Suddenly you're here,suddenly it stars 忽然之间 你出现了 我的情感起始 Can two anxious hearts beat as one 两颗焦灼的心 能相依为命吗 Yesterday I was alone 昨天我孤身一人 Today you walk beside me 今天你相伴身旁 Something still unclear 这难以名状的 Something not yet here 尚未到来的幸福 Has begun 正在开始 Suddenly the world seems a different place 忽然之间 世界完全变样 Somehow full of grace,full of light 充满祥和 充满光亮 How was I to know that so much hope was held inside me 从未知道 我胸中竟怀着这么多希望 What is past is gone,now we journey on through the night 过往远逝 我们在夜间大步前行 How was I to konw at last that happiness can come so fast 从未知道 幸福竟能到来得如此突然 Trusting me the way you do 你如此信任我 I'm so afraid of failing you 我多怕会辜负你 There are shadows everywhere 阴影笼罩在我左右 And memories I cannot share 那不能讲述的往事 Nevermore alone 永不再孤单 Nevermore apart 永不再分离 You have warmed my heart like the sun 你温暖我心如太阳 You have brought the gift of life 你赋予我生命意义 And love so long denied me 带给我久违的爱 Suddenly I see what I could not see 忽然之间 我目光清晰无比 Someting suddenly has begun 忽然之间幸福就在这里起始 —————————————————————————————————————————————— 算是写刚才这段的BGM吧,一直觉得双岚就是这首suddenly特别合适,从炽烈而哀恸的爱,转变成了现在的静水流深,相伴相守,最初的惊喜和恩怨,都已经烟消云散,倦鸟知反,落叶归根,可以说二十年后的他们,比起情人,更像亲人吧。