委内瑞拉侏罗纪最早期新鸟吻类(兽脚亚目)恐龙 Tachiraptor admirabilis可敬 塔奇拉盗龙(新属、新种) New dinosaur (Theropoda,stem-Averostra) from the earliest Jurassic of the La Quinta formation,Venezuelan AndesLangerMC, Rincón AD, Ramezani J, Solórzano A, Rauhut OWM AbstractDinosaur skeletal remainsare almost unknown from northern South America. One of the few exceptions comesfrom a small outcrop in the northernmost extension of the Andes, along thewestern border of Venezuela, where strata of the La Quinta Formation have yieldedthe ornithischian Laquintasaura venezuelae and other dinosaur remains. Here, wereport isolated bones (ischium and tibia) of a small new theropod, Tachiraptoradmirabilis gen. et sp. nov., which differs from all previously known membersof the group by an unique suite of features of its tibial articulations.Comparative/phylogenetic studies place the new form as the sister taxon toAverostra, a theropod group that is known primarily from the Middle Jurassiconwards. A new U–Pb zircon date (isotope dilution thermal-ionization massspectrometry; ID-TIMS method) from the bone bed matrix suggests an earliestJurassic maximum age for the La Quinta Formation. A dispersal–vicarianceanalysis suggests that such a stratigraphic gap is more likely to be filled bynew records from north and central Pangaea than from southern areas. Indeed,our data show that the sampled summer-wet equatorial belt, which yielded thenew taxon, played a pivotal role in theropod evolution across theTriassic–Jurassic boundary.
又发现新恐龙化石 身长1.5公尺
据科学家在英国皇家学会期刊发表的论文指出,新恐龙化石发现地点是在安地斯山最北支线,委内瑞拉西部的塔奇拉镇,因此,命名为「Tachiraptor admirabilis」,也具有「来自Tachira的小偷」之意。从发现的胫骨和一部分髋骨分析,该类型恐龙与其他恐龙近亲相比,从鼻尖到尾巴末端长1.5到2公尺,体型相对迷你。
研究人员认为,这种恐龙很有可能是后期侏罗纪恐龙,例如暴龙的祖先。科学家指出,Tachiraptor admirabilis大约生存於2亿年前,约侏罗纪前期。
科学家利用腿骨分析,新恐龙属於两足兽脚亚目(bipedal theropod),为一肉食性动物。稍早的研究也曾指出,Tachiraptor出没地区,当地过去曾有火山活动,且属於冈瓦纳古大陆(Gondwana)盘古大陆(Pangaea)的一块。