borderlands吧 关注:311,465贴子:4,886,799
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Reddit老哥锐评无主之地大电影(熟肉 无剧透)


挺意外的,Kevin Hart(饰演罗兰)演的很好,台词表现力和游戏中的罗兰很接近,虽然他的体格和罗兰相去甚远。Kate Blanchet(饰演莉莉丝)也不赖,Jack Black(小吵闹声优)的配音也很棒,我甚至可以说他和我们所熟知的小吵闹一模一样。至于小缇娜,还好啦,中规中矩,不是太差但也没多好----没像游戏里那么疯狂,那么致命。坦尼斯最差,Jamie Lee Curtis演的根本不行,电影里根本没表现出她“疯狂的天才科学家”这一特性。至于疯子(Krige),表现得很安静,就那么坐在那,没啥背景故事也没啥角色深度,不过我想大部分人早都预料到这个了。
对于游戏粉丝来说,电影中到处都是彩蛋和对游戏的致敬,比如Pierce’s station(译者注:不确定这是什么,可能是三代的地点,我没玩过)、埃莉(Ellie)的短暂客串(虽然没有台词,只是出现在某个画面中)、小吵闹和疯子(Krige)的经典台词等。然而,对于像我这样至少完成了游戏及其所有支线任务和DLC十多次的玩家来说,这部电影的整体评分可能只有4/10。它并不差,但也不算好,但令人惊讶的是,它并没有像我和大多数人预期的那样令人反感。与沙马兰的《最后的风之子》或第一部《自杀小队》相比,这部电影在质量上显然要高出不少。

IP属地:河南1楼2024-08-08 17:42回复
    Probably a surprise for everyone. Kevin Hart actually portrayed and played Roland well enough. His line delivery was close to the Roland we know, although not as stoic and not even half as tall. The same goes for Kate Blanchet's Lilith. Jack Black also voiced Claptrap right. I could even say that he was very in character to the Claptrap we know and love. Tina - She was ok, not worst but not the best portrayal either. She's not as crazy or deranged as she is in the game. The worst one was Tannis. Jamie Lee Curtis did not portray her right at all. Nothing about her character in the movie shows how "Insane(ly)" smart she is. And Krieg. He was just there. Just a muscle bound psycho with no depth or story whatsoever. But some people already expected that.
    The rest of the characters are forgettable. Moxxi's accent was just distracting even though I think she was the only one casted right. (The next part might be spoiler-ish) but Marcus was merely the bus driver played no other role. The main bad guy Atlas was *almost* written like Handsome Jack with the way he talked and acted. But I get it I guess, almost every big corporation CEO is an egotistical maniac in the Borderlands universe.
    Story & Plot
    As for the story. It's forgettable. Almost felt rushed a little bit. The jokes were at least funny and not over the top and didn't seem to be trying too hard to be funny. First part of the movie and the build up was interesting at first up until the very obvious conflict, and then the climax to the resolution that just fell flat.
    Sadly, not a lot of creatures shown either. A few brief moments of a Skag, A Thresher and Rakks, but other than that not a lot more. Most of what they fought were bandits & psychos.
    Props and Set Design
    I think its a shame that the props and set design and costumes look amazing. There's a lot of potential to make a great borderlands movie. I don't know what else to say here really other than that I think it looked great.
    Easter Eggs
    For the fans of the game, there's plenty of easter eggs in the background, references to the games, like Pearce's Station, a short cameo from Ellie (no lines just in the picture somewhere), some popular voice lines from Claptrap and Krieg, etc.
    Overall 4/10 movie for someone who finished the game including all the side quests from the main game and DLC's at least over a dozen times.
    It's not bad, but its not good either, but it surprisingly isn't offensive as what I and I'm sure most people thought it would be. Unlike Shyamalans Last Airbender or the first Suicide Squad.
    From a friend who had ZERO exposure to the franchise. She thought the movie was an 8/10. Funny, interesting story. Some characters like Tina and Tannis fell short and a boring climax and conclusion, but overall an enjoyable movie for her.
    edit: They were very self aware of the height and age for Roland and Lilith and the backlash they received for it and made jokes about it. Almost like a fourth wall break and clapback to all the backlash

    IP属地:河南2楼2024-08-08 17:45

      IP属地:贵州来自Android客户端3楼2024-08-08 18:19
        pierce's station应该是一代海伦娜皮尔斯在的那个聚居点new haven?

        IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端4楼2024-08-08 20:47

          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端5楼2024-08-08 22:09

            IP属地:江苏6楼2024-08-08 22:35

              IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端7楼2024-08-09 08:12

                IP属地:上海来自Android客户端8楼2024-08-09 09:57

                  IP属地:山东来自手机贴吧9楼2024-08-09 10:31

                    IP属地:马来西亚来自Android客户端10楼2024-08-10 01:16