Cardigans on, bicycle bells at the ready, Call the Midwife is coming back to our telly screens – and it’s set to look a little different.
Our narrator, our main protagonist, the midwife from who all these tales have sprung is no more. Jenny Lee – the poster girl for Call the Midwife, the leader of the bicycle pack – has hung up her red cardigan and thrown her midwifery bag, forceps and all, to the wayside.
我们的旁白,也是主角,这个讲述一切故事的助产士,领着一群人骑着自行车的海报女郎Jenny Lee,挂上她的红色羊毛衫,把她的助产士医疗包,镊子和一切东西丢到了一边。
There was shock and dismay from fans when Jenny (played by Jessica Raine) left at the end of series three, even calls for the show to cease, but Call the Midwife is going to be just fine without her. I promise.