【©】粉丝福利! 新设计了一批C菌限量周边, 天冷了, 穿厚点儿! 想说的话都写在图一了, 这是一碗鸡汤穿在身上, 希望能鼓舞到你[赞]! (依然是先10天众筹, 购买量不足10件会退款, 否则众筹结束后7天内发货! ) 质量绝对有保证! 依旧是限量, 过了就没了[哈哈]
We were running still
Had the whole world at our feet
Watching seasons change
Our roads were lined with adventure
We were running still
Had the whole world at our feet
Watching seasons change
Our roads were lined with adventure