同样遇到了这个问题,运行了PDSETUP.exe也没解决,搜了半天在reddit - LogitechG - Cannot Get Logitech Options Software to work on Windows 10 PC 帖子中找到了解决方案(直接发网址老是失败……) -------------------- 原文如下: Okay so I solved it like this: Uninstall Logitech Options from control panel Type in Device Manager in the Start Screen. Select the same. Expand USB devices Right click on the device name Click on Properties. Click on Driver Tab. Click on Uninstall drivers. Click OK. So after following the first 8 of their steps, I went to their website and downloaded an older version of Options Version 7.14.70 is fine for me. I installed it, and when it asked me to log in, I clicked the X button and it just worked. So I just didn't log in, but I still have my local settings. EDIT: Turn off your wifi during the installation. -------------------- 翻译成中文大概就是: 去设备管理器里把USB设置卸载掉 下载一个老版本的Logitech options,如7.14.70 注意在安装时关掉wifi -------------------- P.S. 我也是下的7.14.70然后成功了,中文版的也可以在logitech官网搜(防和谐不发网址了) P.S.2 建议在安装的开始,对于是否共享数据,选择否