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[公告]平衡性补丁与公告 2024/3/16


补丁说明 2024/3/15
- 仇恨精萃:效果降低至-4/-4(原为-5/-5)。
- 舞动之剑:增益降低至+1攻击力(原为+2攻击力)。这张卡对于快攻卡组来说是一个很大的异常值,我们希望使它缓和。
- 终极闪光:法术数量减少至20金币(原为25)。这张卡在高段位中表现出色,即使它很愚蠢,所以我们正在调整它的整体价值。
- 操纵火炮:最初的炮弹齐射减少到2次(原为3次)。
- 光辉术:费用增加至5(原为4)。虽然许多其他主要AOE卡已经趋于稳定,达到了更典型的使用率,但由于用途广泛,操纵火炮和光辉术的使用率都非常高。我们希望看到环境的发展使这些卡不再那么普遍,并为其他防御选项腾出空间,从而看到更多的玩法。
- 半人马:数值增加至2/3(原为1/3)。
- 狂野者托根:数值增加至4/4(原为4/3)。
- 妖精女王:召唤妖精的数值普遍降低。这张卡在所有等级中都表现出色,并且在玩家反馈中也经常被提及。我们希望将其亡语的价值降低相当多,从而让通过驱散或变形效果来针对它变得不那么重要。
- 萨拉哈恶毒鱼:生命值减少至2(原为3)。

IP属地:江苏1楼2024-03-16 13:28回复
    Balance Patch and Announcement 2024/3/16
    Hello players! It's been 1 week since the launch of our massive revamp, and we couldn't be happier with the overall cadence of gameplay so far! It looks like the game is in really good shape considering how much we changed at once, and we're very confident in this overall design philosophy going forward. On the details side, we are still doing the ocassional balance patch just like any game, and now that we've collected a week of player feedback and data, we wanted to check in with some spot adjustments.
    We also wanted to announce that NEW CARDS ARE COMING SOONER THAN YOU THINK! Think of this as the announcement of the announcement. :) We have been hard at work on the next major card set all this time, and the time draws near. Stay tuned for more info. Today's patch notes are below! Thank you for your continued feedback, and feel free to hop into our community Discord to discuss the game with the devs or other players.
    PATCH NOTES 3/15/2024
    - Essence of Hatred: Effect reduced to -4/-4 (was -5/-5).
    - Dancing Swords: Buff reduced to +1 Attack (was +2 Attack). This card is a big outlier for agro packages, and we want to tone that down.
    - Final Flash: Spell count reduced to 20 gold (was 25). This card has been overperforming at high ranks for how silly it is, so we are tweaking down its overall value.
    - Man the Cannons: Initial cannonball volley reduced to 2 hits (was 3).
    - Luminarus: Cost increased to 5 (was 4). While many of the other staple AOE cards have leveled off to a more typical play rate, Man the Cannons and Luminarus are both played at extremely high rates due to their versatile use cases. We want to see the meta develop with these cards being less ubiquitous, and make room for other defensive options to see more play.
    - Centaur: Stats increased to 2/3 (was 1/3).
    - Torgen: Stats increased to 4/4 (was 4/3).
    - The Fairy Queen: Stats of summoned fairies has been generally reduced. This card is overperforming at all ranks, and is also frequently mentioned in player feedback. We want to tone down the value of its Last Will a fair amount so that it's less critical to hard counter it with a dispel or transform effect.
    - Salahar Spitefish: HP reduced to 2 (was 3).

    IP属地:江苏2楼2024-03-16 13:30