A super tour group - 6,400 Chinese visitors all from the same company - kicked off a four-day vacation in France Saturday. The company booked 84 flights and 140 hotels for the trip.
据称,超级旅游团(super tour group)的团员都是国内一家保健品direct-selling enterprise的员工。从他们浩浩荡荡的声势,以及一抵达就上大街玩人体拼公司名字的举动看,他们的这次法国游不单纯是奖励员工的leisure tour,而更像是一场enterprise publicity campaign。直销公司经常会resort to some eye-catching activities,然后use this media sensation to employ more new workers的目的。
但超级旅行团却在法国受到了非常礼遇。以销售奢侈品著称的巴黎老佛爷百货-Galeries Lafayette为了给超级团腾出空间,竟然宣布其余购物者不得入内。卢浮宫-Louvre museum还向超级团成员提供了private visit。这也难怪,据称该团在法国四日的花销将达到1300万欧元,还不包括购物。

1、direct-selling enterprise
2、leisure tour
3、enterprise publicity campaign
4、resort to some eye-catching activities
5、use this media sensation to employ more new workers
6、private visit
7、A super tour group - 6,400 Chinese visitors all from the same company - kicked off a four-day vacation in France Saturday. The company booked 84 flights and 140 hotels for the trip.
1、direct-selling enterprise 直销公司
2、leisure tour 休闲游
3、enterprise publicity campaign 企业宣传活动
4、resort to some eye-catching activities 组织声势浩大的活动
5、use this media sensation to employ more new workers 利用媒体效应来达到吸引新成员
6、private visit 私密游
7、A super tour group - 6,400 Chinese visitors all from the same company - kicked off a four-day vacation in France Saturday. The company booked 84 flights and 140 hotels for the trip.一个由6400名游客组成的超级旅行团9日开启4天的法国之旅。旅行团成员都是同一家公司的员工,他们搭乘84个航班而来并预订了140家酒店。
A super tour group - 6,400 Chinese visitors all from the same company - kicked off a four-day vacation in France Saturday. The company booked 84 flights and 140 hotels for the trip.
据称,超级旅游团(super tour group)的团员都是国内一家保健品direct-selling enterprise的员工。从他们浩浩荡荡的声势,以及一抵达就上大街玩人体拼公司名字的举动看,他们的这次法国游不单纯是奖励员工的leisure tour,而更像是一场enterprise publicity campaign。直销公司经常会resort to some eye-catching activities,然后use this media sensation to employ more new workers的目的。
但超级旅行团却在法国受到了非常礼遇。以销售奢侈品著称的巴黎老佛爷百货-Galeries Lafayette为了给超级团腾出空间,竟然宣布其余购物者不得入内。卢浮宫-Louvre museum还向超级团成员提供了private visit。这也难怪,据称该团在法国四日的花销将达到1300万欧元,还不包括购物。

1、direct-selling enterprise
2、leisure tour
3、enterprise publicity campaign
4、resort to some eye-catching activities
5、use this media sensation to employ more new workers
6、private visit
7、A super tour group - 6,400 Chinese visitors all from the same company - kicked off a four-day vacation in France Saturday. The company booked 84 flights and 140 hotels for the trip.
1、direct-selling enterprise 直销公司
2、leisure tour 休闲游
3、enterprise publicity campaign 企业宣传活动
4、resort to some eye-catching activities 组织声势浩大的活动
5、use this media sensation to employ more new workers 利用媒体效应来达到吸引新成员
6、private visit 私密游
7、A super tour group - 6,400 Chinese visitors all from the same company - kicked off a four-day vacation in France Saturday. The company booked 84 flights and 140 hotels for the trip.一个由6400名游客组成的超级旅行团9日开启4天的法国之旅。旅行团成员都是同一家公司的员工,他们搭乘84个航班而来并预订了140家酒店。