Option Explicit
Sub SplitSlides()
Dim oSrcPresentation As Presentation, oNewPresentation As Presentation
Dim strSrcFileName As String, strNewFileName As String
Dim nIndex As Integer, nSubIndex As Integer, nTotalSlides As Integer, nBound As Integer, nCounter As Integer
Dim fso As Object
Const nSteps = 5 ' 修改这里控制每隔几页分割一次
If nSteps <= 0 Then Exit Sub
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oSrcPresentation = ActivePresentation
strSrcFileName = oSrcPresentation.FullName
nTotalSlides = oSrcPresentation.Slides.Count
nCounter = 1
For nIndex = 1 To nTotalSlides Step nSteps
If nIndex + nSteps > nTotalSlides Then
nBound = nTotalSlides
nBound = nIndex + nSteps - 1
End If
strNewFileName = fso.BuildPath(fso.GetParentFolderName(strSrcFileName), _
fso.GetBaseName(strSrcFileName) & "_" & nCounter & "." & fso.GetExtensionName(strSrcFileName))
oSrcPresentation.SaveCopyAs strNewFileName
Set oNewPresentation = Presentations.Open(strNewFileName)
If nBound < nTotalSlides Then
For nSubIndex = nBound + 1 To nTotalSlides
oNewPresentation.Slides(nBound + 1).Delete
End If
If nIndex > 1 Then
For nSubIndex = 1 To nIndex - 1
End If
nCounter = nCounter + 1
Next nIndex
MsgBox "结束!", vbInformation
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub SplitSlides()
Dim oSrcPresentation As Presentation, oNewPresentation As Presentation
Dim strSrcFileName As String, strNewFileName As String
Dim nIndex As Integer, nSubIndex As Integer, nTotalSlides As Integer, nBound As Integer, nCounter As Integer
Dim fso As Object
Const nSteps = 5 ' 修改这里控制每隔几页分割一次
If nSteps <= 0 Then Exit Sub
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oSrcPresentation = ActivePresentation
strSrcFileName = oSrcPresentation.FullName
nTotalSlides = oSrcPresentation.Slides.Count
nCounter = 1
For nIndex = 1 To nTotalSlides Step nSteps
If nIndex + nSteps > nTotalSlides Then
nBound = nTotalSlides
nBound = nIndex + nSteps - 1
End If
strNewFileName = fso.BuildPath(fso.GetParentFolderName(strSrcFileName), _
fso.GetBaseName(strSrcFileName) & "_" & nCounter & "." & fso.GetExtensionName(strSrcFileName))
oSrcPresentation.SaveCopyAs strNewFileName
Set oNewPresentation = Presentations.Open(strNewFileName)
If nBound < nTotalSlides Then
For nSubIndex = nBound + 1 To nTotalSlides
oNewPresentation.Slides(nBound + 1).Delete
End If
If nIndex > 1 Then
For nSubIndex = 1 To nIndex - 1
End If
nCounter = nCounter + 1
Next nIndex
MsgBox "结束!", vbInformation
End Sub