Swim Bottom Skin - 吸血鬼嘟嘟游泳裤皮肤
              Vampire Dodo Swim Top Skin - 吸血鬼嘟嘟游泳衣皮肤
              Vampire Eyes Skin - 吸血鬼眼睛皮肤
              Werewolf Mask Skin - 狼人面具皮肤
              Witch Hat Skin - 女巫帽皮肤
              ZombDodo - Print Shirt Skin - 僵尸嘟嘟印花衬衫皮肤
              Zombie Wyvern - Print Shirt Skin - 僵尸飞龙印花衬衫皮肤

              IP属地:阿尔及利亚7楼2024-10-31 10:13

                IP属地:广东来自Android客户端8楼2024-10-31 10:14
                  Horror Species X new - 恐怖X植物 新
                  Festive Dino Candy (Dino Candy Corn) - 节日恐龙糖果(恐龙玉米糖)
                  Pumpkin - 南瓜
                  Scarecrow - 稻草人
                  Stolen Headstone - 被盗的墓碑
                  Chibi - Skeletal Brontosaurus - chibi骷髅雷龙
                  Chibi - Skeletal Carno - chibi骷髅牛龙
                  Chibi - Skeletal Giganotosaurus - chibi骷髅南方巨兽龙
                  Chibi - Skeletal Jerboa - chibi骷髅跳鼠
                  Chibi - Skeletal Quetzal - chibi骷髅风神翼龙
                  Chibi - Skeletal Raptor - chibi骷髅迅猛龙
                  Chibi - Skeletal Rex - chibi骷髅霸王龙
                  Chibi - Skeletal Stego - chibi骷髅剑龙
                  Chibi - Skeletal Trike - chibi骷髅三角龙
                  Chibi - Skeletal Wyvern - chibi骷髅飞龙
                  Chibi - Ghost Basilisk - chibi幽灵毒蜥
                  Chibi - Ghost Direwolf - chibi幽灵恐狼
                  Chibi - Ghost Mantis - chibi幽灵螳螂
                  Chibi - Ghost Rex - chibi幽灵霸王龙
                  Chibi - Spooky Bulbdog - chibi幽灵灯泡犬

                  IP属地:阿尔及利亚9楼2024-10-31 10:14

                    IP属地:江苏10楼2024-10-31 10:14
                      Howl new - 嚎叫(新
                      Sniff new - 嗅闻(新
                      Evil - 邪恶的
                      Panic - 恐慌
                      Scare - 惊吓
                      DarkLavender - 深薰衣草色
                      MediumLavender - 中薰衣草色
                      WyvernPurple0 - 飞龙紫 0
                      DragonFire - 龙焰色
                      Orange - 橙色
                      Peach - 桃色
                      Green - 绿色
                      MediumTurquoise - 中蓝绿色
                      DarkTeal - 深青色
                      DarkBlue - 深蓝色
                      Dino Dark Blue - 恐龙深蓝色
                      Blue - 蓝色
                      ActualBlack - 纯黑色
                      BlackSands - 黑砂色
                      Dark Grey - 深灰色
                      MediumAutumn - 中秋香色
                      Yellow - 黄色
                      DeepPink - 深粉色

                      IP属地:阿尔及利亚11楼2024-10-31 10:15
                        Howl new - 嚎叫(新
                        Sniff new - 嗅闻(新
                        Evil - 邪恶的
                        Panic - 恐慌
                        Scare - 惊吓
                        DarkLavender - 深薰衣草色
                        MediumLavender - 中薰衣草色
                        WyvernPurple0 - 飞龙紫 0
                        DragonFire - 龙焰色
                        Orange - 橙色
                        Peach - 桃色
                        Green - 绿色
                        MediumTurquoise - 中蓝绿色
                        DarkTeal - 深青色
                        DarkBlue - 深蓝色
                        Dino Dark Blue - 恐龙深蓝色
                        Blue - 蓝色
                        ActualBlack - 纯黑色
                        BlackSands - 黑砂色
                        Dark Grey - 深灰色
                        MediumAutumn - 中秋香色
                        Yellow - 黄色
                        DeepPink - 深粉色
                        Unofficial server owners can apply this to their servers by adding "-HalloweenColors" into their commandline.非官方服务器所有者可以通过在命令行中添加 “-HalloweenColors” 将其应用到自己的服务器上。

