msgctxt "vo_affinity_affliction_envious_01_0"
msgid "Each covets what the other has and plots to take it."
msgstr "两人都在盘算如何将对方所得据为己有。"
msgctxt "vo_affinity_affliction_resentful_01_0"
msgid "Resentment - the slowest and deadliest poison of them all."
msgstr "愤懑——最为缓慢,也最为致命的毒药。"
--"不满与怨恨是毒药,最释缓却也最致命" (一般药效缓慢称为“释缓”)
msgctxt "vo_affinity_affliction_suspicious_01_0"
msgid "Narrowed eyes, muttered threats. All trust is lost."
msgstr "冷眼相视,恶语相向——再无信任可言。"
-- "目不正视,言之不凿,信任无存"
msgctxt "vo_affinity_affliction_tumultuous_01_0"
msgid "Restless souls thrive in chaos they create."
msgstr "不眠不休的灵魂在混乱中愈发猖獗。"
-- "聒噪的灵魂交织着惶惶的人心"
msgctxt "vo_affinity_triggers_general_negative_01_0"
msgid "Animus grows in proportion to mounting pressure."
msgstr "敌意随着压力的堆砌增长。"
msgctxt "vo_affinity_triggers_general_positive_01_0"
msgid "Suffering strengthens the bond!"
msgstr "默契在磨难中淬炼!"
msgctxt "vo_affinity_virtue_amorous_01_0"
msgid "While the heart still beats, desire will never die."
msgstr "只要心脏还在跳动,欲望就不会泯灭。"
msgctxt "vo_affinity_virtue_hopeful_01_0"
msgid "Aspiration unites the hopeful!"
msgstr "怀揣希望之人,在共同的理想下团结!"
msgctxt "vo_affinity_virtue_inseparable_01_0"
msgid "Two facets of the same stone - never one without the other."
msgstr "连珠合璧——永不分离。"
msgctxt "vo_affinity_virtue_respectful_01_0"
msgid "Tried and tested - a bond to be counted on!"
msgstr "他们携手历尽艰险——注定不会辜负彼此!"