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科幻出海:英文硬科幻长篇小说《LAWLESS ORIGIN》国外发布


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11月,《LAWLESS ORIGIN》将国际出版英文版全本。

IP属地:广东1楼2024-10-03 20:09回复
    00. Preface
    In 2050 AD, humanity began the Crazy Star Colonization Project:
    Mars: Tickets to Mars are very expensive, starting from tens of millions, and those who can immigrate to Mars, are all rich.
    The Martian colony developed the all-plutocratic social model, the ultimate form of capitalism: extreme privatism (Original Testament Civilization).
    Starry Ark: Each ship carries thousands of years of supplies to explore the far sky.
    The Knights of the Starry Ark, have developed a social model, of sharing materials for all members, the ultimate form of communism: extreme public ownership (Original Testament Civilization)
    In 2100 AD, mysterious robot organizations established utopias, on the outskirts of major cities.
    Utopia has no taxes, no laws, no government, and everyone is equal.
    Utopia land is shared, and each person gets a ration of land for free.
    Billions of humans poured into utopia, to form an intelligent contract social model: extreme justice (New Testament Civilization).
    The human beings who remain in the cities, imitate utopias, abolish taxes, abolish laws, abolish governments, and form Post-Society.
    Post-Society has evolved into a variety of social models, that are more perfect, more fairer, more freer, and more ideal than utopia: extreme autonomism (Old Testament Civilization).
    It's like a myth and a paradise.
    Human civilization has ushered in an incomparably brilliant new era: the machine century.
    In the 22nd century, humans and robots have initially merged, to immortalize some memories.
    Humans serve as hosts for robots, and robots store the primary memories, of humans from birth to death.
    After the physical death of a human being, the robot with the memory of the human, enters the marginal world, as a host, and continues to reproduce.
    After the death of the robot's body, the memory information of the human host, is transmitted to the space city, and the space body is regained.
    Space robots with long lives, to explore the alien sky.
    Humans and robots form a new cycle, a new moral order of life and death.
    The past religions and beliefs of mankind, cannot explain the new moral order, they are completely ineffective.
    Human civilization has entered a new century, religion and belief have collapsed, and ethics have been reshaped: Century without religiosity.
    It is extremely coincidental, the "End of the Dharma Era" prophesied, in the mythology of primitive Buddhism in ancient India.
    This story is based on human history, but this story is not the real history of mankind.
    This story mimics the planetary landforms of the Earth, but this story does not take place on the Earth.
    Index of Facts:
    Utopia, post-society, reference: More's Utopia, Plato's Republic.
    New Testament Civilization, Old Testament Civilization, Original Testament Civilization, Reference: The Covenant Between Man and God in the Bible, New Testament, Old Testament.
    Mars colony, reference: Mars immigration science, Musk's Martian migration plan.
    Starry Ark, Reference: Biblical Legend, Noah's Ark.
    Urban collapse, reference: the wave of urbanization in the industrial revolution, the formation of urbanization agglomeration by large-scale industrial production. Otherwise, urbanization is reversed.
    Memory immortality, reference: artificial intelligence, metaverse, consciousness research, cognitive science, neuroscience.
    Marginal world, reference: myths and legends, heaven, hell, human world, fairy world, demon world.
    The End of the Dharma Era, Reference: Buddhist legend prophesied the "End of the Dharma Era".

    IP属地:广东2楼2024-10-03 20:12
      Academic setting: 18 future disciplines
      "LAWLESS ORIGIN" is an epic science fiction novel.
      This story explores the ultimate ethical relationship, between robots and humans, after robots are integrated into human society.
      This book patches up some fatal loopholes, in human civilization.And corrects some wrong directions, in human science and technology.
      It tries to dig out another direction, of human evolution from the ancient civilization, of mankind, and keeps pace with machine intelligence.
      There are no supernatural abilities, in this book.
      All settings, are in line with the existing scientific knowledge system of mankind.
