With the third E.381 design, the overall dimensions were again enlarged slightly. The fuselage shape was designed as a triangular cross-section now, which presented an even smaller front cross-section. The step above the fuselage was eliminated, and the wing was now a shoulder mount design. Also, the wing tips were turned downwards, to act as skids once the plane landed and tipped from side to side. Instead of a single MK 108 30mm cannon, the third version was armed with six RZ65 or 73 spin-stabilized rockets fired from the wing leading edges. The tail unit was redesigned to sit slightly higher than the fuselage and the fin and rudders changed to a simpler rectangular shape. Landing was the same as the first two versions, via a retractable landing skid and drag parachute. The problem of entering or exiting the E.381 was solved by adding a side-opening hatch on the starboard side of the forward fuselage.