So as those of us left know, there's been some problems with the site lately. The site has always had problems but the issues are compounding due to lack of maintenance.
- Russian bot attacks that we can't stop (due to inability to update and upgrade the site)
- Nobody to maintain, develop and to upgrade the site.
- Due to locking down registration, inability to recruit new members and for existing members to make new accounts
- etc etc...
The site went down a few weeks ago due to a botched attempt at installing captcha to the site (in order to stem the russian bots). I was unsuccessfully, attempted a rollback, then left the country and the site went kaput almost immediately. Toawa was able to bring it back up, but had to figure out that it was the botched captcha library causing problems. This serves to highlight the fact that without proper support/knowledge/effort, it is not possible to half-ass install/upgrade danbooru without things going tits up. This site is so delicate that any changes done can potentially bring it down. If Toawa didn't fix the server, it would still be down.
This bring me to my point: Unfortunately, neither of us really have the time anymore to maintain the website. (using "maintain" lightly since we barely touch the server as is) Toawa has mentioned that he will be stepping down as admin and IT, and this leaves a gaping hole in the maintainability of our site. Without him, this site would've been dead a decade ago, so @Toawa thanks for putting up with us for this long!
As for myself: I just don't have the time anymore. The site is not expensive to maintain, but it does consume one thing I don't have anymore: time.
So it's a difficult but straight forward decision, but I'm officially putting OYP up for adoption. For anybody that wants to run it. This also means you will be taking over the whole domain, including paying for hosting and domain registration costs.
You get access to the db, all of our pictures and whatever shitty version of Danbooru we have, and the domain. This site, with thousands of translations and stories and more pictures. I wish it could stay up forever, but alas.
You can attempt to upgrade it if you wish, and do whatever Toawa and I weren't able to do with the site: which is upgrade the damn thing without shit breaking. If you have concerns with privacy, please voice them here and I will attempt to answer them to the best of my knowledge.
If nobody steps up, I will officially shutter the site at the end of the year, if it stays up for that long without breaking.
Thank you all for your contribution, but alas, my time with yukkuris is ending.
- Russian bot attacks that we can't stop (due to inability to update and upgrade the site)
- Nobody to maintain, develop and to upgrade the site.
- Due to locking down registration, inability to recruit new members and for existing members to make new accounts
- etc etc...
The site went down a few weeks ago due to a botched attempt at installing captcha to the site (in order to stem the russian bots). I was unsuccessfully, attempted a rollback, then left the country and the site went kaput almost immediately. Toawa was able to bring it back up, but had to figure out that it was the botched captcha library causing problems. This serves to highlight the fact that without proper support/knowledge/effort, it is not possible to half-ass install/upgrade danbooru without things going tits up. This site is so delicate that any changes done can potentially bring it down. If Toawa didn't fix the server, it would still be down.
This bring me to my point: Unfortunately, neither of us really have the time anymore to maintain the website. (using "maintain" lightly since we barely touch the server as is) Toawa has mentioned that he will be stepping down as admin and IT, and this leaves a gaping hole in the maintainability of our site. Without him, this site would've been dead a decade ago, so @Toawa thanks for putting up with us for this long!
As for myself: I just don't have the time anymore. The site is not expensive to maintain, but it does consume one thing I don't have anymore: time.
So it's a difficult but straight forward decision, but I'm officially putting OYP up for adoption. For anybody that wants to run it. This also means you will be taking over the whole domain, including paying for hosting and domain registration costs.
You get access to the db, all of our pictures and whatever shitty version of Danbooru we have, and the domain. This site, with thousands of translations and stories and more pictures. I wish it could stay up forever, but alas.
You can attempt to upgrade it if you wish, and do whatever Toawa and I weren't able to do with the site: which is upgrade the damn thing without shit breaking. If you have concerns with privacy, please voice them here and I will attempt to answer them to the best of my knowledge.
If nobody steps up, I will officially shutter the site at the end of the year, if it stays up for that long without breaking.
Thank you all for your contribution, but alas, my time with yukkuris is ending.