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日志105 2.0的changelog


Hello everyone! 2.0 'Cherryh' and Apocalypse will be coming out in a week, so here as usual are the full patch notes in advance for your perusal. As we're still in the process of proofreading them, there might be omissions or errors, so please let us know if you spot anything that looks out of place. Thank you!

IP属地:阿联酋1楼2018-02-15 20:33回复
    IP属地:阿联酋3楼2018-02-15 20:34
      # Unit Experience
      * Armies and Ships will now gain experience from combat and rank up. Higher rank armies/ships are more effective in battle
      # Galactic Terrain
      * Certain systems will now have effects on ships in them. Pulsars, Neutron Stars and Black Holes will affect ships in the same system in various ways, while Nebulas prevent all outside sensors from having a view of the system
      # Fleet Manager
      * We have added a new interface that lets you manage your fleets. You can manage templates, retrofit designs and reinforce all fleets.
      # Technology
      * Technologies have been reworked into 5 tiers, and many have had their base costs changed
      * Renamed Atmospheric Restoration to Atmospheric Transformation
      * Doctrine: Fleet Support no longer unlocks any spaceport modules, but instead increases naval capacity
      * Interstellar Fleet Traditions tech no longer unlocks any spaceport module, but instead unlocks two starbase buildings
      * Auxiliary Fire-control technology added to the game
      * Modular Engineering technology has been added, which reduces starbase building and module build cost by 25%
      * Each ship size has two technologies that increases hull points. For example, corvettes can increase their hull points by +100 two times
      * Each ship size has a technology to increase the build speed of that ship size by 25%
      * Technologies that unlock new ship sizes also increase Fleet Command Limit by +10
      * Orbital Hydroponics tech removed from game
      * Will to Power tech removed from game
      * Wormhole Stabilization technology has been added to the game, and it is required to travel through Wormholes
      * Gateway Activation technology has been added to the game, and it is required to activate Gateways and to travel through them
      * Gateway Construction technology has been added to the game, and it is required to build new Gateways
      # Traits
      * Traditional species trait has been added, which increases unity output
      * Quarrelsome species trait has been added, which reduces unity output
      # Spaceports
      * Spaceports as an entity no longer exist, and starbases with shipyards are required to build military ships. Every planet can build civilian ships through the spaceport tab, including Habitats
      * All spaceport modules removed from the game. Some were converted into Starbase buildings
      # Pirates
      * Pirates can now spawn in any unowned system near your borders. Pirate spawns keep getting stronger as the game goes on. Pirates will raid systems to destroy mining and research stations
      * Pirates cannot spawn during the first 10 years of the game
      # Sensors & Intel
      * Sensor range is now a measure of how many FTL jumps away you can see rather than euclidian distance. A sensor range of 1 gives view of only the same system, 2 of same and neighboring system, and so on
      * Intel levels have changed. They are as follows: None (Unknown), Low (unsurveyed but known), Medium (surveyed, not in sensor range), High (unsurveyed, in sensor range) and Full (surveyed, in sensor range)
      * You no longer need to survey systems owned by other empires you have comms with. Exception is systems owned by Fallen Empires or Marauders
      # Edicts
      * Edicts now all have an up-front cost and a duration, rather than being able to be toggled on and off. The only exception are one-off edicts such as Land Reclamation
      * Removed a bunch of planetary edicts, and many others were turned into empire edicts. In addition, many of them have had their effects tweaked or reworked.
      * Recycling Campaign empire edict added to the game, which reduces consumer goods cost
      * Healthcare Campaign empire edict added to the game, which increases pop growth
      * Education Campaign empire edict added to the game, which increases leader experience gain
      * Fear Campaign empire edict added to the game, which increases unity output and xenophobia
      # Setup
      * Can now set when mid-game and end-game events will start at galaxy setup
      * Can now set overall speed at which tech and traditions are unlocked at galaxy setup
      * Can now set frequency of wormholes and abandoned gateways at galaxy setup
      # Misc.
      * Added some new events for gaining additional Precursor artifacts outside of anomalies, this should guarantee that precursor chains can always be completed
      * It is now possible to start a game with no other empires in it, but this will disable conquest victory
      * You now start with your home system explored, and largely fixed (slightly randomized) number of resources present
      * No longer possible to trade star charts with other empires, instead you can trade for communications
      * War Philosophy now controls whether or not you can freely make claims on other empires. It is always possible to claim systems of empires that you are fighting a defensive war against
      * Broken planets are now their own planet class, instead of using the barren planet class
      * The Scyldari are now Spiritualist rather than Materialist, as the prescripted empires were looking a bit Materialist-heavy
      * Changed the Iferyx from Xenophobe to Pacifist, and gave them Corporate Dominion, to give them a different AI personality from Yondar attraction
      * Added new component reactor booster with 3 levels and accompanying techs - aux slot component that gives extra power to ships, the basic version is available as a start tech
      * Mineral Processing technology no longer gives +2000 Mineral storage cap, but rather unlocks Nebula Refinery
      * Consolidated mineral storage modifiers from techs into just a few techs instead of spread all over
      * Military Stations removed as a buildable station type. They are now Defensive Platforms for starbases.
      * Added Resource Replicator building, which converts 50 energy into 30 minerals per month
      * Auxiliary Fire-control aux component added to the game, which is an aux slot component that increases weapon hit chance
      * Curators now ask if you wish to renew their research agreement when it ends
      * Added a new Corvette-section: Picket Ship with 1 point-defense slot and 2 small slots
      * Climate Transformation technology is now called Climate Restoration again
      * Added Feral Prethoryn events

