食虫植物吧 关注:43,217贴子:1,363,253




IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-07-04 15:28回复
    Heliamphora can be one of the easier carnivores to grow, or one the harder, depending on the conditions you can provide. Although Heliamphora was first in cultivation over 130 years ago, it was not until the 1990's with new clones propagated via sterile culture that Heliamphora became readily available. There has been a learning curve to understanding how to grow Heliamphora. Much of what has been written about Heliamphora culture is wrong or misleading.

    IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端2楼2023-07-04 15:28
      在野外至少有23种太阳瓶子草和许多杂交种。它们只在委内瑞拉的圭亚那高原以及邻近的圭亚那和巴西被发现。大多数品种被限制在海拔1200至2800米(4000至9200英尺)的平顶山上。少数品种分布在海拔800米(2500英尺)以上的平顶山坡或其他高原地区。那些平顶山是砂岩高原,高出邻近景观数百米。尽管那些平顶山位于赤道以北几度,但其顶部的温度范围通常为7至23°C(45至74°F),偶尔会有更高和更低的温度,但不会低于冰点。大多数平顶山的平均降雨量约为每天2至4厘米。那些可以被称作“土壤”的东西,通常是由沙子、岩石和腐烂的植物构成。Stewart McPherson将该栖息地描述为一个雨水沙漠。平顶山的大部分地区都没有植被,甚至在一些看起来非常适合太阳瓶子草生长的地方,它们也发布的很零散。
      There are at least 23 species of Heliamphora and many hybrids in the wild. The plants are found only in the Guiana Highlands of Venezuela and adjacent Guyana and Brazil. Most species are restricted to 1200 to 2800 m (4000 to 9200 ft) elevation on tepuis. A few species are on the tepui slopes or other highland areas above 800 m (2500 ft) elevation. The tepuis are sandstone plateaus that rise hundreds of meters above the adjacent landscape. Although the tepuis are a few degrees north of the equator, the temperature range on their tops is generally 7 to 23°C (45 to 74°F) with occasional higher and lower temperatures but not below freezing. Rainfall averages about 2 to 4 cm per day on most tepuis. Where there is anything that can be called "soil", there is generally sand, rocks, and decomposed plant matter. Stewart McPherson typifies the habitat as a rain desert. Large parts of the tepuis are devoid of vegetation and even where there are locations that appear perfect for Heliamphora, the plants are very patchy.

      IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端3楼2023-07-04 15:29
        It can be impossible to provide the exact conditions many plants experience in the wild. In most cases it does not matter. The trick is to find out among the set of conditions you can provide which ones are necessary and sufficient to grow the plants well. If you cannot or it is not convenient to provide those conditions, grow something else you can grow well. Fortunately Heliamphora plants are pretty tough, preadapted to cool human house temperatures, and grow well under artificial lighting. It is going to take time to learn how to best grow these plants. The easiest Heliamphora to grow are hybrids and the generic or typical selections of Heliamphora heterodoxa, Heliamphora nutans, and Heliamphora minor. Beginners should start with these plants.

        IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端4楼2023-07-04 15:30
          就像大多数植物一样,照顾好根部是种植太阳瓶子草最重要的事情。Jaffe等人报告称,他们在野外研究的太阳瓶子草的根部温度在16至20°C(60至68°F)之间,而空气温度的波动范围更大。Andreas Wistuba报道称,在人工种植条件下,这些太阳瓶子草可以忍受高达30°C(86°F)的温度,但超过40°C(104°F)对大多数品种来说是致命的。越大的植株越容易受到高温的影响,如果温度超过26°C(79°F),它们就会死亡。在低温方面,太阳瓶子草能在轻度霜冻中存活下来。只要白天土壤温度没有升高,就没有必要在晚上给植物降温。
          As is the case for most plants, taking care of the roots is what is most important for growing Heliamphora. Jaffe et al. report that the root temperatures of the plants they studies in the wild were in the range of 16 to 20°C (60 to 68°F) while the air temperatures went through wider swings. Andreas Wistuba has reported that in captivity the plants will tolerate temperatures up to 30°C (86°F) while temperatures above 40°C (104°F) are fatal for most species. Large plants are especially susceptible to heat and can die with prolonged temperatures above 26°C (79°F). On the low temperature side the plants will survive light frosts. It is not necessary to cool the plants at night as long as the soil temperatures were not elevated during the day.

          IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-07-04 15:30
            Andreas Fleischmann报道了一种常见致病真菌的实验,这种真菌可以在野外和人工种植下的太阳瓶子草中发现。真菌生长在植物的维管系统中。他表明,如果保持在28°C(82°F)的恒定温度和高湿度下,受感染的太阳瓶子草可能在不到10天内死亡。目前尚不清楚在这种温度下,真菌是否会失控堵塞维管,或者维管是否会受损,从而导致真菌过度生长。这些植物可能会受到土壤、雨水和其他植物的感染。重复使用土壤、使用受污染的土壤成分和头顶浇水都会传播真菌。
            Andreas Fleischmann reported experiments with a common pathogenic fungus that can be found in Heliamphora plants in the wild and in captivity. The fungus grows in the plant vascular system. He showed that infected plants can die in less than 10 days if kept at a constant temperature of 28°C (82°F) and high humidity. It is unclear whether at that temperature the fungus simply gets out of control clogging the vessels or whether the vessels become damaged encouraging the fungus to grow excessively. The plants can become infected from soil, rainwater, and other plants. Reusing soil, using contaminated soil ingredients, and overhead watering can spread the fungus.

            IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端6楼2023-07-04 15:31
              Heliamphora in the wild can be found growing partially submerged in water or at least flooded by daily showers. This stream of fresh rain water flows through their environment limiting bacteria and fungi as well as providing oxygen to the roots. Although this is what happens in the wild, it is not necessary to flood or top water the plants daily. What is important is growing the plants with enough light, in an appropriate soil mix matching the watering schedule, with a fertilization technique that matches the growing environment.

              IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端7楼2023-07-04 15:31
                The easiest way to grow Heliamphora is indoors under artificial lighting. Unless the humidity in the basement or room with the plants is higher than 70%, the plants will need to be in an enclosure such as a terrarium. If the enclosure has reflective sides, the plants will require at least 20 watts of LED lighting or 1200 lumens per square foot (30 cm2) for 15 hours a day at a distance of about 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 in) above the plants. If the enclosure does not have reflective sides or the lights are on a shorter period each day, the plants will need more intense light. Remember that light only from the top will not be very effective because the pitchers need light from the side as well as the top.

                IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端10楼2023-07-04 15:32
                  Fluorescent lighting is not recommended unless there is a way to keep the heat they generate away from the plants. If fluorescent lighting must be used, small fans can be used to get rid of the heat and/or a piece of Plexiglas between the lights and the plants to help insulate them from the heat. Hydroponic or indoor plant stores tend to stock better lighting and cooling supplies than home stores.

                  IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端11楼2023-07-04 15:33
                    Watering in a terrarium can be problematic. I use a soil mix that allows me to keep the plants sitting in a few mm of water all the time. Other growers water their plants daily or every other day draining off the excess. Some growers keep them even drier under the assumption that drier soil will help reduce problems with fungus. Always use pure water (reverse osmosis is most common) or at least tap water that is very low in dissolved minerals. Generally well water is too salty. Filtering or softening will not make the water less salty.

                    IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端12楼2023-07-04 15:33
                      The soil ingredients and the ratios used depend on what you can get, the quality of the material available, and how you want to handle watering. It is also important to consider what will happen with the plants during vacations. Plants top watered or flood watered every day require a different soil mix from plants watered less often or that sit in a few mm of water all the time. For the exact ratios of materials it is best to let the soil and the plants tell you whether what you are using is working or not. The soil should never dry out, the plants should root well in it with roots throughout the soil and the soil should never be stinky from the organic ingredients rotting. This means you need a combination of ingredients that allow the soil to hold a lot of water yet have air spaces to keep the soil aerobic.

