Immunity to Magic (Ex): A clay golem is immune to any spell
or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain
spells and effects function differently against the creature, as
noted below.
A move earth spell drives
the golem back 120 feet and
deals 3d12 points of damage
to it.
A disintegrate spell slows
the golem (as the slow
spell) for 1d6 rounds
and deals 1d12 points
of damage.
An earthquake
spell cast directly
at a clay golem stops
it from moving on its
next turn and deals
5d10 points of damage.
The golem gets
no saving throw
against any of these
Any magical attack
against a clay golem
that deals acid damage
heals 1 point of damage
for every 3 points of
damage it would otherwise
deal. If the amount
of healing would cause
the golem to exceed its
full normal hit points, it gains
any excess as temporary hit points.
For example, a clay golem hit by
the breath weapon of a black
dragon heals 7 points of damage
if the attack would have
dealt 22 points of damage. A
clay golem golem gets no
saving throw against magical
attacks that deal acid