      IP属地:阿联酋4楼2018-02-15 20:36
        # Balance
        # Important
        * Armor has been reworked completely. It is no longer a damage reduction modifier, but rather a separate source of hit point, similar to hull points or shields.
        * Weapons can deal additional (or reduced) damage to hull points, armor and shields. Damage is first applied to shields, then armor and lastly hull.
        * Missiles have been completely reworked. All missiles now use the guided slot, ignore shields and will have a specific intended target.t
        * Reactors are now a required component, and are no longer placed in Utility Slots
        * Strike Craft now only exist as one entity, and are no longer split up between bombers and fighters
        * Point-Defense has been reworked to adjust for new strike craft stats
        * You now always start the game with laser, projectile and missile weapon techs, as well as basic shields and armor tech
        * Becoming Federation President now requires an empire to own at least 10% of a Federation's total planets, OR at least half the number of planets of the largest member. Empires who do not fulfill this condition will be passed over for leadership.
        * Only science ships staffed by scientists can now enter systems that you completely lack intel on (stops 'corvette exploration')
        * Added Force Disparity mechanics. In combat, a smaller force that is engaging a larger one (based on total combined fleet sizes) will now get a bonus to firing speed, to make casualties in battles less lop-sided
        * Ships now have a chance to disengage from combat whenever they take hull damage while already at <50% health. The chance depends on the amount of damage dealt, the ship size (smaller ships have an easier time disengaging) and ship/country modifiers. Disengaged ships are not dead, but do not take any further part in the combat, and rejoin the fleet once combat ends
        * Leaders now cost 200 energy to hire instead of 50 influence
        * Resettlement now costs energy instead of influence
        * Basic (lvl 0) Farms, Mines and Power Plants removed
        * Lvl 1 buildings (Farms, Mines, Power Plants) can now be built on new colonies
        # Civics
        * Buffed Shadow Council to -75% influence election cost
        * Driven Assimilators can now allow Cyborgs to procreate (they do not need food to grow)
        * Successfully assimilating a Pop as a Driven Assimilator now generates one month's worth of Unity and Society Research
        * Driven Assimilators can now research most Genetics techs
        * Driven Assimilators can now derive Assault and Defense Armies from Cyborg Pops
        * Servitor Morale modifier scaling has been made more granular, updating per every 5% Bio-Trophy population rather than every 10%
        * Rogue Servitors and Assimilators can now uplift species
        * Corporate Dominion civic now increases Trading Hub energy output by 1, instead of +10% energy credits. In addition, it also unlocks Private Colony Ship
        * Imperial Cult civic no longer reduces edict cost by 33%, but rather increases edict duration by 20%
        * Cutthroat Politics civic no longer increases monthly influence by +1, but rather reduces edict cost by -20%
        * Inward Perfection no longer increases monthly influence by +1, but rather increases edict duration by 10%
        * Charismatic ruler trait effect on edict cost reduced from -20% to -10%
        * Planetary Unification technology now increases monthly unity by +5
        * Distinguished Admiralty civic no longer increases evasion, but rather increases admiral level cap by 2
        # Traits
        * Fortifier ruler trait effect changed to reduce starbase upgrade cost by 20%
        * Trickster admiral trait now gives +25% ship disengagement chance instead of -50% emergency FTL damage
        * Charismatic ruler trait effect on edict length reduced from +25% to +20%
        * Deep Connections ruler trait now requires Planetary Unification technology and is no longer available for starting rulers