                      IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端13楼2023-07-04 15:33
                        北美种植者目前的共识是,太阳瓶子草的最佳长期盆栽基质是Butch Tincher推荐的基质:等量的水苔、珍珠岩和水生植物培育基(或水生植物土壤)。这是基于北美可用的材料。水生植物培养基是一种特色产品。在某些地区可能很难找到。向专门经营池塘和池塘植物的商店查询。它含有粘土产品——伊利石(W)和沸石(W),它们保持水分和营养,但不会分解。其它的土壤混合物是水苔混珍珠岩,水苔和粗砂,或者我使用的等份水苔、粗砂和水生植物培养基的混合物。
                        The current consensus among North American growers is the best long term potting medium for Heliamphora is the one recommended by Butch Tincher: equal parts long fibered Sphagnum, perlite, and aquatic planting medium (or aquatic plant soil). This is based on materials that are available in North America. Aquatic planting medium is a speciality product. It may be difficult to find in some areas. Check with stores specializing in ponds and pond plants. It contains the clay products arcillite(W) and zeolite(W) which hold moisture and nutrients but do not break down. Alternate soil mixes are just long fibered Sphagnum and perlite, long fibered Sphagnum and coarse sand, or the mix I use of equal parts long fibered Sphagnum, coarse sand, and aquatic planting medium.

                        IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端14楼2023-07-04 15:34
                          在欧洲,Andreas Wistuba建议使用同等比例的精细园艺松树皮、水苔和泡沫塑料™ 的土壤混合物. 泡沫塑料™ 是德国生产的塑料产品,其功能与珍珠岩相同,但要好得多。我发现美国的兰花皮质量参差不齐,有时可能有毒,我认为这是因为添加了太多的肥料。兰花皮中的肥料可能是它成为太阳瓶子草广受欢迎的基质成分的原因。这些植物一开始可以在兰花皮上长得很好。盆栽时,兰花的树皮很快就会分解。在不翻盆情况下种植太阳瓶子草两年或两年以上并不罕见,最好使用能持续那么长时间的土壤成分。如果你能得到高质量的兰花皮,并且在你的条件下能保持,那就用它。世上没有神奇的基质,你必须找到一种与你能得到的和你能提供的生长条件相匹配的。
                          In Europe Andreas Wistuba recommends a soil mix of equal parts fine horticultural pine bark, long fibered Sphagnum, and Aggrofoam™. Aggrofoam™ is plastic product produced in Germany that serves the same function as perlite only much better. I have found orchid bark available in the USA to be quite variable in quality and sometimes can be toxic, I presume from too much added fertilizer. The fertilizer in orchid bark is probably the reason it has been a popular potting ingredient for Heliamphora. The plants can do great in orchid bark at first. As a potting medium orchid bark breaks down quickly. It is not uncommon to grow Heliamphora two or more years without repotting and it is best to use soil ingredients that last that long. If you can get good quality orchid bark and it holds up under your conditions, then use it. There is no magic mix, you have to find one that matches what you can get and and the growing conditions you can provide.

                          IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端15楼2023-07-04 15:34
                            Many growers use a mulch of live Sphagnum moss on the soil surface. The plants like this very much but the Sphagnum tends to overgrow small plants. I use a 1 cm thick mulch of sand to minimize moss and fungus gnats. The plants do not like it as well but I am also not breaking off pitchers keeping the Sphagnum under control.

                            IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端16楼2023-07-04 15:35
                              Heliamphora, like Sarracenia, is quite capable of utilizing nutrients in the soil although Heliamphora can not tolerate the fertilizer levels that Sarracenia appreciates. Commercial carnivore growers put very small amounts of fertilizer in their water—on the order of 1/2 tsp fertilizer per 10 gallons (1 g per 40 l) of water. This will raise the TDS (total dissolved solids) in the water by 25 parts per million. One of the easiest ways to kill a Heliamphora plant is to put too much fertilizer in the soil. Some species are more sensitive to soil fertilization than others so be VERY careful if you go this route.

                              IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端19楼2023-07-04 15:36