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  China is planning to be the first country to land a lunar probe on the far side of the moon, a Chinese lunar probe scientist said September 8.

   “月球背面”可以用far side of the moon或dark side of the moon表示。月球背面从来没有面对过地球,原因在于tidal locking现象,就是tidal force对月球自转的减速作用,使得月球总是以同一面朝向着地球。
   月球背面电磁环境非常干净,是天文学家梦寐以求开展低频射电研究的场所。如果能在月球背面放一个a frequency spectrograph,天文学家可以收集到很多“此前从未见到过的数据”,以填补人类研究的空白。
   中国计划2020年前发射嫦娥三号的备份星——嫦娥四号。这次soft land主要目标包括,perform the first soft landing on the lunar far side in human history,展示demonstrate technologies of lunar data relay,land and rove on complicated terrains of the lunar far side,lunar night power generation。
  1、tidal locking
  2、tidal force
  4、frequency spectrograph
  5、soft land
  6、perform the first soft landing on the lunar far side in human history
  7、demonstrate technologies of lunar data relay
  8、land and rove on complicated terrains of the lunar far side
  9、lunar night power generation
  10、China is planning to be the first country to land a lunar probe on the far side of the moon, a Chinese lunar probe scientist said September 8.China is planning to be the first country to land a lunar probe on the far side of the moon, a Chinese lunar probe scientist said September 8.
  1、tidal locking 潮汐锁定
  2、tidal force 潮汐力
  3、电磁环境 electromagnetic environment
  4、frequency spectrograph 低频射电的频谱仪
  5、soft land 软着陆
  6、perform the first soft landing on the lunar far side in human history 在人类历史上首次在月球背面实现软着陆
  7、demonstrate technologies of lunar data relay 月球数据中继转发技术
  8、land and rove on complicated terrains of the lunar far side 着陆并在月球背面复杂地面上巡视
  9、lunar night power generation 月球夜间发电
  10、China is planning to be the first country to land a lunar probe on the far side of the moon, a Chinese lunar probe scientist said September 8.China is planning to be the first country to land a lunar probe on the far side of the moon, a Chinese lunar probe scientist said September 8.中国一名探月科学家8日表示,中国计划成为首个在月球背面实现着陆的国家。

1楼2015-09-09 11:34回复