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usm ubers地创翻译



IP属地:上海1楼2018-06-11 08:10回复
    Arceus-Ground is one of the best Arceus formes in the tier, as it is able to efficiently run both offensive and defensive sets, thus making it quite easy to fit on teams.
    Offensively, Arceus-Ground has a lot to offer, as Ground-type attacks are only resisted by Bug- and Grass-types, and, although Flying-type Pokemon are immune to Arceus-Ground's attacks, it is able to run Rock-type and Ice-type coverage moves to deal heavy amounts of damage to them.
    Arceus-Ground has a lot to offer defensively as well thanks to its 120 / 120 / 120 bulk and access to brilliant utility moves such as Stealth Rock, Defog, Recover, and Toxic. Furthermore, Pokemon that can hit Arceus-Ground with super effective STAB damage are rare, with Primal Kyogre, Arceus-Water, and Ferrothorn being the only common Pokemon in the tier capable of doing so.
    Arceus-Ground has a notable drawback regardless of what set it runs. Offensive sets can find themselves revenge killed by other offensive threats, while support sets are vulnerable to being trapped and removed from the field by Shadow Tag users. Also, Toxic is capable of wearing down any set that Arceus-Ground uses.
    Despite the fact that Arceus-Ground has a good offensive matchup against Primal Groudon, it struggles to switch into the common Overheat, and it also has to be cautious of being worn down by Toxic, which is run on defensive sets.
    地创有120 / 120 / 120的耐久,诸如岩钉,除雾,再生和剧毒等辅助技能,能在防守端提供许多。更多的是,能克地创的精灵很少,常见的也就原始海皇,水创和草钢。

    IP属地:上海3楼2018-06-11 08:10
      Arceus-Ground @ Earth Plate
      Ability: Multitype
      EVs: 252 HP / 64 Def / 192 Spe
      Timid Nature
      - Judgment
      - Recover
      - Ice Beam
      - Defog/Stealth Rock
      STAB Judgment hits a significant amount of the tier for neutral or supereffective damage.
      Recover restores Arceus-Ground's health by 50%, increasing its longevity and making it a lot harder to take down.
      Ice Beam hits Flying-types such as Mega Salamence, Yveltal, and Rayquaza for super effective damage as well as some other foes such as Giratina-O and Zygarde-C.
      Defog removes entry hazards, which prevents teammates from taking damage every time they switch in.
      Stealth Rock is mandatory on just about any competitive team, punishing any foe that switches in. Running Stealth Rock on Arceus-Ground also means that other teammates such as Primal Groudon doesn't don't have to run it, thus making them free to run more offensive sets.
      Toxic is a useful option to run on this set, as it allows Arceus-Ground to not be completely walled by Ho-Oh, and it also helps wear down other foes that commonly switch into Arceus-Ground's attacks such as Arceus-Water, Giratina-O, and Lugia.

      IP属地:上海6楼2018-06-11 11:33
        Set Details
        Earth Plate is used to turn Arceus into Arceus-Ground turn Judgment into a Ground-type move, and boost the power of Judgment.
        192 Speed EVs and a Timid nature allows allow Arceus-Ground to outspeed Mega Lucario, Adamant Mega Salamence, and Mega Diancie.
        The rest of the EVs are placed into HP and Defense, so Arceus-Ground is able to deal with physical threats such as Swords Dance Primal Groudon, Swords Dance Necrozma-DM, and Mega Salamence as effectively as possible.

        IP属地:上海7楼2018-06-11 11:46
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          IP属地:上海8楼2018-06-11 11:48
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            IP属地:上海9楼2018-06-11 11:49
              Other Options
              Stone Edge can be used on support sets with a Naive or Hasty nature to specifically lure in and KO Ho-Oh, as it 2HKOes defensive sets and OHKOes offensive sets.
              Extreme Speed can be run on offensive sets, as it allows Arceus-Ground to revenge kill faster weakened foes that could otherwise potentially revenge kill it in return.
              Roar can be used on support sets to potentially prevent Arceus-Ground from being trapped by Gothitelle; however, Arceus-Ground is still susceptible to Taunt, which prevents it from using the move. Roar also prevents it from running other crucial moves in its moveset such as Ice Beam and Toxic and ultimately only ends up being useful for preventing Necrozma-DM from sweeping.
              Refresh can be used instead of Ice Beam on Calm Mind sets to prevent Arceus-Ground from being worn down by Toxic; however, this prevents it from hitting any Flying-type Pokemon and Giratina-O and means that it does significantly less damage to Zygarde-C.
              Gravity can be used on Swords Dance sets so Arceus-Ground can hit Ho-Oh, Celesteela, and Skarmory for super effective damage. However, it mostly appreciates using Stone Edge so it can deal with other Flying-type threats such as Yveltal, Mega Salamence, and Lugia.
              Substitute can be used on Calm Mind sets to prevent status, but Arceus-Ground doesn't really have the moveslot for it.
              Will-O-Wisp can be used on support sets to shut down Necrozma-DM, but in most cases Arceus-Ground prefers to run Toxic, as it wears down common threats such as Arceus-Water, both Giratina formes, Primal Kyogre, and Ho-Oh.
              Groundium Z can be used on Calm Mind sets, running Earth Power instead of Judgment in order for Arceus-Ground to use a one-time 175-Base Power Tectonic Rage, which can OHKO Necrozma-DM prior to boosting. However, running Groundium Z instead of Earth plate results in Arceus-Ground having quite poor damage output, even at +1, and becoming quite susceptible to being trapped by Gothitelle.
              地Z能用在冥想配置上,用大地力替代制裁之砾让地创用一次性的175威力Tectonic Rage,能在强化前OHKO日骡子。然而,不用地石板用地Z导致地创有很差的伤害输出,即使在+1,并且非常易受姨妈的捕获。