                        IP属地:阿尔及利亚12楼2024-10-31 10:16
                          在《方舟》模组列表中搜索“恐惧飞升”(Fear Ascended)并安装它。模组 ID:877752
                          安装完成后,返回你的游戏设置界面并选择 “模组设置”(Mod Settings)
                          你将在 “可用模组”(Available Mods)中看到 “恐惧飞升”(Fear Ascended)和你下载的其他模组。
                          选择 “恐惧飞升” 并激活它。
                          如果你想在你的私人服务器上启用 “恐惧飞升”(Fear Ascended),请将模组 ID 添加到你的服务器命令行启动参数中(-mods = 877752)。激活该活动无需进行其他更改。
                          From the Main Menu, select the mod tab.
                          Search for Love Ascended in the ARK Mod list and Install it. Mod ID: 877752
                          After it's installed, go back to your game setup screen and select 'Mod Settings'
                          You will see Fear Ascended and any other mods you've downloaded in 'Available Mods'
                          Select Fear Ascended and activate it.
                          If you would like to enable Fear Ascended on your private servers, please add the mod ID to your server command-line launch arguments (-mods=877752). No other changes should be necessary to activate the event.

                          IP属地:阿尔及利亚13楼2024-10-31 10:18
                            Overhauled custom cosmetic UI/UX - 全面改进了自定义外观用户界面 / 用户体验
                            Fixed issues with armor and skins not properly aligning on training dummies - 修复了盔甲和皮肤在训练假人上无法正确对齐的问题
                            Fixed textures not loading properly on training dummies, causing them to appear completely black - 修复了训练假人的纹理无法正确加载,导致其完全变黑的问题
                            Fixed Gigantopithecus sliding on Zeppelin with structures - 修复了巨猿在带有建筑的齐柏林飞艇上滑动的问题
                            Fixed the map initially displaying incorrect coordinates until the cursor was moved - 修复了在移动光标前地图初始显示错误坐标的问题
                            Fixed rocks sometimes causing rubberbanding and speed issues when riding a Ceratosaurus on a server - 修复了在服务器上骑角鼻龙时,岩石有时会导致角色瞬移和速度问题
                            Fixed Large Tek Wall triggering wood VFX and audio when damaged - 修复了大型泰克墙受损时触发木质特效和音效的问题
                            Fixed the inability to snap some structures to Steampunk walls - 修复了一些建筑无法与蒸汽朋克风格的墙拼接的问题
                            Additional fix for players sometimes dying to the anti - mesh system when climbing on player placed structures with the climbing picks - 对玩家使用攀爬镐攀爬自己放置的建筑时有时会因反穿墙系统而死亡的问题进行了额外修复
                            Fixed player hands and gloves turning invisible after dismounting a dino in FPV - 修复了第一人称视角下从恐龙上下来后玩家的手和手套会消失的问题
                            Fixed creature AI sometimes spinning in circles while on a foundation - 修复了生物的人工智能在地基上有时会原地转圈的问题
                            Fixed SIR - 5rM8 continuing to interact with inventories after automated withdrawal was disabled - 修复了 SIR - 5rM8 在自动取出功能被禁用后仍继续与储物空间交互的问题
                            Fixed SIR - 5rM8 converting spoiling materials like polymer into their non - spoiling counterparts when taking materials for repairing - 修复了 SIR - 5rM8 在取用材料进行修复时将诸如聚合物等易腐坏材料转化为不易腐坏材料的问题
                            Fixed Yi Ling’s poison damage not triggering a respawn timer when killing enemies in PvP, and kills will now show in the tribe log - 修复了在 PvP 中奇翼龙(Yi Ling)的毒伤在击杀敌人时不触发重生计时器的问题,并且击杀记录现在会显示在部落日志中