      For example: time travel, wormhole travel, warp engines, alien civilizations, light speed flight...
      Parallel universes, infinite energy, universal healing, biological age reversal, supernatural powers...
      These settings, are contrary to scientific common sense, human science is not achievableare, not found in this book.
      All the settings, in this book, are derived from real-world disciplines, plus Futurology deduction.
      This book sets up a complete academic background, with 18 future disciplines:
      1. "Historical Psychology".
      2. "The Twelve Laws of Machines".
      3. "Ten Layers of Consciousness".
      4. "Space-Time Runes".
      5. "Contractualism".
      6. "Human Civilization".
      7. "Mechanical Architecture".
      8. "Machine Intelligence".
      9. "Humanism".
      10. "Prophetology".
      11. "Kung Fu Calligraphy".
      12. "Spatial Matrix".
      13. "Holographic Network".
      14. "Machine Immortality".
      15. "Super Metallurgy".
      16. "Biomimetic Design".
      17. "Genetic Biology".
      18. "Mysticism."
      1. "Historical Psychology":
      Setting: It is used to explain the formation of human character, and the trajectory of fate, as well as various human contradictions and social conflicts.
      Using history as a scale, studies the mystery of similar human destinies.
      Studies the deep reasons for the complexity of human groups.
      Is not a simple intersection, of history and psychology.
      Instead, can use all interdisciplinary tools, to dig deep into the complex and mysterious laws, of human destiny and group psychology.
      Dig deep into the complex and mysterious laws, hidden behind historical events and phenomena.
      2. "The Twelve Laws of Machines":
      Setting: Used to construct the future social order, and intelligent contract civilization.
      Expand the "The Three Laws of Robotics" to hundreds of laws, divided into three layers:
      At the bottom level, the Creature Logic Lock, plus the zeroth creature logic lock, it has seven logic locks.
      In the middle level, the Twelve Laws of the Machine, plus the Zero Law of the Machine, it has thirteen main laws.
      At the upper level, the law of derivation, each main law has multiple laws of derivation, and it has hundreds of laws of derivation.
      It construct a complete system, of artificial intelligence and robot laws, as well as a system of machine life genes.
      It can be used as a legislative reference, for future laws, on artificial intelligence and robotics.
      Part of it, can be directly appropriated to the real world, as the laws of artificial intelligence and robotics.
      3. "Ten Layers of Consciousness":
      Setting: it combined with hypnotism, can interpret some ancient human civilizations.
      For example: I Ching, Hetu Luoshu, divination, witchcraft...
      Modern psychology is imperfect, from the perspective of human psychology, it is difficult to understand machine consciousness.
      In order to connect human psychology and machine psychology, this book reorganizes modern psychology.
      Uses Occam's razor principle, to deduce an interdisciplinary general psychological framework, The Ten Layers of Consciousness.
      "Ten Layers of Consciousness" is more magical:
      The first seven layers are compatible with hypnotism.
      The fifth layer are compatible with mysticism.
      The last three layers are compatible with soul and theology.
      The first four layers can be compatible with artificial intelligence, consciousness research, cognitive science, neuroscience.
      The last five layers can be compatible with genetics.
      4. "Space-Time Runes":
      Setting: the only discipline that can surpass machine intelligence.
      The purpose, is to try to find another direction, of human evolution, in addition to machine intelligence.
      It can continue the ancient civilization of mankind, establish the relationship between material and spiritual.
      It can also interpret some ancient human civilizations.
      For example: yoga, geomancy, alchemy, spagirism...
      Full name: "Biological Rune Space-Time Language".
      Complex biological runes and space-time language systems, are innate abilities of living organisms.
      It has both spatial and temporal attributes, both material and spiritual attributes, both consciousness and energy attributes.
      5. "Contractualism":
      Setting: It is used to repair the fatal loopholes of human civilization, establish an anarchic, lawless, and tax-free social order, in the future era, of machine intelligence.
      Robots have overturned all human laws, in human history.
