Radio Times在CE出演的新剧集《归乡》(Come Home)正式在BBC one播出前对他的采访
[2018年3月19号 星期一 早上8点30分]
After recently claiming he was “blacklisted” by the BBC after leaving Doctor Who, former Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston has now revealed more about the tensions he felt on set during filming for the sci-fi series.
最近Christopher Eccleston(下称CE)阐明了他在离开《神秘博士》之后,曾被BBC列入“黑名单”,这位曾经的第九任博士透露了更多在拍摄这部科幻剧集期间他经历过的事情。
“My relationship with my three immediate superiors – the showrunner, the producer and co-producer – broke down irreparably during the first block of filming and it never recovered,” Eccleston says in the latest issue of Radio Times.
“我与那三位直接上级——节目运作人、制片人和联合制片人(RTD、Phil Collinson等)的关系因首次拍摄时起的不和而彻底破裂,而且绝对无法挽回了。”CE在回答Radio Times的问题中如是说。
“They lost trust in me, and I lost faith and trust and belief in them,” he continues.
Eccleston starred in the sci-fi series when it first rebooted in 2005 with Russell T Davies as showrunner.
CE在Russell T Davies(下称RTD)在2005年时,作为节目运作人重启的《神秘博士》中担任主角。
Describing the situation as “very” stressful, Eccleston claims that he felt out of place playing a lighter role, and believes it may have contributed to on-set difficulties.
“Some of my anger about the situation came from my own insecurity,” he says. “They employed somebody [as the Doctor] who was not a natural light comedian.”
He adds, “Billie [Piper], who we know was and is brilliant, was very, very nervous and very, very inexperienced. So, you had that, and then you had me. Very, very experienced, possibly the most experienced on it, but out of my comfort zone.”
他补充道,“Billie Piper一直以来都非常优秀,曾经(在拍摄时)相当地局促不安,又没什么经验。然后我来了,一个十足有经验,可能是他们中最有经验的人,但是这一切都超出了我的舒适区。
In the interview, Eccleston goes on to reveal why he’s only elected to speak on the subject in recent months, with the Salford-born actor suggesting he’d made an agreement not to “damage” the rep为什么utation of the series.
“When I left, I gave my word to [then-showrunner] Russell T Davies that I wouldn’t do anything to damage the show,” he says. “But they did things to damage me. I didn’t criticise anybody.”
Asked if Davies was aware of the issues, Eccleston says, “If you’re the showrunner, you know everything. That’s your job,” adding that he “never will have” a working relationship with the screenwriter again.
翻译:@-川陀的流放者- (本人)

[2018年3月19号 星期一 早上8点30分]
After recently claiming he was “blacklisted” by the BBC after leaving Doctor Who, former Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston has now revealed more about the tensions he felt on set during filming for the sci-fi series.
最近Christopher Eccleston(下称CE)阐明了他在离开《神秘博士》之后,曾被BBC列入“黑名单”,这位曾经的第九任博士透露了更多在拍摄这部科幻剧集期间他经历过的事情。
“My relationship with my three immediate superiors – the showrunner, the producer and co-producer – broke down irreparably during the first block of filming and it never recovered,” Eccleston says in the latest issue of Radio Times.
“我与那三位直接上级——节目运作人、制片人和联合制片人(RTD、Phil Collinson等)的关系因首次拍摄时起的不和而彻底破裂,而且绝对无法挽回了。”CE在回答Radio Times的问题中如是说。
“They lost trust in me, and I lost faith and trust and belief in them,” he continues.
Eccleston starred in the sci-fi series when it first rebooted in 2005 with Russell T Davies as showrunner.
CE在Russell T Davies(下称RTD)在2005年时,作为节目运作人重启的《神秘博士》中担任主角。
Describing the situation as “very” stressful, Eccleston claims that he felt out of place playing a lighter role, and believes it may have contributed to on-set difficulties.
“Some of my anger about the situation came from my own insecurity,” he says. “They employed somebody [as the Doctor] who was not a natural light comedian.”
He adds, “Billie [Piper], who we know was and is brilliant, was very, very nervous and very, very inexperienced. So, you had that, and then you had me. Very, very experienced, possibly the most experienced on it, but out of my comfort zone.”
他补充道,“Billie Piper一直以来都非常优秀,曾经(在拍摄时)相当地局促不安,又没什么经验。然后我来了,一个十足有经验,可能是他们中最有经验的人,但是这一切都超出了我的舒适区。
In the interview, Eccleston goes on to reveal why he’s only elected to speak on the subject in recent months, with the Salford-born actor suggesting he’d made an agreement not to “damage” the rep为什么utation of the series.
“When I left, I gave my word to [then-showrunner] Russell T Davies that I wouldn’t do anything to damage the show,” he says. “But they did things to damage me. I didn’t criticise anybody.”
Asked if Davies was aware of the issues, Eccleston says, “If you’re the showrunner, you know everything. That’s your job,” adding that he “never will have” a working relationship with the screenwriter again.
翻译:@-川陀的流放者- (本人)