一舞倾城我自绝世吧 关注:93贴子:785
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Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away Where innocence's burn in flames A million mile from home, I'm walking ahead I'm frozen to the bones, I am...A soldier on my own, I don't know the way I'm riding up the heights of shameI'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest I'm ready for the fight, and fateThe sound of iron shocks is stuck in my head,The thunder of the drums dictatesThe rhythm of the falls, the number of dead's The rising of the horns, aheadFrom the dawn of time to the end of daysI will have to run, awayI want to feel the pain and the bitter tasteOf the blood on my lips, againThis deadly burst of snow is burning my hands,I'm frozen to the bones, I amA million mile from home, I'm walking awayI can't remind your eyes, your face译文:被人遗弃、死气沉沉的大海,是无辜者献身于烈焰之所在我独自一人,走在远离家乡的路上严寒刺痛着我的骨髓我只是一个孤身前行的兵卒,不知所向何方身上背负着天大的耻辱我等待着召唤,还有那轻抚胸膛的细手我已经准备好面对战斗,面对那未知的命运铁器碰撞的声音在我脑海中挥之不去那轰雷般发号施令的鼓声、那震撼人心的瀑布的旋律、那不可计数的战士的尸首、还有那隐约响起的号角声,都尽在前方从黎明之时,到一日之终我都只能不断逃逸,逃逸但我更想,再一次遍尝那种苦痛,还有唇边苦涩的鲜血这要命的雪块正灼烧着我的双手严寒刺痛着我的骨髓,我走在远离家乡的路上,愈走愈远你的明眸,你的脸庞,我已无法记起

1楼2015-01-31 21:22回复

    来自Android客户端3楼2015-01-31 23:23