        * Eye for Talent ruler trait no longer increases leader recruitment cost, but instead increases Leader Experience Gain by 20%
        * Eager and Newboot now reduce leader cost by -50% (instead of -33%)
        # Technology
        * Corps of Engineers now increases starbase upgrade speed by 25% and reduces starbase upgrade cost by 15%
        * Combat Training technology now also gives +10% army damage
        * Technology is now twice as expensive to research for Awakened Fallen Empires
        * Commissar Squads attachment now requires Centralized Command instead of Will to Power
        * Moved some techs to the Computing and New Worlds tech categories, to make them more useful specializations
        * Renamed Rocketry category to Propulsion, and moved kinetics weapons tech into it, to make it a more useful specialization
        * All technologies should now belong to a category intended for its field, ie no more statecraft technologies in physics
        * Gaia Creation technology removed from the game, Gaia World terraforming is now a part of the World Shaper ascension perk
        * Planetary Unification technology now unlocks campaign edicts
        * Atmospheric Manipulation technology removed
        * Terrestrial Sculpting technology now allows you to terraform planets into other climates as well
        * Terrestrial Sculpting technology base cost increased from 1000 to 2000
        * Ecological Adaptation technology base cost increased from 3000 to 4000
        * Ecological Adaptation technology now requires Terrestrial Sculpting instead of Atmospheric Manipulation
        * Climate Restoration technology now requires Terrestrial Sculpting instead of Atmospheric Manipulation
        * Galactic Markets technology now requires Colonial Centralization instead of Galactic Administration
        * Galactic Benevolence technology now requires Colonial Centralization instead of Galactic Administration
        * Interplanetary Research Initiative technology now requires Colonial Centralization instead of Galactic Administration
        # Traditions
        * Tradition cost is now based on number of owned planets & systems, number of pops has no effect
        # Expansion
        * Reach for the Stars expansion tradition no longer affects colonization influence cost, but rather reduces starbase influence cost by 10%
        * Galactic Ambitions expansion tradition no longer reduces upkeep for frontier outpost, but rather increases starbase capacity by 2
        # Domination
        * Domination adopt effect now unlocks Demand Tribute and Demand Vassalization diplomatic actions instead of the previous effects.
        # Purity
        * Never Surrender purity tradition now increases starbase hull points by +10% and defensive army health +50%
        # Prosperity
        * Administrative Operations now also reduces starbase upkeep by 10%
        * Trans-Stellar Corporations no longer unlocks private colony ship, but rather increases energy output by 5% and Trading Hubs produce an additional 1 energy
        # Harmony
        * The Greater Good effect on unrest reduction reduces from 25% to 20%
        # Supremacy
        * Supremacy adopt effect no longer increases border range, but rather increases starbase capacity by 2 and reduces starbase upgrade cost by 20%
        * Supremacy finish effect no longer increases fire rate, but instead unlocks War Doctrine policies, which allow you to give different bonuses to your ships
        * Master Shipwrights no longer increases naval capacity, but rather reduces upgrade cost by 20%.In addition, the effect on ship build speed has been increased from +15% to +25%
        * Right of Conquest now reduces claim cost by 20% instead of war demand cost
        * War Games no longer increases admiral level cap, but rather increases command limit by 20 and ship fire rate by 10%
        # Discovery
        * Polytechnic Education effect on leader experience gain reduces from 33% to 25%

