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IP属地:上海1楼2016-10-24 12:06回复
    Chad’s Farewell Interview
    "The way he portrayed himself on the show is not who he is."by Christopher Rudolph 10/14/2016
    After an awkward salsa date and a confrontation with Dillon, Chad dramatically left the house by throwing his tie at Robert’s feet and rolling his suitcase down the driveway.
    What does Chad really think of Dillon? Has he spoken with Jasen and why is he always crying at the black tie affairs? Find out below in the latest installment of #Untied.

    IP属地:上海2楼2016-10-24 12:07
      What made you decide to do the show?
      Dating in New York is hard. I’m not saying I was looking for that “white-picket-fence” dream, but I wanted to try something new.
      What was life like in the house?
      I didn’t know what to expect—every day was a surprise. It was kind of intense meeting all of these people, and living in this house with all of these strangers. A lot of friendships were formed and a lot of misunderstandings ensued, as well—it was kind of intense.

      In this week’s episode, you have confrontation with Dillon after your threesome date. How are you and Dillon now?
      Dillon is a good person. As a matter of fact he and I just had lunch today. We are adults—there may be misunderstandings or arguments, but holding grudges isn’t good for your health. So Dillon and I are cool.
      I felt like I didn’t get a fair chance out on that particular date. However, I have to say in hindsight theres a silver lining like “thank God that happened” because had I stayed longer I would’ve probably gotten myself into a bigger pickle than I already did. I’m grateful I went home.

      IP属地:上海3楼2016-10-24 12:08
        Speaking of going home, you got emotional during the Black Tie Affairs…
        I wasn’t the only one who got emotional. I think I’m [edited] as the emotional wreck, which is fine. Do I wear my emotions on my sleeve? Absolutely. It’s just who I am. I have to say though I’m an ugly crier [laughs]. I really need to fix that.
        Have you kept in touch with others guys from house?
        I have! I’m actually about to get my hair cut by Eric today. I developed some really good friendships—but I lost some friends, too, like Jasen.

        IP属地:上海4楼2016-10-24 12:09
          Have you talked to Jasen since the show?
          The way he portrayed himself on the show is not who he is. Honestly, I think Jasen is a famewhore and I think he just wanted a lot of airtime. He does makeup for a lot of reality stars and I think he’s desperate to become one himself. Jasen is not a good person, he’s not who I thought he was.

          I was emotional mostly because of Jasen. The thing with Eric was a misunderstanding and now we’re cool. And just to set the record straight, there was a heatwave in L.A. at the time. The pool house had an external air conditioner, and that was the only cool room in the house. I said I was going to sleep there, but I never once used that as an invitation for anyone to join me to fool around.
          It was a stupid misunderstanding and we got over it. Jasen was the one who harped on it.

          IP属地:上海5楼2016-10-24 12:09
            看完了 她和dillion关系还好 因为空调所以误解了eric 还要去e家剪发
            但jasen是为名而生的人 急着成名 帮很多真人秀化妆
            一直不讨厌chad 虽然有点drama queen 但颜好就王道

            来自iPhone客户端17楼2016-10-24 12:43
              不要chad说什么就信什么啦 你会对他改观只是因为你更讨厌robert 你听到了想听的话而已
              其实chad说robert和jasen的那几点 有些也可以用在他自己身上

              18楼2016-10-24 16:08

                IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端19楼2016-10-24 18:28

                  IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端23楼2016-11-10 09:16
                    “Robert was smitten with Eric from the beginning-most of the guys in the house knew that. ” 不得不承认,狄龙真的很聪明。

                    IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端27楼2016-11-10 09:46

                      IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端29楼2016-11-11 11:29
                        Finding Prince Charming’s Robby on Secret Hookups and The Time Robert Screamed at Him
                        By E. Alex Jung
                        The shining light of Finding Prince Charminghas dimmed. Robby LaRivere, guiding star of the Gay Bachelor Show, was eliminated on Thursday night’s episode, leaving the house a little less tan and a lot less charming. Vulture got on the phone with the 26-year-old beauty expert from the Hallmark Channel’s Home and Family to discuss his time on the show, and he dished on everything from the hookups that happened between the bachelors in the house to an unaired fight during which Robert started screaming at him. Baby dolls, you’re going to want to sit down for this.

                        IP属地:上海30楼2016-12-11 22:01
                          Who do you think is the best match for Robert?
                          That's hard. I think either Brandon or Eric would be a really nice match. Brandon, because I had a dream when I was in the house that Brandon won, and so I always thought Brandon was going to win. And then, after Eric came out about his HIV status — which was a very beautiful moment — Robert reacted in such a diplomatic, princely way, that I thought that they made a very beautiful couple. When they went on their one-on-one date and the five of us were remaining at the house, honey, we started packing our bags.
                          What do you think of the remaining guys?
                          Dillon’s very aggressive. He seems like he's in it to win it, not necessarily in it for love. Justin is more concerned with making friends than falling in love. Chad's a nice boy, though he's crazy. I mean, coo-coo. But he's the most in love with Robert out everyone in the house. Chad's smitten with Robert. And Robert's smitten with him for whatever reason. That perplexed a lot of the boys in the house because Chad, while he comes across attractive on camera, in person I fail to see the appeal. He's a sweet boy but seeing them together: big, tall Robert with a long face and then little Chad. Chad's really, really short in person. He's a miniature person. He's proportional: the face, the abs, the chest, everything, but he's five feet tall. And then when he stands next to Robert, it's just weird. No one could understand the appeal or why Chad was even still in the house but you see Robert. He's like head over heels.
                          What do you think Robert’s type is?
                          It seems like someone who is a little more demure and slightly aloof. I mean, I don't think Eric and Robert had a conversation up until that moment when he came out as HIV positive. It seems as if they just stared at each other. Eric would look into his eyes, and Robert would be like, 'I really like you. I want to get to know you more.' It was just such a joke the whole time. Robert is attracted to people just like him: Dry.

                          IP属地:上海33楼2016-12-11 22:07
                            The whole thing is a bit of a strange conceit, honestly, so I'm curious about what your motivation was to go on the show.
                            It's interesting because the boy I'm dating now, I met him two weeks before we started filming the show. And I was like, 'Fuck.' Here I am, connected with a boy who's just so sweet, so cute but now I have to go on this show. And I honestly did say no. The casting director was like, 'Robby, we think you'd be brilliant on the show. You make great TV.' And I said, 'Well, you know, I'm kind of falling in love with someone already.' He's like, 'No, no, no, no. You know, it's not about that. Go there. You'll make friends that you'll have for the rest of your life. And if you were to fall in love with this bachelor character, Prince Charming, then so be it.' So I went into it with that attitude: That there was no lack of love in my life. If destiny came in and Robert and I were meant to be, then that's what would happen. So, I was neutral: I was open to falling in love with Robert, but I wasn't thirsty.
                            That's a good attitude to have.
                            It was and, you know, I could've had a one-up on everyone else, because people there were thirsty, girl. Like they wanted Robert. But I wasn't like that. I was open to it and if there was an undeniable connection, I would obviously go for it. There wasn't, so I just had fun.

                            IP属地:上海34楼2016-12-11 22:09