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石家庄维克塑料桶制品有限公司是河北专业生产机油桶,润滑油桶,防冻液桶,涂料桶,建筑胶桶等塑料桶生产厂家。产品规格:10L塑料桶15L塑料桶6L塑料桶18L塑料桶20L塑料桶25L塑料桶等。质量第一.价格低廉。公司宗旨:立足诚信.追求完美。建厂10余年现已初具规模,拥有雄厚的资金和生产实力,技术人才齐备。 竭诚欢迎广大新老客户来厂、来电莅临指导,洽谈业务。
本公司主导产品为10L塑料桶至20L塑料桶升各种形状的密封桶,适用于润滑油、润滑脂、涂料、液体肥料、农药、兽药等液体、固体包装桶、食品周转桶。  欢迎各界朋友使用本公司产品或来公司订做、加工各种产品,并可根据客户要求开增值发票,本公司愿以最高的质量,最低的价格,最短的工期为广大客户服务。 欢迎广大客户的光临。
我公司创建于1998年主要生产各种塑料包装桶.如:机油桶. 防冻液桶. 涂料桶. 建筑胶桶等 的塑料桶生产厂家。产品规格:10L塑料桶15L塑料桶16L塑料桶18L塑料桶20L塑料桶.25L塑料桶等。质量第一.价格低廉。公司宗旨:立足诚信.追求完美。 公司坚持以市场为导向,牢记”质量第一、信誉第一、价格优惠、服务至上“的经营理念。竭诚欢迎广大新老客户来厂、来电莅临指导,洽谈业务。 地 址:石家庄南高基工业区
电 话:0311-8529678
手 机:1393308041
地 址:石家庄南高基工业区
石家庄维克塑料桶制品有限公司专业生产机油桶(机油包装桶)塑料机油桶,防冻液桶(防冻液包装桶)、涂料桶(涂料包装桶)、农药桶(农药包装桶)、锂基脂桶(锂基脂包装桶)等各种塑料机油桶,本厂塑料机油桶具有密封性好、耐酸碱、耐腐蚀,可堆码高度等特点。已通过iso9001体系认证联系方式:陆经理 电话:0311-85296781

1楼2015-05-22 18:00回复

    3楼2015-05-23 09:18
      销售的产品 采购的产品 销售产品名和采购产..

      4楼2015-05-26 09:09

        5楼2015-05-26 09:09
          'HAVE you finished it?' Armand asked me when I reached the end of the manuscript.
          'I understand what you must have been through, my friend, if all that I've read is true!'
          'My father vouches for it in a letter he wrote me.'
          We talked for some while longer of the unhappy destiny which had just been played out, then I went home to get a little rest.
          Armand, unhappy still, but a little easier now that his story was told, recovered quickly, and together we went to call on Prudence and Julie Duprat.
          Prudence had just been declared bankrupt. She said that it was Marguerite's fault: during her final illness, she had loaned Marguerite considerable sums of money for which she, Prudence, had signed promissory notes. She had not been able to repay these notes because Marguerite had died without reimbursing her, nor had she signed any receipts which would have allowed Prudence to join the other creditors.
          With the help of this unlikely tale, which Madame Duvernoy put about generally as an excuse for the mishandling of her own affairs, she succeeded in getting a thousand francs out of Armand who did not believe a word of it but wanted to appear as though he did, such was his respect for anyone and anything that had once been close to his mistress.
          Next, we called on Julie Duprat, who went over the unhappy course of events which she had witnessed and wept sincerely as she remembered her dead friend.
          Finally, we went to see Margrerite's grave over which the early rays of the April sun were uncurling the first leaves.
          There remained one final call of duty for Armand to answer, which was to rejoin his father. Once more, he asked me to accompany him.
          We arrived at C where I met Monsieur Duval, who looked exactly as I had pictured him from the description his son had given me: a tall, dignified, kindly man.
          He welcomed Armand with tears of happiness, and shook my hand affectionately. I quickly realized that among the Collector's sentiments, fatherly feeling was by far the strongest.
          His daughter, whose name was Blanche, had the cleareyed gaze and serene mouth which point to a soul that conceives onlysaintly thoughts and lips that speak only pious words. She greeted her brother's return with smiles, unaware, chaste young womanthat she was, that in a far country a courtesan had sacrificed her own happiness to the mere mention of her name.
          I stayed for some time with this happy family which directed every waking thought to the son who had brought them a convalescent heart.
          I returned to Paris where I wrote this story exactly as it had been told to me. It has just one quality to commend it, which maybe contested: it is true.
          From this tale, I do not draw the conclusion that all women of Marguerite's sort are capable of behaving as she did. Far from it. But I have learned that one such woman, once in her life, experienced deep love, that she suffered for it and that she died of it. I have told the reader what I learned. It was a duty.
          I am not an advocate of vice, but I shall always be a sounding board for any noble heart in adversity wherever I hear its voice raised in prayer.
          Marguerite's history is an exception, I say again. Had it been a commonplace, it would not have been worth writing down.

          7楼2015-05-26 09:50

            8楼2015-06-01 09:11

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