A number of issues have been discovered, as you're all aware. We're currently prioritizing issues based on the number of users they affect and the severity, but I figured it was best to list our current plans.
For the first major update, the following show stoppers are on the list:
·Blue screens of death/nvwgf2um CTD
·Low performance for some users
·Various CTDs regarding SID/STAR selection
·Shared cockpit connectivity/disconnection
Once those are resolved, we will address the following systems-related issues first:
·FADEC response time/over-spool
·Autothrottle response/authority
·Horrendous autoland/localizer performance
Update (11:19PM EST 12/26/2016): I believe I've found a lead on the performance issue. I will be investigating it, implementing it, and testing among the users affected as soon as possible.
A number of issues have been discovered, as you're all aware. We're currently prioritizing issues based on the number of users they affect and the severity, but I figured it was best to list our current plans.
For the first major update, the following show stoppers are on the list:
·Blue screens of death/nvwgf2um CTD
·Low performance for some users
·Various CTDs regarding SID/STAR selection
·Shared cockpit connectivity/disconnection
Once those are resolved, we will address the following systems-related issues first:
·FADEC response time/over-spool
·Autothrottle response/authority
·Horrendous autoland/localizer performance
Update (11:19PM EST 12/26/2016): I believe I've found a lead on the performance issue. I will be investigating it, implementing it, and testing among the users affected as soon as possible.