bearda pells 贝尔达群山
trollcrags 弯勾之崖
hela pells 赫拉群山
the desolation of sadukl 撒杜克废墟
dragon mountains 巨龙山脉
the tower of poison tears 毒泪之塔
Witchpen marsh 维尺盆沼泽
watchmoon river 望月河
savi desert 萨维沙漠
bone hills 英骨之山
the abbey of eternal night 永恒之夜修道院
baca bluffs 巴卡悬崖
ghostwood forest 鬼魂森林
sare desert 萨雷沙漠
rune mountains 符文山脉
the shrine of torment 痛苦圣地
iron hills 钢铁之山
falcon river 鹰河
dune sea 沙丘之海
the jungle of death 死亡丛林
the labyrinth of guresome ages 阴时迷宫
the forsaken Barrow of shiva the destroyer 毁灭者湿婆的遗坟
pale river 苍白之河
muka desert 穆卡沙漠
ghostwood downs 鬼木之羽
the forsaken undercrypt of doom 末日废土
barakib spires 巴卡基布峰
ghost tower 鬼魂之塔
The temple of poison tears 毒泪之寺
The sanctuary of havoc 浩劫圣所
Pikawas' jungle 皮卡沃兹丛林
The jungle of ruins 废墟丛林
The pit of demonic evil 恶魔矿井
The keep of torment 痛苦之驻
The keep of carnage 屠杀之续
penmawr river 潘马尔河
Sapphire river 蓝宝石河
Taytamba jungle 忒坦巴丛林
The fortress of vansarnio 梵萨尼欧堡垒
The forest of runes 符文森林
crown spires 王冠峰
black pen 黑色围栏
The keep of shattered souls 碎魂栖息地
scarwood forest 伤疤森林
The desolation of nazuu 奈祖废墟
The stronghold of eternal night 永夜要塞
The tomb of horrors 恐惧之坟
Silver heath 银色荒野
cochuamac jungle 寇楚蒙克丛林
The jungle of dread 恐惧丛林
The bastion of cuseba 卡斯巴堡垒
The temple of shattered souls 碎魂之寺
Trollpen river 朱尔盆河
The fortress of zeiran the lich 巫妖泽兰之堡垒
lost city 失落之城
The desolation of suuhimma 苏希玛废墟
ashwood forest 灰烬森林
The ruins of dunne castle 邓恩城堡废墟
The vale of omens 预兆溪谷
llangors vale 兰戈斯溪谷
The ruins of bapeld stronghold 巴佩尔要塞遗迹
llangor forest 兰戈森林
Carmawr forest 卡莫尔森林
The temple of elemental evil 极恶之寺
The citadel of ulfang the black 黑暗的乌番格的根据地
Longmire 长沼
Blue mountains 蓝山
darkwood forest 阴暗森林
The secret shrine of agan 阿甘的秘密圣地
The desolation of ahamus 阿蛤姆斯废墟
Cawlau forest 卡劳森林
hayady forest 海亚蒂森林
Dovenn vale 戴文河谷
Craven hills 克莱文山
The monastery of poison tears 毒泪修道院