Oh Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done, The ship has weather'd every rack,the prize we sought is won, The port is near,the bells Ihear,the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; But Oh heart! heart! heart! 0h the bleeding drops of red! Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. 啊,船长! 我的船长! 我们可怕的航程已经终了, 航船闯过了每一道难关,我们追求的目标已经达 到, 港口就在前面,钟声响在耳边,我听见人们狂热的 呼喊, 千万双眼睛望着坚定的船, 它威严勇敢; 但是,心啊! 心啊! 心啊! 鲜红的血液在流淌, 就在这甲板上,躺着我的船长, 你倒下了,身体冰凉。
This is a story about myself. One day, I saw a man walked along the road. I couldn't find my way. So, I asked him: 'Excuse me? Can you tell me the way to king street?' He saw me, but didn't say anything. I said it again, but he didn't reply either. 'Hey? Can you hear me?' I asked him. And then, he disappearad!