        IP属地:阿联酋5楼2018-02-15 20:38

          IP属地:美国来自Android客户端6楼2018-02-15 20:39
            As mentioned in the patchnotes, there are 10 new achievements coming with 2.0 'Cherryh' and the Apocalypse updated. Here they are:
            Exterminatus: Destroy another Empire's capital planet
            Clash of the Titans: Engage a Fallen Empire Titan in battle with a fleet of your own that includes a Titan
            Stay On Target: Destroy another Empire's Colossus while it is in the process of firing on a planet
            Citadel of Death: Own a Citadel with 40k fleet power
            Tradition is Everything: Unlock all 42 Traditions
            Emissary: Explore a natural wormhole
            No Khan Do: Kill the Great Khan in battle
            Pandora's World: Shield a planet belonging to Fanatic Purifiers, Ravenous Swarms or Determined Exterminators
            Imperial Highway: Own 4 active Gateways
            Star Struck: Own 200 starbases (Outposts count)
            That's all for today! Next week we'll be releasing 2.0 'Cherryh' and the Apocalypse expansion at long last. In the mean while, I wanted to take the time to plug the new main theme of Apocalypse, which our very own composer Andreas Waldetoft posted on his youtube channel yesterday. All in all, there are 3 new tracks by Waldetoft included in the Apocalypse expansion, totalling about 15 minutes of new music:

