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【安利/闲聊】安利一些YA Fantasy书籍✨



IP属地:上海来自Android客户端1楼2021-01-09 14:59回复

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端2楼2021-01-09 15:05
      •Seven Wonders-Peter Lerangis(5)
      •Percy Jackson and the Olympians-Rick Riodan(5)
      •The Heroes of Olympus-Rick Riodan(5)
      •The Kane Chronicles- Rick Riodan(3)
      •Magnus Chase-(3)
      •The Mortal Instruments-Cassandra Clare(5)
      •Serafina-Robert Beatty(4)
      •The School For Good and Evil-Soman Chainani(6)
      •Land of Stories-Chris Colfer(6)
      •Geronimo Stilton Kingdom of Fantasy-Elisabetta Dami(13)
      •Grisha Trilogy-Leigh Bardugo(3)
      •Outlander-Diana Gabaldon(8-10)
      •A Series of Unfortunate Events-Daniel Handler/Lemony Snicket(13)
      •The Spiderwick Chronicles-Tony DiTerlizzi&Holly Black(8)
      •Wayside School-Louis Sachar
      •Broken Earth Trilogy-N.K.Jemisin(3)
      •A Stella Montgomery Intrigue-Judith Rossell(3)
      •Shades of Magic-V. E. Schwab(3)
      •The Curiosity House-Lauren Oliver&H.C.Chester(3)
      •Winterhouse Book Series-Ben Guterson(3)
      •The Lunar Choronicles-Marissa Meyer(11)
      •The lost Rainforest-Elliot Schrefer(3)
      •Estranged-Ethan Aldridge
      •Tangled in Time-Kathryn Lasky(2)
      •York Series-Laura Ruby(3)
      •The Collectors-Jacqueline West(2)
      •The Doldrums-Nicholas Gannon(2)
      •Spirit Hunters-Ellen Oh(12)
      •Fablehaven-Brandon Mull(5)
      •The Wildwood Chronicles-Colin Meloy(3)
      •Wings of Olympus-Kallie George(2)
      •The Thickety-J.A.White(4)
      •The Keepers: The Box and the Dragonfly-Ted Sanders
      •Choronicle of the Dark Star-Kevin Emerson(3)
      •Effigies-Sarah Raughley
      •The Inheritance Cycle-Christopher Paolini(4)
      •The Crown's Series-Evelyn Skye(2)
      •Six of Crows-Leigh Bardugo(2)
      •Daughter of Smoke and Bone-Laini Taylor(3)
      •The Wrath and the Dawn-Renee Ahdieh(2)
      •A court of Thorns and Roses-Sarah J.Maas(4)
      •Throne of Glass-Sarah J.Maas(7)
      •A Winter's Promise-Christelle Dabos(3)
      •The Gilded Wolves-Roshani Chokshi(3)
      •Serpent & Dove-Shelby Mahurin(3)
      •Chronicles of the One-Nora Roberts(3)
      •Southern Reach Trilogy-Jeff VanderMeer(3)
      •Legacy of the Ninth Realms-Amelia Hutchins(2)

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端5楼2021-01-09 15:18
        • The Drowning Empire-S.M.Gaither(3)
        • A Tale of Magic-Chris Colfer(2)
        • Pandava Quartet-Roshani Chokshi(4)
        • Keeper of the Lost Cities-Shannon Messenger(8)
        • The Darkest Minds-Alexandra Bracken(3)
        • Legend, the Series-Marie Lu(3)
        • The Kingkiller Chronicles-Patrick Rothfuss(3)
        • The Stormlight Archive-Brandon Sanderson(4)
        • The Lightbringer Series-Brent Weeks(5)
        • The Divine Cities-Robert Jackson Bennett(3)
        • The Daevabad Triolgy-S.A.Chakraborty(3)
        • The Founder’s Trilogy-Robert Jackson Bennett(2)
        • The Winternight Trilogy-Katherine Arden(3)
        • The Aurelian Cycle-Rosaria Munda(2)
        • House of Dragons-Jessica Cluess(2)
        • The Cursebreakers-Brigid Kemmerer(3)
        • Crown of Feathers-Nicki Pau Preto(3)

