overview: Bedman is a tricky and versatile character who thrives when he can engage his opponent on his own terms with backup from his unique Deja-Vu mechanic. Whenever Bedman does a special move he leaves a seal on the stage which can be used to create shadowy duplicates that mimic the special move that created them. These can be used for zoning or lockdown with terrifying effectiveness but can be destroyed by his opponent's attacks. His variety of movement options, solid normals and boomerang-style projectile gives Bedman the ability to play evasive until he can set up Deja-Vu and take control of the match, but if he's caught off guard his defensive options are limited. Even when he's on offense, without backup from Deja-Vu his rushdown is much less dangerous. Overall, he's a character that wants to frustrate his opponents until he can find an opening to exploit. 床男,一名狡黠灵活的角色,利用他的回放技能可以非常强大的用多样化的进攻来打击他的敌人。床男所有的技能都会在释放点留下一个残影,并且可以激活他们来影印一个复制品进行攻击。有效利用这个手段能让床男把对手牢牢地限制在墙角或是进行搬运,但要注意他所留下的残影可以被对手攻击摧毁。 床男拥有各式各样的奇怪移动可以选择,本体的通常攻击配合回旋镖一样的飞行道具能让他在拥有完美的启攻手段前可以一直进行回避和迟滞攻击,但是他在空中的防御手段却相对有限。即使他在进攻时,没有残影的状态也会让他的连段伤害大打折扣、 综上 床男的策略就是不断的进行试探性进攻和制造残影直到他有足够的资源启攻
STRENGTHS: Strong zoning options when properly set-up Unique 8-way airdash that can make it difficult to predict his movements Strong mix-up game and good pressure that can reset into itself Best walk speed in the game complimented by decent ground pokes 超~强的压制(楼主的RV曾经满血被残血床男在版边活活压死,都是泪) 在空中有独特的八方支援(雾)8种不同的行进路线让他的动机很难被猜到 强大的抗压能力 走路地上最速!不愧是拥有骑乘A+的替身使者! WEAKNESSES: No meterless reversal options Limited neutral and pressure if he cannot get Deja Vu seals out Air movement is not fast Large and wide hitbox Weak anti-air options. Weak damage until properly set-up. 没有极快起手的反击技能 本体只是1星从者,有了残影才能升到4星金卡级别 优秀滞空的弱点:飞得慢 判定点大 放空能力弱 输出全靠替身,本体攻击乏力