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自己弄着玩的 从打食尸鬼开始

IP属地:广东1楼2019-11-07 04:17回复
    Vesemir: You all right?
    Geralt: Mhm. Had a nightmare...
    V: About?
    G: Take forever to explain.
    V: Dawn's some way off. We've got time.
    1. I dreamt of Kaer Morhen...
    G: Started in the guest room at Kaer Morhen. I was relaxing in the tub, and next to me...
    V: Triss?
    G: Yennefer. Funny, isn't it? She's never been there. Seemed so real in my dream, though.
    V: Was she nagging you about something?
    G: Hm. Mhm.
    G: True to life, indeed.
    V: We'll find her.
    1. Then we trained with Ciri...
    G: In the dream, I went and found Ciri. Then we trained.
    V: Those were the days...Hm, little she-devil.
    V: I've trained kids who were faster, stronger - but none had her chracter.
    V: Didn't end well, dit it? Your dream.
    G: No. The Wild Hunt appeared, attacked Ciri... I couldn't move. Stood there like a stump.
    V: It was just a dream.
    1. Time to go.
    G: Be dawning soon. Time to go.
    V: Wait. Show me the letter form Yennefer, might've overlooked some hint in there.
    G: Didn't overlook anything. We were meant to meet in Willoughby - that's what she wrote. Meanwhile one army or another burned the village to the ground. All we can do is follow her trail, so...
    V: Stop talking for a minute and give me the letter. Well, how about that! It does smell of lilac and gooseberries.
    G: You were gonna read it, not sniff it.
    V: "We must meet.Soon"..."Willoughby, near Vizima"...Hm, nothing else to guide us there.
    V: " What's this postscript? "I still have the nuicorn?"
    2. Stuffed unicorn - we used it as a bed once.
    G: Stuffed unicorn. Used it once or twice. In certain...situations.
    V: Hm! The things young folk get up to these days...
    G: Back on topic. How's it look - how far behind Yennefer are we?
    V: Two, three days... Trail's fresh. But it looks like it leads towards the main road. Could be muddled there.
    V: Wait - hear that?
    G: I hear it, I smeel it. Ghouls.
    Vesemir: Of course. When armies pass, necrophages follow. Let's go before any more show up.

    IP属地:广东2楼2019-11-07 05:11
      Geralt: Bird Skull... in black crystal. Why do I think this is Yen's?
      Geralt: Ever tell you about this sorcerer I knew? Couldn't stop talking about how useful they are as creatures.
      Vesemir: Because you can brew potions from their blood?
      G: Heh, no. Because by eating rotting corpses they prevent epidemics.
      V: Hmph, Did he know they eat the living as well?
      G: No. Really upset him. too... His theory collapsed.
      Vesemir: War's not exactly going our way.
      Geralt: We have a side?
      V: The Northern Realms.
      G: Rodovid's Realms, don't you mean? Temeria and Aedirn aare no more.
      V: Radovid's pledged to restore the old borders - soon as he wins the war.
      G: Believe that?
      V: Hmph. Gotta believe someting. It's what keeps us going.

      IP属地:广东3楼2019-11-07 05:30
        精品贴好像有 弃了弃了

        IP属地:广东4楼2019-11-07 05:48

          来自Android客户端5楼2019-11-07 06:06

            IP属地:山东来自Android客户端6楼2019-11-07 09:20

              来自iPhone客户端7楼2019-11-07 09:41
                神贴 顶

                IP属地:中国香港来自iPhone客户端8楼2019-11-07 16:25

                  IP属地:中国香港来自iPhone客户端9楼2019-11-07 16:25
                    Vesemir: We going?
                    Merchant: Help me! Help!
                    Merchant: Ha-has it gone?
                    Geralt: Yeah! Come out!
                    M: Gods! That was colose! I was sure I'd end up like my mare.
                    V: Provided you got lucky!
                    G: Your horse died quickly! But griffins like toy with their prey! Eat it, alive, piece by piece.
                    M: Ahh-ha.
                    M: You'd...You'd like a reward, I suppose?
                    1. You don't owe us a thing.
                    G: You don't owe us anything. You were indeed, we helped.
                    M: And they call witchers heartless. Say they won't lift a figer without pay.
                    G: They also say mice are born of rotting straw.
                    G: Back to the trail?
                    V: Like I said - leads to the main road and ends there. Muddled.
                    M: You seek someone?
                    1. Yeah - a women.
                    G: Yes, a women, medium height, long, black hair. Seen anyone like that?
                    M: No. But...
                    M: There's an inn in White Orchard. Sole one around. Gets its share of travelers, perhaps you'll learn something there.
                    M: Beside,the innkeep's my cousin,Tell her Bram sent you,she'll treat you like family.
                    G: Not a bad idea. Especially since that wound needs cleaning.
                    V: Bah, beast barely grazed me. But sure...Could use a good rye. Nice and cool, you know, straight from a cellar?
                    G: Let's go.