        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端7楼2021-01-09 15:23

          来自Android客户端12楼2021-01-17 15:31
            【Percy Jackson and the Olympians】By:Rick Riordan
            Percy Jackson and the Olympians是由5本书构成的以希腊神话为基础的奇幻冒险小说系列。这一系列讲述的是一位叫做Percy Jackson的12岁男孩和他的朋友Annabeth Chase等与希腊神话中的怪物斗智斗勇,解开神的预言之谜题的故事(有恋爱情结)。
            世界观设定:这是一个人与神共存的世界。人与神所诞下的孩子被称为“Half-Blood”或“Demigod”。Demigod在步入青少年时,他们身上会散发出一种能引来怪物的气息。如果这个Demigod没有受过训练,ta很有可能惨死于怪物手下。所以通常在这时,他们会被一只萨蒂尔(Satyr,古希腊神话中半人半羊的生物)带到位于纽约长岛的Camp Half-Blood。在这里,他们将会知道自己的神方父母,并被分配到对应的宿舍。Camp Half-Blood由希腊神话中的酒神Dionysus和一只名叫Chiron的人马怪(Centaur,半人半马的生物)管理。
            Demigod会拥有属于ta神方父母的能力,例如:海神Poseidon的孩子可以控制水体;智慧女神Athena的孩子都足智多谋;锻造与砌石之神Hephaestus的孩子往往都擅长摆弄机械;战神Ares的孩子通常都骁勇善战,等等。Demigod在Camp Half-Blood得到训练,并且有时会接受神谕去完成任务。
            The Lightning Thief(该系列第一本书)剧情介绍:Percy发现,在他的认知中本应该是虚构的希腊神话中的神明居然是真实存在的。不幸的是,他还激怒了其中的几位。宙斯的武器——Master Lightning Bolt,被偷了,而Percy是主要嫌疑人。现在,他只有十天的时间找回它……

            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端13楼2021-01-24 23:02

              14楼2021-01-25 08:10
                •The Wayward Children-Seanan McGuire(7)
                •Graceling Realm Series-Kristin Cashore(4)
                •The Bone Season-Samantha Shannon(4)
                •Themis Files-Slyvain Neuvel(3)
                •Take Them To The Stars- Slyvain Neuvel (1)
                •Deathless-Namina Forna(1)
                •The Prison Healer-Lynette Noni(3)
                •Witches Steeped in Gold-Ciannon Smart (1)
                •Heartstopper-Alice Oseman(4)
                •Empire of the Vampire-Jay Kristoff (3)
                •The Nevernight Choronicles- Jay Kristoff (3)
                •Blood and Ash-Jennifer L. Armentrout (3)
                •Stands of Arawiya-Hafsah Faizal (2)
                •Great 网页链接 (1)
                •Red Rising Saga-Pierce Brown (5)
                •These Violent Delights-Chloe Gong (2)
                •The Casquette Girls-Arlys Arden (5)
                •Ruined-Paula Morris (2)
                •Sweet Unrest-Lisa Maxwell (2)
                •The Last Magician-Lisa Maxwell (4)
                •The Glass Spare-Lauren DeStefano (2)
                •Shadow of the Fox-Julie Kagawa (3)
                •The Orphan Queen-Jodi Meadows (6)
                •Tales from the Kingdoms of Fable-Erika Everest (3)
                •Fallen Isles-Jodi Meadows (3)
                •Isle of Dreams-Kristen Jones (9)
                •Wonder Tales-Charlotte E. English (4)
                •Empirium-Claire Legrand (3)
                •The Princess Trials-Cordelia Castel (3)
                •The Heirs of Watson Island-Martina Boone (3)
                •Walk Series-Richie Tankersley Cusick (2)
                •Louisiangel-C.L. Coffey (5)
                •Arelia LaRue-Kira Saito (7)
                •The Jackalope Stories-Jake Nickens (2)
                •Lux-Jennifer L. Armentrout (5)
                •Devil’s Night-Penelope Douglas (6)
                •The Frozen Crown-Greta Kelly (1)
                •Magic of the Lost-C.L. Clark (1)
                •Wilderwood-Hannah F. Whiten (1)
                •Rook & Rose-M.A. Carrick (1)
                •Hall of Smoke-H.M. Long (1)
                •The Forever Sea-Joshua Phillip Johnson
                •The Books of Babel-Josiah Bancroft (4)
                •The God-King Chronicles-Mike Brooks (1)
                •The Nameless Republic-Suyi Dsvies Okungbowa (1)
                •The Hazel Wood-Melissa Albert
                •The First Law-Joe Abercrombie (3)
                •Valdemar-Mercedes Lackey (3)
                •Raven’s Shadow-Anthony Ryan (7)
                •Warbreaker-Brandon Sanderson (2)
                •Strange the Dreamer-Laini Taylor (2)
                •The Queens of Renthia-Sarah Beth Durst (4)

                IP属地:上海来自Android客户端15楼2021-02-24 21:22

                  IP属地:江苏16楼2021-03-01 12:43
                    楼主想要建个扣扣群一起讨论奇幻小说这个坑实在是太冷了。无论是奇幻还是科幻都可以讨论。可以互相安利什么的 有木有小伙伴们有这个意向~~~

                    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端18楼2021-07-07 17:12