六年前,谁都没有想到一部由安徒生童话《白雪皇后》改编的作品可以刷新全球影史动画票房, 同时拿下本年的全球年冠,抱走两座小金人 六年后,冰雪奇缘2问世,诚然,过重的续集包袱以及剧本无法匹配的野心和世界观,她不如前作优秀,尤其在隔壁同年玩具4的对比下,一些处理相形见绌。 但我还是想说,不管是从观众还是影评人哪方面来说,类似狗尾续貂和烂片的措辞都有失公允。 Frozen II can't quite recapture the showstopping feel of its predecessor, but it remains a dazzling adventure into the unknown.
作为影迷,2019年我是幸运的, 最爱的荧幕角色终于找到了他们回家的路 “I love you three thousand”“In that very last shot of the film, what we’ll say, is she is just happy. She’s truly free.” - Chris Buck, Co-Director of Frozen II 套用三位主创在去年11月2日warp party上对本部全体动画师的感谢辞 Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for unforgetable eleven years
With an estimated $1,325M worldwide, Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Frozen 2 is now the highest grossing animated release of all time worldwide, having passed Frozen ($1,281M) and Incredibles 2 ($1,243M). The top 3 animated releases of all-time are now all Disney Animation/Pixar releases. 迪士尼通稿:目前冰雪奇缘2累计约13.25亿美元,全球动画最高,超越了冰雪奇缘1。冰雪奇缘1最终累计为 12.81亿美元,较BOM收录有所上涨。