原文:The substance of its form began to unravel, crumbling into nothingness as the beam bored though it. It was so quick. For other creatures it would have been an instant but for the prisoner it was a slow unfolding of obliteration. It had time to observe, to analyze, to know that the beam would pulse and the black energies would swallow its body in a flash of collapsing matter. It would not survive, but it did not need to survive. It just needed to reach the sphere which lay on a plinth behind its jailors. Its hand closed over the sphere.
(Chronometron launching its restarting sequence)
(prisoner laughing)
And the universe was made again in a flash of collapsing time.
- Ahriman: Key of Infinity
:Galaxies had lived and died by their masters' command, whole stellar realms had been extinguished for their pleasure and entire races brought into existence as their playthings.
- Nightbringer
The C'tan and the Necron legions bound to their service were able to unleash such unknowable weapons that the very fabric of time and space was theirs to shape according to their will.
- The Outer Reach