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【讨论彗星】 252P/LINEAR


Comet 252P/LINEAR
Magnitude 4.5
Trend steady
Observable 30 N to 75 S
When visible all night

IP属地:四川来自Android客户端1楼2016-03-26 20:06回复

    IP属地:四川来自Android客户端2楼2016-03-26 20:06
      Total-magnitude and coma-diameter estimates:
      2016 Mar. 26.47, [ 6.7, -- (S. Aguirre, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Moon 91%, 7x50 binoculars)
      2016 Mar. 26.15, 5.7, 30' (G. Pappa, Acitrezza,Sicily,Italy, 12x50 binoculars)
      2016 Mar. 26.15, 6.2, 30' (G. Pappa, Acitrezza,Sicily,Italy, 0.3-m reflector)
      2016 Mar. 25.50, [ 5.1, -- (S. Aguirre, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Moon 95%, 7x50 binoculars)
      2016 Mar. 24.36, 5.2, 23' (L. da Silva, 7x50 binoculars)

      IP属地:四川来自Android客户端6楼2016-03-26 20:17

        IP属地:湖北7楼2016-03-27 09:52
          252P/LINEAR will make a close pass (0.0356 au) on March 21 and could reach 4th magnitude; it is still brightening rapidly. It is a very large,diffuse, object and may be difficult to see from sites affected by light pollution. It is currently a southern hemisphere object, but UK observers may get to see it at the end of the month, though it will then be fading rapidly in the morning sky. As is often the case with rapidly brightening objects there are reports that the comet is in outburst, however the degree of condensation remains low. A linear light curve fits the observations best, but the rate of brightening is unusually rapid. Marco Goiato reports that the coma is 150' across and visible to the naked eye.

          IP属地:四川来自Android客户端8楼2016-03-27 12:22
            252P/LINEAR = 2000 G1 = 2011 L5
            F. Shelly, for the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research project, reported, in connection with the discovery on April 7.45 of a fast-moving 18th mag object, that Lisa Brown-Manguso noticed that the object showed clear cometary activity. [IAUC 7396, 2000 April 8] Subsequent observations confirmed that it was a periodic comet, with a perihelion distance of 1.003 au and perihelion on 2000 March 9.8. The period is 5.4 years. The comet passed only 0.10 au from Earth in late 2000 February and early March, when it could have reached 14th mag, but was at high southern declination. It is intrinsically very faint. Interestingly, recently discovered 2016 BA14 has a very similar orbit and will make an even closer approach a day later.
            The comet was moved into its present orbit in February 1987 when an encounter to within 0.15 au of Jupiter made significant changes to the elements. It will make a close approach to the Earth in 2016, passing 0.036 au from us on March 21, when it will be best seen from the Southern Hemisphere. The first observations were made in 2016 February, but it brightened very quickly in March and had reached 6th magnitude by mid month. The comet is a large, very diffuse, object. The observations are currently best fitted by a linear light curve, and the comet could brighten another couple of magnitudes. The rapid brightening gave reports of an outburst, but the degree of condensation has remained low.
            The comet could potentially have an associated meteor shower. This would be maximum around March 30 and the meteors would appear to radiate from 5h 08m -16.
            Jim Scotti recovered comet 2000 G1 (P/LINEAR) with the Spacewatch telescope on 2011 June 9.42, when it was 23rd magnitude. It was not recovered at its previous return in 2005. The most recent perihelion was in November 2010. The indicated correction to the prediction on MPC 59601 is Delta(T) = -0.24 day.

            IP属地:四川来自Android客户端9楼2016-03-27 12:25

              IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端10楼2016-03-27 13:18