And more on Emily:

“I can’t see any evidence that she’s bi…I think she’s a pure lez. The only “boyfriend” she’s ever had was Joe Jonas (gay). She couldn’t even bring herself to claim she was dating Lautner (possibly gay) and the “official" word on that breakup was that Lautner was into her but she felt “no chemistry" with him and just wasn’t interested. The alleged “dirt" on the end of “T-squared" was that she was involved with John Mayer (GAY, and a frequent merkin for Jennifer Aniston).(涉及楼主不太清楚的老霉情史,不明求指点

Even a completely-supportive fansite manager admits that there was no reason Emily Poe was fired from the band by the label (look up some of the band’s early concert reviews and Emily’s performances are highly praised), and that Taylor fought to keep Emily, lending credence to the idea that someone found out about their relationship. Taylor’s vid to “Stolen” in tribute to Emily is heart-touching, ending with Taylor holding the “I love you, Emily” sign that she probably made and had everyone else hold up so the message wouldn’t seem quite so blatant. And if Taylor really did write “Breathe” about Emily, then the song’s final “I’m sorry” repetition is likely about the guilt Tay feels because Emily was fired to protect her (Taylor’s) image.
(大意:一位粉丝团管理人员也认为Emily被炒是没有道理的,回顾乐队早期演唱会视频,Emily的表演是得到高度赞赏的,并且Taylor为留下Emily抗争过。Taylor为Emily制作的视频非常感人,结尾时Tay拿着写着“I love you, Emily”的纸条,虽然Tay让每个人都拿着相同的纸片使其不那么露骨。如果Breathe确实是写给Emily的,那最后那个 “I’m sorry”大概是Taylor为了保护自己的形象而赶走Emily向她说的抱歉吧)
Yes, she’s written a bunch of crappy traditional “girl loves boy” songs. She’s no Melissa Etheridge, avoiding gender pronouns and writing in the second person all the time, but then she’s a teen-ager and she’s in an incredibly conservative sector of the music business. And “Breathe” *is* in second person, no genders mentioned, and “Love Story” gives her a chance to sing almost the whole song from the *male* p.o.v., via the “he said” lyrical device. (It’s interesting that “Love Story” uses the uber-cliched “Romeo and Juliet” imagery, given that when Taylor met her “best friend” Abigail Anderson in 9th grade, they bonded over how stupid they thought the play was. Apparently Taylor isn’t one to think guys are worth killing yourself over.)
She did an incredibly lesbian-subtextual skit on SNL. Ellen adores her, and Taylor told Ellen she was happy being single, she used neutral pronouns in discussing her future romantic partners. And when she did that collaboration with Def Leppard, one of the songs she sang was “Pour Some Sugar on Me”, which is an ode to being covered in girl-cum.(第一句提到了老霉在SNL那段有les倾向的表演,后半部分不明觉厉

She may not ‘ping’ for some people, but she certainly is looking more and more lesbian to me. (And, eyes aside, I think she’s pretty hot.)”