            IP属地:阿联酋8楼2018-02-15 20:41

              IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端11楼2018-02-15 20:47
                # Defines
                * Added CLAIM_COST_MAX define limiting how much a single claim can cost
                * Added define SHIP_DESIGN_SAME_NAME_FACTOR
                * Added WAR_EXHAUSTION_SHIPS_KILLED_DIV gameplay define
                * Added WAR_EXHAUSTION_HIGH_ALERT define
                * Added WAR_EXHAUSTION_PLANET_OCCUPATION_DIV gameplay define
                * WAR_EXHAUSTION_MAJOR_WAR_MULT gameplay define is now added to 1.0 before being applied
                * Apply WAR_EXHAUSTION_MAJOR_WAR_MULT properly for fleets and armies
                * WAR_EXHAUSTION_PASSIVE_GAIN_MONTHLY gameplay define has been reworked into WAR_EXHAUSTION_PASSIVE_GAIN_YEARLY
                * The define PEACE_MAX_WARSCORE_TO_DEMAND has been remade into PEACE_MAX_WAR_EXHAUSTION_TO_DEMAND
                * Added WAR_EXHAUSTION_PASSIVE_GAIN_MONTHLY define
                * WAR_SCORE_MAJOR_WAR_MULT has been reworked into WAR_EXHAUSTION_MAJOR_WAR_MULT
                * WAR_SCORE_SHIP_KILL_MULL has been reworked into WAR_EXHAUSTION_SHIP_KILLED_MUL
                * Added define WAR_EXHAUSTION_MIN_FROM_BATTLE which defines the minimum amount of war exhaustion gained from battles that is required for it to be registered
                * Rename WAR_EXHAUSTION_X_MUL defines to WAR_EXHAUSTION_X_MULT for consistency
                * WAR_SCORE_X defines have been reworked into WAR_EXHAUSTION_X
                * Added CLAIM_COST_BASE and CLAIM_COST_DISTANCE_{FREE,FAR,COST,SCALE} economy defines
                * PLANET_DISSOLVE_ANIMATION_TIME_SCALE define has been added to the game
                * MILITARY_POWER_ARMOR_DAMAGE_WEIGHT define has been added to the game
                * MILITARY_POWER_ARMOR_WEIGHT define has been added to the game
                * MIN_COMBAT_SPEED_FOR_AFTERBURNERS has been replaced with MIN_SPEED_FOR_UTILITIES
                * SHIP_SPEED_SCALE define has been added to the game, which decides how the scripted/displayed ship speed scales towards the internal speed
                * REPAIR_RATE ship define has been removed
                * STARTING_WEAPON_TECHS_ICONS define has been removed
                * STARTING_WEAPON_TECHS define has been removed
                * OUTPOST_STATION_BUILD_SPEED_MULT define has been removed
                * REPAIR_SHIELD_MUL define has been removed
                * START_REPARATION_TIMER_DAYS define has been removed
                * STATION_SELF_REPAIR_RATE define has been removed
                * WAR_SCORE_WARGOAL_MULT define has been removed
                * WAR_SCORE_FLEET_COMBAT_WIN_BASE gameplay define has been removed
                * WAR_EXHAUSTION_ENFORCE_SURRENDER define has been removed
                * WAR_EXHAUSTION_SHIP_KILLED_MUL define has been removed
                # Modifiers
                * Added ship_max_damaged_effect static modifier which is fully applied to damaged ships at 1% HP and scaling to nothing at 100% HP
                * ship_hull_regen_add_perc modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_hull_regen_add_static modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_armor_regen_add_perc modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_armor_regen_add_static modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_shield_regen_add_perc modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_shield_regen_add_static modifier has been added to the game
                * station_self_repair static modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_armor_damage_mult modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_armor_regen_add modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_disengage_chance_mult modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_shield_reduction modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_armor_reduction modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_speed_reduction modifier has been added to the game
                * country_claim_influence_cost_mult modifier has been added to the game
                * country_distant_claim_influence_cost_mult modifier has been added to the game
                * country_claim_distance_mult modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_auto_repair_add modifier has been removed
                * ship_auto_repair_mult modifier has been removed
                * ship_hitpoints_add has been renamed to ship_hull_add
                * ship_hitpoints_mult modifier has been renamed to ship_hull_mult
                * ship_hull_damage_mult modifier has been added to the game, which decides how much bonus damage is dealt to hulls
                * starbase_building_build_{cost,speed}_mult modifiers has been added to the game
                * starbase_module_build_{cost,speed}_mult modifiers has been added to the game
                * shipclass_<class>_build_speed_mult modifiers has been added to the game
                * ship_disengagement_chance_reduction modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_shield_regen_mult modifier has been removed
                * orbit_repair_effect static modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_combat_speed_mult modifier has been removed, only ship_speed_mult should be used
                * opinion_white_peace_not_accepted has been renamed to opinion_status_quo_not_accepted
                * country_starbase_upkeep_mult modifier has been added to the game, it affects upkeep of all Starbases, Starbase Buildings/Modules and Defense Platforms in empire
                * ship_speed_reduction modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_speed_reduction modifier has been added to the game
                * ship_shield_hp_add has been renamed to ship_shield_add, to be consistent with armor and hit points
                * Component armor_value has been removed and is now handled via the ship_armor_add modifier
                * Replaced the define for ship orbit reduction with ship_orbit_upkeep_mult modifier, multiplicative on maintenance when ship is docked with Starbase
                * renamed leader_influence_x_cost modifiers to leader_x_cost
                * shipclass_X_hit_points_mult has been renamed to shipclass_X_hull_mult