              IP属地:上海11楼2018-06-11 15:39
                Checks and Counters
                Lugia: Lugia is able to survive any boosted hit from Swords Dance or Calm MindArceus-Ground thanks to Multiscale and phaze it with Whirlwind. However, itdoesn't appreciate Toxic from support sets, and it is much less efficient atchecking Arceus-Ground if Stealth Rock is on the field.
                Celesteela and Skarmory: Both Celesteela and Skarmory takeminimal damage from any of Arceus-Ground's attacks, are immune to Toxic, andcan annoy Arceus-Ground with Toxic. Celesteela can further annoy Arceus-Groundwith Leech Seed, and Skarmory can recover off any damage taken with Roost.Skarmory can also phaze any setup Arceus-Ground set with Whirlwind. It shouldbe noted though that Celesteela can just become setup fodder for SubstituteArceus-Ground sets, as Heavy Slam never breaks Arceus-Ground's Substitutewithout a decent amount of Attack investment.
                Arceus-Water: Arceus-Water takes minimal damage frommost of Arceus-Ground's attacks and can dish out heavy damage with STABJudgment. However, it can only really soft check (RH) Swords DanceArceus-Ground if it hasn't used its Z-Move, as it is OHKOed by +2 TectonicRage.
                Giratina and Giratina-O: Giratina-O is immune to Ground-typeattacks, takes less than 50% from +2 Stone Edge from physical variants andminimal damage from Ice Beam from support sets and can inflict status on all ofthem, phaze them with Dragon Tail, or deal a decent amount of damage withShadow Force or Draco Meteor. Despite the fact that Giratina lack a Groundimmunity, it takes minimal damage from any of Arceus-Ground's attacks, evenbeing able to survive +2 Tectonic Rage from Swords Dance variants, and caneasily Rest off any of the damage it takes and proceed to inflict status onArceus-Ground or phaze it with Dragon Tail.
                水创:水创被大多数地创的攻击造成小伤害并用本系制裁之砾重创它。然而,如果剑舞地创没有Z技能,它能做check,因为它被+2 Tectonic Rage确一
                鬼龙和鬼龙O:鬼龙O免疫地面系,物攻配置吃+2石刃伤害低于50%,吃辅助向配置的冰光伤害少,并能给它们下状态,龙尾逼退,或者用影袭或者龙星造成重创。除了鬼龙缺少地面系免疫,它吃地创攻击损伤小,甚至能吃下剑舞+2的Tectonic Rage并且轻易睡觉回复,用状态或者龙尾反制

                IP属地:上海13楼2018-06-11 16:07
                  Gothitelle: Although it doesn't appreciate dealingwith Swords Dance variants or taking boosted hits from Calm Mind Arceus-Ground,Gothitelle can PP stall any support set as well as potentially stall out CalmMind variants as long as Arceus-Ground hasn't already started boosting.
                  Marshadow: Marshadow is a solid offensive answer toArceus-Ground invalidating Swords Dance sets because it can steal boosts withSpectral Thief and reverse sweep. Life Orb sets can also 2HKO any Arceus-Groundset after Stealth Rock damage, and although it is less common, Bulk UpMarshadium Z sets are able to OHKO any Arceus-Ground set with an unboostedSoul-Stealing 7-Star Strike.

                  IP属地:上海16楼2018-06-11 16:08

                    IP属地:上海19楼2018-06-11 16:11
                      Buzzwole: Buzzwole resists Ground, has enoughnatural bulk to not be fazed by Ice Beam and is only really worried aboutboosted Stone Edge. It can also lower Arceus-Ground's Attack with Lunge andwear it down with Toxic + Roost.
                      Primal Kyogre: Primal Kyogre takes minimal damagefrom support Arceus-Ground sets and has enough natural bulk to survive a Z-Movefrom offensive sets and +2 Judgment from Calm Mind variants and OHKO them inreturn with rain-boosted STAB attacks.
                      Revenge Killers: Swords Dance Arceus-Ground setsdislike dealing with Pokemon that outspeed it such as Choice Scarf Yveltal,Marshadow, and Ultra Necrozma. Choice Scarf Yveltal is immune toArceus-Ground's STAB attacks and can revenge KO a +2 Arceus-Ground with Foul Play.Marshadow also poses a major threat to Swords Dance Arceus-Ground, as it cansteal its boosts with Spectral Thief and proceed to KO it, and Ultra Necrozmacan potentially OHKO Arceus-Ground after Stealth Rock damage.

                      IP属地:上海20楼2018-06-11 16:11