Some days aren't as good as others. In fact, you may feel sad from time to time. It's important to learn how to express sadness when you are feeling down. Also, you should know what to say when someone else is unhappy.人生不如意十之八九,事实上,你有时会感到悲伤。当你情绪低落时,学会如何表达悲伤是很重要的。另外,当别人难过的时候,你也应该知道该说些什么。
Structures Used to Express Sadness表达悲伤的结构
The examples used in this section are in the present continuous tense to express feeling sad at the moment of speaking. You can also use these expressions in different tenses.本节中使用的例子是用现在进行时态来表达说话时的悲伤。你也可以在不同时态中使用这些表达方式。
Use these informal forms when speaking to close friends and family. Preceding each set of sentences, an example shows how to construct the sentence, including the subject and "to be" verb:当与亲密的朋友和家人交谈时,使用这些非正式的形式。在每组句子之前,有一个例子说明如何构造句子,包括主语和表示将来的“to be”动词:
Subject + be + feeling down about something主语+be+feeling down about something
I'm feeling down about work lately.最近我对工作感到沮丧。
She's feeling down about her grades.
Some days aren't as good as others. In fact, you may feel sad from time to time. It's important to learn how to express sadness when you are feeling down. Also, you should know what to say when someone else is unhappy.人生不如意十之八九,事实上,你有时会感到悲伤。当你情绪低落时,学会如何表达悲伤是很重要的。另外,当别人难过的时候,你也应该知道该说些什么。
Structures Used to Express Sadness表达悲伤的结构
The examples used in this section are in the present continuous tense to express feeling sad at the moment of speaking. You can also use these expressions in different tenses.本节中使用的例子是用现在进行时态来表达说话时的悲伤。你也可以在不同时态中使用这些表达方式。
Use these informal forms when speaking to close friends and family. Preceding each set of sentences, an example shows how to construct the sentence, including the subject and "to be" verb:当与亲密的朋友和家人交谈时,使用这些非正式的形式。在每组句子之前,有一个例子说明如何构造句子,包括主语和表示将来的“to be”动词:
Subject + be + feeling down about something主语+be+feeling down about something
I'm feeling down about work lately.最近我对工作感到沮丧。
She's feeling down about her grades.