班得瑞的Fallen Embers(点点流星/飘落的灰烬)也算悲伤吧
追忆某个和你所爱的人在一起的特定时间,并凝思那份爱的逝去。然而在这种追忆里,所充盈的款款柔情,和面对它已逝的悲伤一样多。它是对那一特殊时间的庆祝,以及对事过境迁的哀叹。(The memory of a special time with the one you love and a reflection of the loss of that love. Yet it is reminiscence filled with the tenderness of that love, as much as with the saddness of its loss. It is a celebration of that special time, and a lament that it is over.)
—— Roma Ryan