      Reason: Human law, contrary to the principle of voluntary contract, also contrary to the principle of privatization of contract.
      The contracts, are only valid for those, who sign them voluntarily.
      The contract, you don't agree to the contract, you don't sign it, the contract, will naturally be invalid for you.
      The law is a type of contract, the law of mankind, is imposed on you, by a third party.
      Of course, the human law, without your consent and signature, is invalid against you.
      Contract classification: From zero-order contracts, to ninth-order contracts, a total of 10 orders, and dozens of contracts.
      6. "Human Civilization":
      Setting: It is used to patch the main loopholes, of human civilization。
      Improve the current form, of human civilization.
      Explore the evolution and development direction, of human civilization.
      Grading all forms of civilization, in human history.
      Grading the various forms of civilization, that may appear in the future of mankind.
      From the zero-order civilization, to the eleventh-order civilization, a total of 12 orders, and more than 100 forms of civilization.
      7. "Mechanical Architecture":
      Setting: Robots have subverted thousands of years of human architectural civilization, reconstructed the architectural order of the future machine smart city.
      Construction is defined as habitable machinery, and fixed construction is prohibited.
      Buildings must be movable, as well as quickly dismantled, and reassembled.
      From zero-order buildings, to nine-order buildings, a total of 10 orders, and dozens of buildings.
      8. "Machine Intelligence":
      Setting: It is used to adapt to the intelligent mode, of artificial general intelligence, and artificial super intelligence.
      Explore the new direction, of future robot R&D and design. Explore new models, of future scientific, and technological development.
      Artificial intelligence, from the negative-order, to the twelfth-order, a total of 14 orders, of artificial intelligence.
      From the perspective of intelligence and application range, from zero-order robot, to thirteenth-order robot, a total of 14 orders, and more than 100 kinds of robots.
      9. "Humanism":
      Setting: Patch the fatal flaws of human civilization.
      Explain The land system of utopia:
      human beings are inherently supposed to own land without compensation.
      Interpret the "Debtor's Convention":
      property rights cannot be greater than human nature, debts cannot affect human freedom.
      Why has technology become a tool, for plundering human nature?
      Why the 21st century, is the second Middle Ages?
      Why humanity carrying out the second renaissance, in the 21st century?

      IP属地:广东3楼2024-10-03 20:15
        10. "Prophetology":
        Setting: Study the innate instincts, of all prophets, in human history.
        And summed up: "Thirteen talents of prophets".
        From the zero talent of prophetic, to the thirteenth talent of prophetic, there are total 14 talents of prophetic.
        A relatively complete summary, of the innate abilities, of prophets, in human history.
        "Thirteen talents of prophets", as the protagonist's super plug-in.
        11. "Kung Fu Calligraphy":
        Setting: A genre of painting performance, combines martial arts and action painting.
        Originated 2,000 years ago, when painting, it is like wielding the cold weapon.
        Kung fu calligraphy, is like Guan Gong's dancing knife, has a great ornamental effect.
        Kung Fu calligraphy for competition, is the martial arts painting.
        The two sides paint, at high speed, in the middle of a fight.
        It is one of the most favorite extreme sports, of the aristocracy.
        Kung Fu calligraphy, is the protagonist's means, of earning a living, as a geisha.
        12. "Spatial Matrix":
        Setting: Spatial intelligence, dividing an overall space, into a matrix combination, of unit space.
        Moreover, each unit space, is an intelligent space robot.
        Spatial matrices, require intensive implementation, by a variety of techniques, including:
        Spatial Internet of Things, Machine Internet of Things, Spatial Positioning, Holographic Network...
        Satellite networks, radar detection, levitation technology..
        The spatial matrix, can realize the stratification of the world, and the classification of civilizations.
        It is also possible to achieve forbidden land, and space prohibition.
        Combined with levitation technology, it can realize a buffer defense formation.
        The spatial matrix, can control the distance, speed and direction of movement, between vehicles, to achieve absolute safety.