                IP属地:阿联酋12楼2018-02-15 20:54
                  # Triggers
                  * Added is_designable trigger which checks if the ship design/ship/fleet is designable
                  * Added has_auto_move_target trigger
                  * Added has_species_flag trigger
                  * added "owns_any_bypass" trigger. Returns true if the scoped country owns a bypass of the type passed in parameter. Ex = "owns_any_bypass = gateway"
                  * the "distance" trigger can now skip either min_distance or max_distance for when you want don't need both
                  * New trigger "num_active_gateways" compares the number of currently active trigger to a value
                  * Removed war_demand_counter trigger
                  * Removed is_proposing_war_demands trigger
                  * Added count_starbase_modules trigger
                  * Added has_starbase trigger and set_starbase_owner effect
                  * add has_casus_belli trigger to check if a country has a valid CB (any CB or a specific one) on another country
                  * Added trigger has_hyperlane_to
                  * Add count_starbase_sizes trigger
                  * Add any_owned_starbase trigger
                  * Add using_war_goal trigger
                  * Add free_army_slots trigger
                  * expended trigger "is_constructing" to also accept "starbase", "mining_station", "research_station", "observation_post" and specific ship class to see if a constructor ship is constructing it
                  * {off,def}_war_score_sum triggers have been reworked into {off_def}_war_exhaustion_sum triggers
                  * {attacker,defender}_war_score triggers have been reworked into {attacker,defender}_war_exhaustion triggers
                  * Rework is_charging trigger to has_status trigger for checking the current status of colossus
                  * Added has_orbital_bombardment = yes/no trigger
                  * Renamed orbital_bombardment trigger to has_orbital_bombardment_stance
                  * Add is_charging trigger for checking if a colossus is charging to attack a planet
                  * added triggers has_seen_any_bypass, has_seen_specific_bypass
                  # Graphics
                  * Added new main title screen
                  * Improved the look of borders in galaxy map. Empire colors now use two colors and have their borders shaped by all owned systems rather than just colonies
                  * Exploring a system next to the galactic core will now lift the Terra Incognita on the galactic core
                  * Terra Incognita is now entirely based on which systems you have intel on
                  * Changed hyperlane color from Green to Cyan to help with accessibility
                  # Performance
                  * Improved caching of pathfinding and system distance from FTL consolidation into hyperlanes
                  * Less ships overall in late-game should lead to increased performance
                  # Achievements
                  * Added 10 new achievements

