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首先有一点,灵族咋来的,古圣创造的,擅长啥,使用灵能,并且他们的科技树基本上是灵能工程,灵族离不开灵能,灵族自身那复杂的科技是基于灵能工程完成的,他们能够只用灵能来操纵甚至创造物质 原文: Even the complex technology of their race is based upon psychic engineering, the manipulation of and even creation of matter using mental energies alone. - Codex: Eldar, 6th Edition所有灵族个体都能够在一定程度上操控精神能量,每一位都是不同程度的灵能者原文:All Eldar can manipulate mental energies to a degree. Each is psychic to one extent or another.- Codex: Eldar, 6th Edition一个还没学会说话的灵族婴儿就足以用灵能控制面前的人类举枪自杀。原文:Neridiath’s fingers closed around Manyia’s throat, while she told herself over and over that it would be a mercy for her daughter. There was no telling what the humans would do with an eldar child .Scare mummy! Die!Neridiath only caught the edge of the burst from Manyia. The full force of the psychic imperative was directed into the human’s thoughts, shaped not by language but by primal need. The human reeled back, wincing in pain. Its gaze moved to the child in Neridiath’s arms, half horrified, half confused. A trembling hand raised the pistol to its left eye. Manyia’s tiny face was set with a deep scowl, toothless gums bared, unfettered psychic energy gleaming in her dark eyes.Die!The human pulled the trigger, sending a bolt of energy searing into its skull. It fell backwards, arms flailing wide, head crashing against the floor.- Hand of Asuryan一场爆炸释放出了吞噬数万人的火焰,将所有人类奴隶都烧成了焦黑的残骸,但是穿着盔甲的灵族却直接从火焰中走了出来,装甲冒烟但是没有受到任何实质性伤害。原文:All the slaves, and the remaining guards, were consumed by fire in an instant.(…)The eldar, clad in their armour, fled the heat but were mostly unscathed, some emerging from the fires itself, armour smoking but seemingly otherwise unharmed.(…)Strewn across the centre of the square were mounds of charred remains, still roughly in line even as they were thrown back by the blast: the burnt remnants of the slaves.- Iron Guard而在总规则里有这么一段艾尔达的奇想塑造了历史,其中最伟大的创造了世界和熄灭的太阳。(金山词霸,不掺水分.jpg)The whims of the Eldar moulded history, and the greatest among them created worlds and quenched suns.并且它提到的是艾尔达,还不是古艾尔达。而从灵能使用,或者说灵能者上来讲,阿尔法级灵能者,他们都是字面意思上可以轻松毁灭星球的存在

IP属地:上海来自Android客户端1楼2022-06-20 21:18回复

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端4楼2022-06-21 13:44

      IP属地:中国台湾来自iPhone客户端5楼2022-06-21 17:27

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端6楼2022-06-21 19:20

          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端8楼2022-06-30 19:37
            不好意思借个楼一下, @虫巢统帅Cosmos 私我一下,有事要向你查询

            来自Android客户端9楼2022-06-30 19:38

              IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端10楼2023-08-09 08:17
                原文:Such was the technological mastery ofthe Eldar that worlds were created specifically for their pleasure, and starslived or died at their whim.
                - Codex: Eldar, 6th Edition
                原文:The whims of the Eldar moulded history,and the greatest among them created worlds and quenched suns.
                - Core Rulebook, 5th Edition
                同时,也有描述说仅仅是当时灵族个体的梦境就能够逆转行星,熄灭恒星。考虑到原文用到的词组是“mere dreams”,这里的梦应该不带有比喻之意,而是指字面意思。
                原文:The last remnants of a people whose meredreams once overtunrned worlds and quenched suns.
                - Codex: Eldar, 5th Edition
                原文:The ancient Eldar had perfected theirscience to such an extent that they could reforge planets to their liking andquench stars at a whim.
                - Codex: Drukhari, 5th Edition
                原文:Lorgar felt a small smile take hold.‘Two hundred thousand. How many in the entire eldar empire?’ A whole species.Trillions. A decillion. A tredecillion. A goddess was born in the brains ofevery living eldar, and tore itself into the realm of cold space and warmflesh"
                - Aurelian Pg.33

                IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端11楼2023-08-21 17:10