干杯语录和矿镐致敬大部分重复且后者特殊语句比较少,岩与石还有部分单词衍生语句比较多,就只放最经典的那一部分好了(排版比较随意实在不想过多整理了,强迫症将就看吧,主要是懒- -): "Rock and Stone!" “岩与石!" "To the Fallen!" "敬逝者!" "For Karl!" "敬卡尔!" "The those we lost." "敬我们失去的人。" "Miners!The lowest and the highest!" "矿工!最卑微与最崇高的!" “Hello darkness my old friend!” "你好,黑暗,我的老朋友!" "To teamwork" "为了团结干杯" "To Danger." "为了危险干杯。" "To a successful mission." "为了胜利干杯。" "Long Live The Dwarves!" "矮人万岁!" "Karl would approve of this." "卡尔会赞同这个的。" "Nothing will stop us now!" "没有什么可以阻挡我们!" "Teamwork and beer will deep us togetther!" "团结和啤酒会让我们在一起" "Last one to finish is a pointy eared leaf lover!" "最后一个喝完的是尖耳朵的叶子情人。" "Fortune and Glory!" "财富与荣耀!" "Cheers everyone!" "所有人干杯!" "May your beards be thick,and your goldsatchels heavy!" "祝你的胡子变密,还有钱包变鼓!" "To the Empires of Old!" "敬古老帝国!" "To mates,to darkness,and to marking it back alive." "为伙伴,为黑暗,还有为死里逃生干杯。" "Skal!" (这个带有音标的貌似不是英文,- -但是很有气势,望大佬告知) "Leave no dwarf behind" "同舟共济,决不放弃!" "If you don't Rock and Stone,you ain't coming Home!" "如果你不喊口号,就别想回到轨道!" "We are UNBREAKABLE!" "我们坚不可摧!" "By the Beard!" "以胡子起誓!" (找到哪些是矿镐致敬了吗?手动滑稽) (才发现待机久了会听到鼾声- -)
钻机手WIKI经典语录(部分玩梗): "Step aside, wimps!" “退后,懦夫!” "Obstacle? More like a granite smoothie when I'm done." “碍事的花岗岩?就像冰沙一样。” "Digging is my middle name!" “挖掘者是我的中间名!” "If it ain't drillable, it's probably flammable." “没有钻头搞不定的东西,如果有,那就试试喷火器。” "Let me handle the digging!" “身为钻所天成!” "I'll drill through anything!" “开山裂石!” "Fueled up and raring to go!" “跟上,空降舱可不会等我们!” "I eat rock for breakfast!" “岩石吞噬者!” "Heavy duty excavation - ain't no finer thing." “我的钻头早已经饥渴难耐!” "Ain't no obstacle I can't clear!" "想去哪就去哪!" "Drill 'em and grill 'em." “浴火毒龙钻。” "Just call me the drilldozer!" “叫我推土机!”
枪手WIKI经典语录: "So what if I like really big guns!" "我就喜欢大的,大枪!" "Time to turn some aliens into thin green paste!" "把那些外星异虫变成绿色浆糊!" "Just show me where to shoot." "给我个目标。" "It ain't a gun if it don't weigh at least one hundred pounds!" "不足一百磅的枪不叫枪!" "Born to kill, baby!" "为杀戮而生!" "Two thousand rounds of depleted uranium. Aw, yeah!" "两千发贫铀弹。嗯哼!" "Pumped up and ready to kill!" "预热完毕!" "Trigger finger is itchy again." "我的大枪早已饥渴难耐。" "I'll kill anything with more legs than two!" "我叫三条腿杀手?四条腿杀手?管它呢!超过两条腿的都要杀!" "Lock and load!" "死亡之眼!"