                    IP属地:广东10楼2019-11-08 01:52
                      Geralt: So...a griffin this close to the village? Strange.
                      Vesemir: My thoughts exactly. In a forest or the mountains,sure, but there? And near the main road?
                      G: Maybe it's the war. Corpses everywhere, the stench of blood, burnt flesh...Drives mosters crazy sometimes.
                      V: Men, too.
                      V: We need to watch ourselves in White Orchard, And we should leave as soon as we learn anything.
                      Elsa [the innkeeper]: What?
                      Peasant 1: Take that down before there's trouble.
                      Peasant 2: That is a coat of arms - the Temerian Lilies! They've a right to hang there!
                      P 1: This ain't Temeria no more, old man. It's Nilfgaard now.
                      P 2: My arse, it is!
                      P 1 :Wha? Withchers...?
                      P 3: I'll not drink with weevil-arse freaks.
                      Elsa : Beg your pardon for those thugs.
                      Vesemir: No need. We're used to it.
                      Elsa: Folk're jumpy'round here. Armies just pass through, now a griffin's prowlin' about...
                      Geralt: Mhm. Already had the pleasure.
                      G: Ran ino your kinsman, Bram.
                      E: Bram? How is he?
                      V: Alive. Sends his regards.
                      E: Master witchers...food and drink on the house. What can I get you?
                      1. Looking for a woman.
                      G: Looking for a woman. Raven-haired, violet eyes. Dresses in black and white. Riding in from Willoughby.
                      G: And , uh, strange as it sounds - lilac and gooseberries, might've smelled that.
                      E: I've not seen nor smelt such as a lady. Believe I'd remember.
                      V: Yeah. Especially hard to forget this one.
                      E: Plenty of travelers about, though, folk from all over. Might be worth your while to ask after her.
                      4. Thanks. For everything.
                      E: Master witchers, Would you be of a mind to kill the griffin? Beast's a scourge on our land.
                      E: Only killed livestock at first, but it's got a taste for human flesh of late. We're afeared to set foot outdoors.
                      G: If someone'll pay us, won't say no.
                      G: Help you bandage that up?
                      V: Please. I'm not decrepit yet.
                      G: Then I'll ask about Yennefer.
                      V: Mhm. Just remember - we'd rather not draw any attention.

                      IP属地:广东11楼2019-11-08 03:04
                        Geralt [G]: Looking for a women.
                        Gaunter O'Dimm [O]: Ahh, like everyone.
                        G: Not like everyone, and not just any woman. Mine smells of lilac and gooseberries, dresses in black and white.
                        O: Two schnappses!
                        O: Hah, It'll lift your spirits.
                        1. Fine, I'll have a drink.
                        G: Fine, I'll have a drink.
                        G: Can we cut the chase? You seen her or not?
                        O: Yennefer of Vengerberg?
                        G: Never mentioned her name.
                        O: Yet you described her perfectly. And once I hear something, I never forget. Can't help it.
                        1.How do you know Yen?
                        G: How do you know Yennefer?
                        O: What a question. Master Dandelion's ballads, of course.The only way a humble merchant might hope to rub up
                        against greatness. Unless, that is, he's as lucky as I am.
                        G: And runs into a very patient witcher?
                        O: Into Geralt of Rivia himself. The Butcher of Blaviken.
                        1. Where's Yennefer?
                        G: You seen Yennefer?
                        O: Deepest apologies, but I must ask: Is this about love?
                        2. Of course It's about love.
                        G: Guessed it. It's love.
                        O: I knew it at once.
                        G: What do you know? Tell me.
                        O: Before you appeared,It never occurred to me that might've been Yennefer. Who would've have thought...
                        G: Get to the point.
                        O: A Nilfgaardian scout from the local garrison saw her.
                        G: Where?
                        O: At their camp. She rode in there - dark of night, black and white, gooseberries and ...yes ,I know.Had a terse exchange with the garrison commander and raced off.
                        G: Where to ?
                        O: I'm not omniscient. Ask at the garrison
                        G: Thanks.
                        O: We men of the road must stick togeter. Perhaps one day I'll be in trouble and you'll be nearby to help.

