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看了《Linker》有关的设定,虽然很简短但我认为并不简单,其中令我印象最为深刻的就是这句话:“一个人类与兽人共同存在的世界,两个种族一直保持着和平共处,知道人类因为科技开始崛起…… ”

来自Android客户端1楼2021-05-10 22:26回复

    IP属地:山东来自Android客户端2楼2021-05-19 16:49
      As to the root cause of the war, there are different opinions. The theory of war population holds that war is rooted in the increase of population, which exceeds the increase of production and leads to war. The theory of human nature in war holds that war is rooted in human nature's aggressive biological nature and desire, etc. For example, in the book The Battle of Yin and Yang next door, Yu Jinbao attributed the root of war to human's insatiable greed. There is some truth in these views, but they do not really address the main causes of war.
      In fact, private ownership and class are the main sources of war. As a social and historical phenomenon, war is not isolated. It is not only associated with certain social and political struggles, but also with certain social and economic bases. War does not always exist and does not come into being with the emergence of society. It is only after the development of a certain historical stage and the emergence of private ownership and class that the special social form of war comes into being. The practice of social development shows that the generation of war is linked with the generation of private property and class, and that private property and class are produced for economic reasons.

      来自Android客户端6楼2021-05-23 11:26
        So, the root causes of war exists in social economic activities, that is, before the social middle paleolithic, due to the extremely low productivity, labor products in addition to maintain their own survival, no surplus products for others, possession and plunder all labor, consumption together, there is no produce the objective basis of war. Due to the vast area and sparsely populated area, each tribe has relatively rich natural resources and is far away from each other. Basically, there is little communication between them and conditions for war do not exist. Of course, in the early and middle period of primitive society, there were also some bloody violent conflicts, but the reasons for the conflicts were mostly mutual revenge and contention for women. This kind of "blood revenge" is only an instinctive act of self-protection and collective self-defense. It is the embodiment of the primitive spirit of equality, which is fundamentally different from the war after the emergence of private property and class. At the end of the primitive society, that is, the late matriarchal society, due to the continuous improvement of production tools and the accumulation of people's labor experience, especially the development of science and technology, the social productive forces have been greatly improved, and surplus products began to appear. Social division of labor and Commodity Exchange made it possible for some people to occupy the labor of others. Then private property gradually emerged, private ownership of means of production emerged, and rival classes emerged. On the basis of private ownership of the economy, a subordination relationship between the ruling and the ruled in the superstructure was formed, the state and its appendages appeared, and a professional army emerged.

        来自Android客户端8楼2021-05-23 11:29
          In order to consolidate and expand private ownership, the ruling class constantly instigated oppressive wars at home and predatory wars abroad, leading to the resistance of the oppressed nations and classes. At the same time, the ruling class often waged war among itself to fight for power and gain. Since then, war has become an inevitable phenomenon for class society to solve confrontational conflicts and a constant companion of private ownership. This fully shows that the real source of war is nothing but the emergence of private property and class in human society.

          来自Android客户端9楼2021-05-23 11:29