        It integrates the holographic network, can locate and track the location, of information bracelets and robots.
        All humans and robots, are online around the clock, to achieve an intelligent, orderly civilization.
        13. "Holographic Networking":
        Setting: The current Internet, is the original Internet.
        The next-generation network of the original Internet, is the super network.
        The next generation of the super network, is the holographic network.
        The original internet, based on text, pictures, and videos.
        The original internet, could not carry augmented reality information.
        The super network, on the other hand, is based on augmented reality information.
        The characteristics of the super network:
        everything in reality is intelligent.
        It is equivalent to, every real object, an augmented reality intelligent robot is attached.
        The holographic network, is based on hologram information.
        The characteristics of the holographic network:
        all information is intelligent.
        It is equivalent to, every information component, is an intelligent robot.
        14. "Machine Immortality":
        Setting: Robots can record and store the main memory information, of humans from birth to death.
        After the death of the human body, the robot with the memory of the human, can continue to reproduce, and survive until eternal life.
        After the initial realization of machine immortality by human beings, all the religions of mankind collapsed.
        which is the "age of the end of the Dharma" predicted by Buddhism, and religion became invalid.
        "Intelligent immortalism", used to explain:
        Utopia outlaws religion. Because, religion violates the "Third law of the machine" (Law of harm).
        Robots rule from the perspective of God, the God will harm humans.
        After the extinction of pre-religions, post-religions, adapted to machine intelligence, began to be born.
        15. "Super Metallurgy":
        Setting: The main materials, for manufacturing robots in the future:
        Metal foam: small specific gravity, and light weight.
        Transparent metal: Mainly used to replace glass.
        Soft metal: can be folded, and bent.
        Memory Metal: Soft Metal Upgrade.
        Smart Metal: Memory Metal Upgrade.
        "Super Metal", mainly used to:
        The robot walks on the water, and the robot flies in the air.
        The "Super Metal" setting, is more fantastical.
        According to the current science of mankind, it may not be possible to achieve it, in a hundred years.
        16. "Biomimetic Design":
        Setting: Human transportation civilization, building civilization..., completely invalidated by robots.
        Robots design absolutely safe vehicles, and absolutely safe buildings.
        Land Transportation:
        The machine capsule, looks like a metal beetle, used to replace the car.
        Air Vehicles:
        The regular pentagonal aircraft, looks like a five-winged flying beetle, used to replace an airplane.
        Water Vehicles:
        The robot is made of metal foam, which has a small specific gravity, and is lightweight.
        After the robot is equipped with external equipment, it can float on the surface of the water, or walk on waves.
        17. "Genetic Biology":
        Setting: Gene editing technology, to create giant genetic beasts.
        Gene cloning technology, to clone ancient genetic monsters.
        Genetic plants, used to build houses, used to pave roads.
        Utopia outlawed cars, the roads of the city, were paved with genetic grass.
        Genetic Behemoth, mainly used to expand Cold Weapon warfare.
        Genetic plants, mainly used to expand building civilizations.
        The "Genetic Biology" setting, is more fantastical.
        According to the current science of mankind, it may not be possible to achieve it, in a hundred years.
        18. "Mysticism":
        Setting: In the history of mankind, different ethnic groups, had real immortal cultivation civilizations.
        Historically, although no one, has been able to cultivate immortals successfully.
        However, there is a lot of mystic cultivation inheritance left behind.
        Including: hypnosis, yoga, geomancy, alchemy...
        Spagirism, herbalism, perfumes, divination...
        Spiritism, physiognomy, reincarnation, witchcraft...
        This book deals with the setting of mysticism, all of which, have systematic scientific explanations.
        Scientific explanatory tools include: empirical science, modern psychology, hypnosis...
        Author: HuaRiShui
        Futurology + psychology + interdisciplinary researcher, physics background, science fiction painter + science fiction writer.

        IP属地:广东4楼2024-10-03 20:19

          IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端5楼2024-10-03 21:03