                  IP属地:阿联酋13楼2018-02-15 20:54

                    IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端14楼2018-02-15 20:55
                      # Bugfixes
                      * Small Space Amoeba weapon is now properly a small-sized weapon instead of a medium-sized weapon
                      * Fixed event-generated countries getting the wrong randomized name lists
                      * Improved descriptive triggers for Species Rights
                      * Fixed and improved Artisan Troupe interactions
                      * Fixed layout and added new assets for Gene-modding header button
                      * Fixed sub-species of the empire's dominant species not Psionically Ascending along with their parent species
                      * Fixed issue where Machine Empire capitals did not produce additional Unity from Distributed Computer tradition
                      * Fixed some Warning Signs events potentially reoccurring after a Machine Uprising
                      * Contingency now gets army reinforcements regardless of their fleet size
                      * Removed erroneous tooltip in a Horizon Signal event
                      * Fixed the End of the Cycle not properly preying on colonized worlds
                      * Fixes section entities relying on sizes being defined first in the "spaceport.txt" files, leading to entities not being found when they do actually exist
                      * Fixed rebel countries sometimes getting one Ethic too many
                      * Avoids crash when using a country that doesn't have a tech module
                      * Fixes crash when a leader is of an invalid class
                      * Fixed Synthetically Ascended empires being unable to assimilate cyborgs
                      * Fixed Determined Exterminators not getting the Autonomous AI tradition swap
                      * Fixed Determined Exterminators and Devouring Swarms not getting the swapped Purity tradition tree name and description
                      * Fixed an OOS when some player(s) have Plantoids DLC while others don't
                      * Reduce likelyhood for CTD when starting a game using mods that add a lot of portraits
                      * Fixed some scoping issues causing Warning Signs events not to fire as intended
                      * Fixed Spare Parts Depot and Unit Assembly Plant buildings not being available to all Machine Intelligences
                      * Xenophage penalty no longer applies to eating pre-sapients, and properly applies to turning organics into energy
                      * Fixed fleet move order showing the real name of unvisited systems
                      * Outlawing sapient AI now only removes sapient AI assistant, rather than also removing non-sapient AI assistant
                      * Devouring Swarms can no longer process robotic pops into food
                      * Fixed a couple of Anomaly categories never spawning
                      * Fixed hot join country selector using multiple stars to indicate the previously played country
                      * Crash fix when an invalid country invites a correct country to a Federation
                      * Fixed an assert and potential crash when a saved technology no longer exists
                      * It is no longer possible to rename planets owned by other empires that are inside your borders
                      * Fixed empires with Evolutionary Mastery being unable to de-assimilate Hive Mind pops
                      * Fixed issue with Synth Terror events not triggering during Contingency crisis.
                      * Hovering over a category in the Traditions screen now works correctly with non-default UI scaling
                      * Auto-Exploring fleets now use the correct status icon in the outliner
                      * Added missing scope switch for description trigger in certain leader trait events
                      * Fixed Machine Uprising silently fizzling out in some edge cases
                      * Fallen Machine Empires can no longer have two simultaneous compliance demands on the same empire
                      * Gene-modding a species will now also modify an appropriate portion of owned colony ships with that species
                      * Fixed the Horizon Signal event chain causing unintended events to fire on Tomb Worlds in the player's capital system
                      * Fixed factions in Inwards Perfection empires referring to Diplomacy traditions when they mean Adaptability
                      * Habitats are now destroyed when their Pops are purged by the Prethoryn
                      * Prevent crash in weird cases when a galaxy has more nebulas than actual systems (I'm assuming missing mods here, but i'm not sure what was going on with that save)
                      * Fixed National Purity and Native Privilege agendas being available for fanatic xenophile empires
                      * Fix blurry egalitarian ethics icons when using low graphics quality
                      * Fixed Machine Integrated species sometimes not respecting their Military Service species rights
                      * Fixed error in Energy Torpedoes tech description
                      * Human Russian last names now have both masculine and feminine forms
                      * Fixed Fallen Empires built from prescripted species not always getting all the traits they should
                      * Earth Custodianship now uses the Humanoid graphical culture by default
                      * Fix Plantoids Species Pack being listed as "Plantoid" in the launcher
                      * Fixes Platypi species never being selected for random species
                      * Fixes human preset and custom empires not spawning
                      * Fixes the Default Species Right not showing if you currently have a species without rights selected
                      * Self-modified species are no longer blocked from colonizing, resettling, etc, in an empire where they are the primary species
                      * Fixed a bug where ruler could level up and get traits focusing on ship sizes you had yet to unlock
                      * Fixed a bug where aux slots would not get a proper border in ship details view
                      * Made sure that the same existing order check used for construction ships to see if order is valid is also used to anomaly research
                      * Fixed the faction demand "Recent Enlightenment" immediately invalidating itself when fulfilled
                      * Fixed Armies list displaying a non-functional scrollbar marker when precisely five armies are present
                      * Fixed Gestalt Consciousness empires being able to enable the tutorial once in-game
                      * Fixed a missing event title in the Ancient Drones chain
                      * Fixed duplicate tooltip in Migration Controls species rights
                      * Fixed a couple of prescripted Machine names popping up in random generation
                      * Using set_disable_at_health no longer immediately disables ship, but just sets the health limit when it should be disabled.
                      * Disabled ships and stations no longer automatically regenerate hull (same as with armor and shields
                      * Ships and starbases disabled through events should not auto heal. Had to reintroduce a flag for this
                      * Fixed the Artisan Troupe becoming incommunicable when trying to buy a Ministry of Culture after declining an earlier offer
                      * Improved some potentially risky code. CTD possibly already fixed, but this should catch the only possibly crash in this function
                      * Fix bug where the local missile target wasn't updated when the actual target was
                      * Added missing homeworld name to hostile Servitor dialog
                      * Hunt for the Hyacinth event chain will no longer trigger if there are no valid systems for it
                      * Fix potential OOS where ship design modifiers weren't cleared before being recalculated
                      * Fixed reference to wrong species in white peace offer
                      * Numerous other bug fixes

                      IP属地:阿联酋15楼2018-02-15 20:56

                        IP属地:福建16楼2018-02-15 21:01

                          17楼2018-02-15 21:03

                            19楼2018-02-15 21:08