                        IP属地:广东12楼2019-11-08 04:57
                          Peasant 1: Done drinkin'?
                          Geralt: Mhm.
                          Peasant 1: Then **** off.
                          Peasant 2: Hrrk-ptoo.Don't want your kind here.
                          -3- Back off.
                          G: Haven't done anything to you. So just calm down.
                          P 1: Course not...nay,uh...ye done nothin'...
                          P 2: Whoreson's workin' witchcraft! Get him!
                          G: Nice meeting you.
                          Soldier 1: Military camp. No locals allowed without the express consent of the garrison commander.
                          Geralt : I look like a local to you?
                          Soldier 2: You look like trouble.
                          G: Dead wrong - I make trouble go away. I'm a witcher.
                          S 1: A witcher...?
                          S 1: Captain Peter Saar Gwynleve is in the tower. Turn right, past the gate.
                          -2- Got work for me?
                          G: Guessing you captain's got work for me.
                          S 1: This is the army, Nording. There is no guessing.
                          S 2: To the tower. Go.
                          Captain Peter Saar Gwynleve [C] : How much grain will your village give?
                          Peasant : Whatever you say, Your Excellency.
                          C : Look at my hand. Look! See the calluses?
                          C : These are not the hands of an "Excellency", but of a farmer. So we speak peasant to peasant.How much you give?
                          P : Forty bushels. There'd be more, sir, but our lads, the Temerians, that is , took from us earlier and...
                          C : You will give thirty, and that will do.Let us settle on it. And I wish to see the transport soon.
                          P : Ah, thank you, sir! Thank you kindly!
                          C: I summoned only the ealdorman and the smith, Wills - but it is said he is a dwarf. You are too tall to be him.
                          -1- Can't argue with your logic.
                          Geralt: Very perceptive of you.
                          G: Geralt of Rivia. Withcer.
                          C: A vatt'ghern - this explains why I did hear you footsteps. What do you seek here?
                          G: Yennefer of Vengerberg. Where was she headed?
                          C: That is a military secret.
                          G: Haven't thrown me out yet. Haven't called the gurads. So go ahead - what's your price?
                          C: There is a griffin in the area. Slay it, and then I shall see what I can do.
                          -1- It's a deal
                          G: It's a deal. Some questions before I start. Know where the griffin has its lair?
                          C: It kept to the Vulpine Woods at first. I sent a partrol there, five young men. A hunter found them two days on. I only recognized them because they wore our plate.
                          C: Since then, the griffin has grown bold. Attacks in villages, fields, on the main road.
                          G: Meaning it's abandoned its lair. Gonna have to set a trap.
                          C: I judge form you tone this will not be easy. What do you require?
                          -1- Gotta gather a specific herb.
                          G: I'll need bait, a specific herb - buckthorn.Scent should lure the griffin from ten miles off.
                          C: Buck...buckthorn? I do not know this. But I am not yet fluent in the Common tongue.
                          G: Mhm. Probably mastered the basics, though - " hands up," "kill them"...
                          C: No. First came idioms. "Don't play with fire," for example.
                          C: Go to Tomira, an herbalist. She lives near teh crossroads. She will aid you.
                          -2- Could use some more information about the griffin.
                          G: Need more information about this griffin. Its sex, why it's abandoned its lair.
                          C: Shall I bring you witnesses?
                          G: They won't say anything I don't already know. I need to go where you men died, look around. What's the name of the hunter who found them?
                          C: Mislav. He has a hut south of the village, very near the wood. Helpful fellow. A little strange, though.
                          -3- So long
                          G: Tomira and Mislav...Thanks.
                          C: ABCDEFG

                          IP属地:广东13楼2019-11-09 05:16

                            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端14楼2020-01-08 19:04