scrx = Plugin.Sys.GetScRX()
scry = Plugin.Sys.GetScRY()
FindColor 0,0,scrx,scry-100,"4B4BFF",intA,intB
If intA < 0 And intB < 0 Then
FindPic 0,0,scrx,scry,"Attachment:\tpdd.bmp",0.9,intC,intD
If intC > 0 And intD > 0 Then
MoveTo intC + 5, intD + 5
Delay 10
LeftClick 1
Delay 10
KeyPress "Down", 3
KeyPress "Space", 1
Delay 100
KeyPress "Tab", 10
Delay 10
KeyPress "Down", 1
KeyPress "Tab", 1
Delay 10
KeyPress "Down", 2
Delay 10
End If
FindPic 0,0,scrx,scry,"Attachment:\yd.bmp",0.9,intE,intF
If intE > 0 And intF > 0 Then
MoveTo intE + 10, intF + 5
Delay 10
LeftDown 1
MoveTo intE+10, intF+95
LeftUp 1
Delay 10
End If
End If
FindPic 0,0,scrx,scry,"Attachment:\ks.bmp",0.9,intG,intH
If intG > 0 And intH > 0 Then
MoveTo intG+5, intH+5
Delay 10
LeftClick 1
Delay 10
End If
FindColor 0,0,scrx,scry-100,"28D200",intI,intJ
Getcolor = GetPixelColor(intI,intJ)
KeyPress "Space", 2
Loop Until Getcolor = "28D200"

scrx = Plugin.Sys.GetScRX()
scry = Plugin.Sys.GetScRY()
FindColor 0,0,scrx,scry-100,"4B4BFF",intA,intB
If intA < 0 And intB < 0 Then
FindPic 0,0,scrx,scry,"Attachment:\tpdd.bmp",0.9,intC,intD
If intC > 0 And intD > 0 Then
MoveTo intC + 5, intD + 5
Delay 10
LeftClick 1
Delay 10
KeyPress "Down", 3
KeyPress "Space", 1
Delay 100
KeyPress "Tab", 10
Delay 10
KeyPress "Down", 1
KeyPress "Tab", 1
Delay 10
KeyPress "Down", 2
Delay 10
End If
FindPic 0,0,scrx,scry,"Attachment:\yd.bmp",0.9,intE,intF
If intE > 0 And intF > 0 Then
MoveTo intE + 10, intF + 5
Delay 10
LeftDown 1
MoveTo intE+10, intF+95
LeftUp 1
Delay 10
End If
End If
FindPic 0,0,scrx,scry,"Attachment:\ks.bmp",0.9,intG,intH
If intG > 0 And intH > 0 Then
MoveTo intG+5, intH+5
Delay 10
LeftClick 1
Delay 10
End If
FindColor 0,0,scrx,scry-100,"28D200",intI,intJ
Getcolor = GetPixelColor(intI,intJ)
KeyPress "Space", 2
Loop Until Getcolor = "28D200"