                            IP属地:阿尔及利亚14楼2024-10-31 10:20
                              Fixed Reaper King’s audio balance that caused some attacks to be heard from one side - 修复了收割者国王(Reaper King)的音频平衡问题,该问题导致某些攻击声只能从一侧听到
                              Tek Replicator wireless crafting can now be properly disabled - 泰克复制器(Tek Replicator)的无线制作功能现在可以被正确禁用了
                              Fixed constant crackling audio while wearing a Tek Suit in Aberration’s radiation zone - 修复了在畸变(Aberration)辐射区穿着泰克套装时持续发出噼啪声的音频问题
                              Fixed Crop Plot not displaying Greenhouse bonus with minimal info displayed - 修复了在只显示最少量信息时,种植盆(Crop Plot)不显示温室加成的问题
                              Fixed client FPS drop when dragging items to a different inventory - 修复了将物品拖到不同的储物空间时客户端帧率下降的问题
                              Fixed Pyromane sometimes getting destroyed by the anti - mesh system, specifically during taming, when picked up by a Megalosaurus on a server - 修复了在服务器上,火猫(Pyromane)在被斑龙(Megalosaurus)抓取时,特别是在驯服过程中,有时会被反穿墙系统摧毁的问题
                              Fixed Mineral Carrier trait losing effectiveness on adult creatures - 修复了矿物搬运(Mineral Carrier)特性在成年生物上失效的问题
                              Prevented Alpha Karkinos and Alpha Basilisk from being carried by a Rhyniognatha - 防止了精英巨蟹怪(Alpha Karkinos)和精英毒蜥(Alpha Basilisk)被莱尼虫(Rhyniognatha)抓取
                              Fixed Queen Bee disappearing when destroying a foundation supporting a Beehive - 修复了当摧毁支撑蜂巢的地基时蜂王消失的问题
                              Fixed Greenhouse door audio not respecting master volume - 修复了温室门的音频不随主音量变化的问题
                              Fixed Main Menu video not respecting audio sliders - 修复了主菜单视频不遵循音频滑块设置的问题
                              Fixed an issue when changing the keybinds of whistle commands which would call the wrong command - 修复了更改口哨指令键位绑定时会调用错误指令的问题
                              Fixed non - dedicated server tether causing players to get stuck in one another when riding tames - 修复了非专用服务器的牵引范围导致玩家骑乘驯服生物时相互卡住的问题
                              Fixed character XP bar not showing the correct amount of required XP to reach the next level - 修复了角色经验条不显示达到下一级所需正确经验值的问题
                              Fixed a desync issue caused by picking up a buried Basilisk with a Rhyniognatha - 修复了用莱尼虫(Rhyniognatha)抓取埋地的毒蜥(Basilisk)导致的不同步问题
                              Fixed an issue causing weapon inaccuracy when aiming while prone - 修复了趴下瞄准时导致武器不准的问题
                              Fixed an issue resulting in the inability to land next to a Titanosaur - 修复了导致无法在泰坦巨龙(Titanosaur)旁边降落的问题
                              Fixed loading screen not appearing soon enough when launching the game - 修复了启动游戏时加载界面不能及时出现的问题
                              Scorched Earth: Fixed floating tumbleweeds in the Wyvern Trench during weather events - 焦土(Scorched Earth):修复了天气事件期间飞龙谷(Wyvern Trench)中飘浮的风滚草问题
                              Scorched Earth: Fixed notification spam during super heat when inside a Tek Sleeping Pod - 焦土(Scorched Earth):修复了在泰克睡眠舱内处于超级高温时通知刷屏的问题
                              The Center: Fixed inability to uncryo creatures inside the underwater bubbles - 中心岛(The Center):修复了无法解冻水下气泡内生物的问题
                              Aberration: Prevented ability to place structures directly next to enemy Gas Collectors - 畸变(Aberration):防止了能在敌方气体收集器(Gas Collectors)旁边直接放置建筑的情况
                              Aberration: Fixed multiple server crashes - 畸变(Aberration):修复了多次服务器崩溃的问题
                              PC: Added a notification for manually installed custom cosmetics that need to be updated - 电脑端:为手动安装的需要更新的自定义外观添加了通知
                              Xbox: Added a “Save Game” button to the escape menu in Single Player - Xbox:在单人游戏的退出菜单中添加了 “保存游戏” 按钮
                              Xbox and Playstation: Fixed an issue on the Mod UI that prevented using the back button to leave the picture preview of a mod - Xbox 和 Playstation:修复了模组用户界面(Mod UI)中无法使用返回按钮退出模组图片预览的问题
                              Fixed several exploits - 修复了若干漏洞
                              Fixed several client crashes - 修复了若干客户端崩溃问题
                              Fixed several server crashes - 修复了若干服务器崩溃问题

                              IP属地:阿尔及利亚15楼2024-10-31 10:24