My esteemed friend: 致我受人尊敬的朋友: It is absdute pleasure to know that you are fond of that painting, 我真的很高兴听到你喜欢那幅画的消息, but unfortunately, 但不幸的是, my health no longer permits me to travel long distances. 我的健康状况无法允许我去长途旅行。 I offer you my most sincere apologies for my absence. 我为我的缺席献出最诚挚的歉意。
However,my student will accept your invitation on my behalf. 但是我的学生将代表我接受你的邀请。 He is a talented young man, 他是一个才华横溢的年轻人, and he will be bringing his paintings with him. 并且会带上他的画作(来见你) I am sure the two of you will engage in valuable"Aesthetical Discourse" 我确信你们会(一起)参与有价值的“美学论述”
Alas,he is now tied up with personal matters to attend to, 遗憾的是他正在为自己的事而忙碌 and his departure will be delayed for three months. 所以距离他动身还要三个月。 All the best your truly Jarves 万事顺利 你最好的朋友Jarves敬上