[eventmanager.cpp:221]: Event is defined more than once. Check if this is intentional: Ac.131
[event.cpp:1202]: Event chaper.15: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event chaper.16: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event chaper.17: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event selper.17: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event selper.18: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event selper.19: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event eduimp.5: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event eduimp.10: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event eduimp.15: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event perobs.7: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event perobs.8: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event bibler.1: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event trayar.20: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9539]: Unknown trait-type possesed in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9539]: Unknown trait-type possesed in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9539]: Unknown trait-type possesed in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9539]: Unknown trait-type celiabate in trigger
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "revoke_allowed" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "always" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "revoke_allowed" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "always" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "revoke_allowed" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "always" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "revoke_allowed" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "always" at file: line: -1
[province.cpp:1988]: County id邇eg has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title W鲝nO輨 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County id|T6wO?e?W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title LOW陱 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 1gW黤|?W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 矏鎻禂輜矏id has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County ?矏鎻8S has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title FU?W矏O矏W豣譳W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 銼虘 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title id脣(?矏轞)RlT has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County /T矏邇 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title Ee4N has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County HSYZW has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title TN峃矏 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 譳Ye?W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 黤緩iOTX has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 豣W脣e?W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title /?&OO?鎻 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 脣bS譳nOW has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title tYid╤!X has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County %V痟W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 6wFZid?鎻 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 鏟idWid蜽 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title ?╤6w has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County ?kS蜽 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title FZbS瘧6w has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 錶%V檒 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title FZ脣WO>e has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County !?褢 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 黤u has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 钑厲 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title OTX矏vV has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 辳厲 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 塕<S<S has no holder - correcting!
[eventmanager.cpp:221]: Event is defined more than once. Check if this is intentional: Ac.131
[event.cpp:1202]: Event chaper.15: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event chaper.16: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event chaper.17: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event selper.17: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event selper.18: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event selper.19: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event eduimp.5: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event eduimp.10: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event eduimp.15: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event perobs.7: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event perobs.8: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event bibler.1: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[event.cpp:1202]: Event trayar.20: Lacks both MTTH and 'is_triggered_only'!
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9539]: Unknown trait-type possesed in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9539]: Unknown trait-type possesed in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9539]: Unknown trait-type possesed in trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:9539]: Unknown trait-type celiabate in trigger
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "revoke_allowed" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "always" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "revoke_allowed" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "always" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "revoke_allowed" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "always" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "revoke_allowed" at file: line: -1
[effect.cpp:1106]: Unknown effect-type: "always" at file: line: -1
[province.cpp:1988]: County id邇eg has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title W鲝nO輨 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County id|T6wO?e?W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title LOW陱 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 1gW黤|?W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 矏鎻禂輜矏id has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County ?矏鎻8S has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title FU?W矏O矏W豣譳W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 銼虘 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title id脣(?矏轞)RlT has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County /T矏邇 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title Ee4N has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County HSYZW has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title TN峃矏 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 譳Ye?W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 黤緩iOTX has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 豣W脣e?W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title /?&OO?鎻 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 脣bS譳nOW has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title tYid╤!X has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County %V痟W has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 6wFZid?鎻 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 鏟idWid蜽 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title ?╤6w has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County ?kS蜽 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title FZbS瘧6w has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 錶%V檒 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title FZ脣WO>e has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County !?褢 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 黤u has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 钑厲 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title OTX矏vV has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:1988]: County 辳厲 has no holder - correcting!
[province.cpp:2092]: Settlement title 塕<S<S has no holder - correcting!